Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    kim- Your poor daughter, thats so sad. It is amazzing how attatched we get to animals. We had another cat that died a few years ago. Im pretty sure he ate a wolf spider in our basement (he liked to eat bugs, wasnt much of a hunter like the other cat but bugs were his thing) and I found him on a pile of laundry. I cried for weeks. This cat now however is even more special to us and hes just over all a great companion. My husband found him when we were dating on the side of the road hurt real bad. He was hit by a car and wqas such the tiny little kitten. Now my husband being 17 at the time and just couldnt let this cat die, took him to the only animal hospital open and they said either he commits to paying the bill or they will put the kitten down. He ended up paying 700 dollars to save his life. He's been with us ever since and just over all is a unique cat.I called the animal hospital here and they told me we could bring the bat in for testing so we did but then another person told my husband that they dont do testing there and he would have to call the health department (uhh its a holiday duh they arent open) and then told him the bat wouldnt be able to be btested because we didnt keep it refrigerated. Well no one told us that and its not like Im going to keep a dead half eaten bat in my fridge. So now we just wait. IM going to call the health department and see what the odds are of him having rabies and call the vet down the street to see if it would help to bring him in now for a vaccine. Or any advice on it since of course we want to do anything we can to keep the cat alive.
  • GLW1969
    hi all all went well with my sons party and didn't over indulge in cake and ice cream.
    waiting to hear about fathers heart monitoring . but its going to rain so im working on after part clean up yet still finding a few games and toys laying about that were missed.
    hope every one had a great Labor Day weekend .
    have a great day!
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning -
    I must say I'm actually happy to be back to the "grind". This is a nice little - "keep me in check". Well, after all the eating this weekend, I thought I may have to "conveniently forget" to step on the scale this morning... but I did it. Facing your fears and all that...
    Anyway, I'm happy to report, I lost 2 pounds this week - I realize that is not a ton considering my weight and as a percentage of my weight, but I'll take it! The only sad part is - just think of what i would have lost had i not eaten enough food over the weekend for a small country... :laugh: :bigsmile: (insert belly laugh here)

    Glad to hear Bobbie is back and looking forward to hearing all of the details (those she wishes to share, that is...) :)

    Looking forward to hearing about everybody's weekend.
    Positive about me - I logged ALL of my food - good, bad - all of it! I was honest with myself and got back on the horse! Today - water, yogurt, fruit and I'm even going to try to throw in some veggies... :)

  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday! I missed all off you, but I had the best weekend ever. I weighed this morning and I am up 5 pounds, but I could care less. I am back on track with eating and I m going to workout hard this week and get back on my game. I have set a new goal for myself and that is to be down to 175 by October 22. My DH graduates from submarine school and I will probably get to go visit him again. So I have a new goal and I will lose the 5 pounds I put back on and then another 10. I know I can do it.

    I am glad to see that the post is staying active and that everyone is enjoying life. We have to make changes and be healthy, but sometimes you just got to enjoy. I really missed all of you and I am back in the game. Let's make today fabulous.

    Okay so I know you all really want to know about my trip. It was absolutely amazing! My DH looked so sexy in his uniform. He has gotten smaller and his muscles are more defined. I swear I could hang dead weight from his arms and he wouldn't be phased. I saw him before the ceremony started and after that I was able to breathe easier. He knew I was there and he found me immediately. He performed drill during the ceremony and it was absolutely amazing to watch. I could not take my eyes off of him. I am so proud of him. I was rushing to find him as soon as Liberty was called. It was difficult in a sea of 1100 sailors, but he found me. The moment our eyes met, my whole body lit up and he was smiling from ear to ear. It was magical. He hugged and kissed me and then all he could really say was wow and look at me. It was the cutest thign ever. He didn't know what to do. He just stared with his jaw dropped and told me how small I was and how good I looked. I finally had to make him move and speak to his family. It was pretty funny. We went to eat with the family and then after that we had some alone time. All I can say is that our connection is beyond words. I feel him in every thing I do and his love surrounds me like the air. It is wonderful. I cannot even begin to tell you how perfect the weekend was. We took some pictures and his graduation pictures are so good. I promise that I will post some as soon as I get a chance. We did as much as we could and we had alone time 4 out of the 5 days we were there. His parents left at 10:30 Sunday morning and then he was all mine. There was a lot of smiles and some tears, but more smiles than anything. I know we make people sick with how lovey dovey we are, but we could care less. He gave me a 4 page letter after graduation and it took my breath away. God there is so much that we did and shared. It really is a weekend that we will never forget. Our memories just keep getting better. Yesterday was the hardest day, but we have a rule. When we go our separate ways and say see you later (never good bye), we are not allowed to cry. We have to send each othre off with a smile. I know it sounds hard, but we do it. The see you laters suck, but the hellos are so worth it. Yesterday he put me on the train to Chicago and watched me find my seat. He blew me a kiss and I blew him one. Then the train took off and he ran after it waving. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. It was hard to leave him, but I will be seeing him in a month or two and I will be able to talk to him more. As soon as he has his address, I can send him his cell phone and netbook so we can talk every day. I cannot wait for that. I got to talk to him last night when I got to Chicago and he called me this morning before he got on the plane. He will be in CT by 2 today. I miss him terribly, but I would not train this weekend for anything. I got to spend time with him for 5 days in a row and it was beautiful and perfect in every single way. I am so proud of him and my love for him continues to grow. He was just as proud of me I think as I was of him. He really was blown away with my improved figure. I am so thankful for him!

    Okay sorry if I bored you or gave you too much. I am just really happy and feel so loved right now. Today it is back to reality though. Work is kicking my butt and I have a to do list a mile long. My grandma is in town until tomorrow so I have to go see her tonight. Now it is time to put it in over drive and get my butt to work on every thing. I have to get back to running. I already plan on doing 2 a days on Thursday and Friday so that I can get in 5 workouts this week. The weekend was great, but now it is back to day to day life. I hope everyone is doing well. I will be back to posting every day again. Talk to all of you soon. How is every one doing?
  • shari253
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm on the run taking care of things before I leave Friday. I've had fun the last two days with my sister staying with us. We sewed all day for two days! It was so fun!

    It looks like I'm not "dieting" right now. Too much going on. I'm just trying to make reasonable choices. When I get back from Mexico at the end of the month I can get back into the swing of logging my food and trying to lose weight.

    I will catch up on posts later today when I get a chance.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Shari- Stick with it girl, like you said make better choices!! Its hard to get back on the wagon!!!

    Bobbie-I am so glad you are back, getting excited about our run tomorrow!!

    Deneen- Good job with the positive about you!!

    Jessica- I hope your kitty cats ok!!

    Gail- Glad yoru party went ok and you ddnt overindulge in cake!!

    Marcie- Hows mom??

    I know I am forgetting people, its just been so quiet on here lately, I am drinking my coffee thn getting dressed and hitting the gym working with hubby today, uugghhh.. but hey what can I say its money!!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning. Where is everyone at? It is quiet on here. How is everyone? I miss you guys. Now get your butts on here and post! K...Thanks! :laugh:

    I got up and did a 32 minute workout. I really wanted to run, but it was pouring outside. I did my 25 situps also. I am going to try to get some push ups in tonight. I have set a new goal for myself. I want to be 178 by the time DH graduates sub school. I would really like to be 175, but I don't want to disappoint myself. I am also setting a strength goal for myself. I HATE push ups and I really struggle with them. I have a bad shoulder, but I need to push through and get them done. Right now I can do about 15 girlie ones. I need to be able to do the 25 we set for our challenge, even if I have to do it in sets of 5. My challenge is to build up to the 25 pushups and I would like to be able to do 10 regular push ups. Time to get to work on all of these.

    My eating yesterday was much better. I had 1600 calories. After all the bad eating, my body was starving. 1200 calories just wasn't enough yesterday. Today my personal goal is to be under calories and to stay out of the candy basket at work. I know I can do it. I have such a busy day ahead of me. Work for 8 hours and then errands. I need to go to Verizon, best buy, target or walmart, the dollar store, and make tons of phone calls. Lots to do, but it is for a good reason. I should get to move to CT in November. Now I have to get everything ready for that and start packing. I am moving in with my wonderful in-laws next weekend. So the next 2 weeks are going to be a challenge. I have to work 2 jobs, get in 5 workouts each week, and get everything done by 09/20. Wish me luck.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Let's get this thread active again. Have a great day every one!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    :happy: Well hellloooo everyone,

    Been lurking again....I don't like to it takes me a while to post . this past weekend wasn't the best as far as food is concerned. I went over 12 calories on one day...think it was Friday, but that was also a day that I did not excercise at all. Saturday was my grandbaby's 2nd b-day party....Hamburges and chili dogs....good thing I had done my jog that morning! Sunday wasn't toooo to bad, gathered at my mom's....I ate, but in moderation....and I was actullay under my calorie goal for the day because I had not eaten breakfast or lunch that day....Monday....bbq chicken and pork piece of each...again was way under my calorie goal because of missing meals.....Tuesday....I was today we have lunch catered in...I'm confident I will do well....I won't touch the banana pudding...promise! :wink: I did not have progress to report on my weight last Friday....I did weigh in on Tuesday and was down one more pound, but did not update my profile...I'm going to wait until Friday to see if I've lost anymore....I've been at this 30 days and have only lost 6 pounds...was hoping to have at least lose 10 by now....big sigh!! Still not going to throw in the towel. I'm on my 4th week of C25K...Hope I can do day 2 tonight...been pretty stormy out here in Texas! As far as push ups and sit ups....ecpic failure....I just can't bring myself to do them....: yawn:

    Gosh...let me see what I can remember from all the reading... do you do it? don't seem to skip a beat....just like are there supporting us. All I can say is WOW!! Oh and thanks for asking about my mom...she is doing great!!!

    Bobbie...3 for 3 girl...cried when I read about your weekend....I envy what you have with your husband...not that I don't have a good relationship with mine...but after 23 years of marriage it's not the same as when we first got married....maybe I should do something about that huh? I am so happy for you and I hope your move goes smoothly. Love your attitude about the 5lb gain....I know you will get back on the wagon and lose them in no time. I love that about you!

    Shari....missing you already! Can't wait to start receiving your post in Spanish so I can translate. I'm glad you had a good time on your stay at home vacation and will all your friends and sister. I can only dream of something like that! is the tat?(this is what my 2 yr old grandbaby calls her cat). I am not what you would call the biggest animal lover...but we do have pets and we had an experience this past July while we were in Fort Hood seeing our son get deployed. Our 11 yr old chihuahua got out of the hotel room and was missing overnight....the worst night of our were crying...we hardly slept all if it was not already bad enough knowing our son was leaving the next day...we're up worrying about "JJ" (that's his name). The following morning we headed to the Killeen Animal Shelter and much to our surprise he had been picked up overnight and taken in. Boy the was awesome to get him back. Kids were teasing me saying I thought you didn't love JJ?.. :happy: But when you have had a pet that long they do become part of your family....I'm not looking forward to him being gone...there will sure be mourning in our home. Hope you kitty will be just fine.

    Deneen....I love your will do very well...just keep it up. I've also been wanting to tell you that I admire your dedication to your stepdaughter....not many people will just raise someone else's child. Thank you for doing that! You are a special lady! How is you FIL?

    Gail....Girl you get me tired with all that housecleaning! :happy: Wished you lived nearby so you could come clean my house, sure does need it....I'm glad your son's party was a success. Can't wait to see your ticker start moving...I know it's because you don't have a scale at home....I don't either, but luckily we do have one here at work....I need to invest in one. just keep up the good work!

    Ok slap me if I forgot anyone!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Marcie- So far our cat is fine. I called the vet yesterday and they told me to keep him locked away if I could. I dont think I can. I mean i wouldnt be able to tell if he starts acting strange because he will be freaking out from being locked up in a room ya know. SO I told my children not to touch him because he might be sick and so my 5 year old adds in that he is gonna die and then tells me 2 year old that if they touch the cat he will die too! I had to correct her as honestly as I can and now my son wont go near the cat because he thinks he is sick and gonna throw up on him. I did lock him away downstairs in my room (the basement if a different part) and he freaked out all night untill this morning when I felt horrible and let him out. Im so afraid that he has rabies and is gonan just in one second snap and bite one of us. I really dont want to lose him either. Like you said its strange how attatched we get to animals and I myself am not an animal lover either but I cried last night listening to him try to open the door.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I forgot to mention that today is weigh in day for me and Im down a lb. Not to bad considering its TOM and this weekend was bad eating wise for me. Luckily for me (not my expenses) that we are broke for the enxt two weeks so no extra money for eating out. It is so tempting to just wlak with the kids at dinner time to the local fast food places. Hoping for a bigger number next week. Im officially out of the 160's!

    I posted new pics and they are in my new MEDIUM capris and they are getting big. WOOHOO. exciting. I still feel huge though and wish some of the weigh would leave my tummy area.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Thursday Morning Ladies.. What a busy busy day I had yesterday wont even go into post time frames ya';ll would be lost.. lets just say did my 5 am workout until 620 left gym came home took kids to school started work with hubby at 7 am and finished at 730 pm....shhhheeeesssshhhh I was tired!!

    Marcie-its routine girl,just routine,my body is used to it and demands it!!

    Bobbie- I love you so much and I am gonna miss you when you go!! On the other hand bring your hoodie tonight we are running sun or shine, ( if jason dont kill me at work first

    Jessica- I hope you cat is ok!!

    Glad to see more post are on here wanna say I was hoping it was just for the lets get back to it ladies!!!

    OK weigh in tomorrow may be up a pound its ok, I will take it and then buckle down really hard for the next few weeks before my marathon..First half marathon sept 25, 2010!! All for my dad!!

    Gotta jet everyone have an awesome day!!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone! How are we all doing this morning? Yesterday was a good day. I got a BlackBerry from verizon and now I can skype with Geoff. It was so great to talk to him last night for an hour and a half and to hear him tell me good night. I have missed all the little things so much. He has his netbook and we can talk more now. It is like when we first started dated. We would talk online all day every day and on the phone as much as we could. Now we are in the same routine and it is wonderful. I miss seeing him every day, but I will take anything I can get. I did not get my netbook last night. Best Buy did not have any Dell netbooks in the store. I am just going ot order directly from Dell since they give a military discount. Once I get my netbook, then we can skype and I can see his face. His voice will do for now and his pictures of course. It was almost midnight before I went to bed last night. I was up posting our pictures from the weekend on FB and then some one here. Plus I am trying to figure out this new phone. Wish me luck. :wink:

    Today is going to be another great day. I got up at 4:30 this morning and I got my Jillian workout in. Now I am at work and I am hoping it will be an easy day. I am looking forward to running tonight. My body needs to run and I need some Tamara time. After the run and dinner, then it is more errands. I have to get boxes so I can start packing tomorrow night. I might only get 4 workouts in this week because of the packing, but I know I will run on Saturday. I am not excited about weigh in tomorrow. I am sure I am still up some of the 5 pounds, but it will all come back off soon. Then I can start working towards my next goal. I just have to keep pushing myself and I will get there. My DH is worried I am trying to do too much with working 2 jobs, working out, moving, and doing every thing else that I do. I don't know how I do it, but I just do. I know what needs to be done and I will get it done. I am a very proud Navy wife and I will do what is needed of me. My family is my heart and I will always do whatever it takes to take care of us. I love my life. I might be busy, but my life is amazing and I am so thankful for every thing.

    Tamara - I have my bag packed. I have my hoodie and my water bottle. I am ready to run ma'am. Push me today because I need it. I haven't had a good run in a week and I am missing it. I can't wait to see you girl and get you all caught up with life. See you at 5 tonight.

    Marcie - Sorry I keep making you cry. I really don't mean to, but our story usually has that effect on people. I swear we could be a movie and I have one friend who tells me that I need to write a book. She says that we are perfect for each other and when she sees us it always makes her smile. I love the relationship that I have with my husband. He is my best friend and I am just really thankful that I have him in my life. We have both worked very hard to get to where we are now and every thing is starting to fall into place. It really is a wonderful feeling. You can have that with your husband again. I hope that I never lose it with mine. We have date night at least once a month (except for now). We turn our phones off and just get lost in each other for the night. We can sit at home and have a picinic in the living room and watch a movie ondemand or we might go out to dinner and a movie. We have done picinics in the park and listened to the symphony or went bowling or putt putt golfing. We just try to take a break from the hectic daily schedules. We just go and enjoy each other. We hold hands every where we go, even driving in the car. We always take the time to talk about our day. We really do try to take time out from the day for each other. The connection we have is so strong and I never want it to go away. Oh crap I am on a little rave about him again. lol It is so easy for me to do. Yes I will lose the 5 pounds again and reach my new goal. I am back on track and focused. I was under calories yesterday and will be again today. I am glad your mom is doing good and that you are still on track.

    Deneen - Where are you my friend? We are missing your posts. I hope you are doing well. Check in with us when you can. Oh and how is your FIL? Yes please post a pic of you soon. Do not be embarrased. You are working to getting back to you. It is easy to get lost in every thing that you go through, but take time for you. You will get your happy smiles back. I just know it. I want to see sparkle in you! Show me the sparkle! :happy:

    Jessica - How are you doing today with the kitty? Have you got her tested yet?

    Gail - How are you? I am glad you posted a pic. Now we know your face!

    Kim - How is every thing going with you?

    Robin - Where have you been at? How soon is vacation?

    Shari - We are missing you, but I hope you are having a good time and made it safely.

    If I missed anyone, then I apologize.

    We have to start a new challenge on Monday. I noticed that we don't really have one going right now.

    Have a great day everyone! Remember that you are in control and noone can take that away from you!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- thats the problem the cat can not be tested for rabies without being put down. They test the brain so its all a waiting game. Sunday will be ten days and then we will know for sure, if he doesnt have it great we can get him vaccinated but if he has it he has to be put down. So far he seems perfectly fine so im hoping all goes well.
  • heyfishon
    Good Morning Everyone:

    Well I guess I sort of had a pity party yesterday. It seems that I come and go right now with depression. I haven't had a big bowl of pasta to calm my woes, so that is good. I have logged on everyday and tracked my food, no exercise yet. I keep telling myself one day at a time, and it seems to get me thru, but at times, literally, I want to run into a tree the pain can be so hard.

    You see, I am home right now, AND SO IS MY HUSBAND!! He is looking for work everyday, mostly on-line. The past week, our local newspaper has had about 8 jobs available, of which are in healthcare mostly or a car saleman, NOT HIS LINE OF WORK. The economy here is really tough.

    I don't want to have to move for a job, we just got the kids enrolled in school and we need some stability in our lfe right now. July 2008 we were doing so well, thought we made it to the top of the world with our business, and when the economy hit, it hit us hard too, no warning! My husband use to build boats, we own'd a mfg. company, 13 employees ect..... That was the 1st thing to go Fall of 2008, extra items, pleasure stuff!!

    We sold our home, and have moved 3x since Nov. 2008 because homes that we have signed rental leases on have foreclosed, and banks had us move out. I am just ramblin' but now you have a little more background on us. All this to say, I need some space. I would love to have some alone time. I need for my husband to get a job!!

    I know there are many people in our situation, and that is a little comfort knowing I am not the only one, but I do not wish any family to be going thru what we are going thru, it really sucks. Our kids have been affected in this more than I wanted. There is nothing more to say, other than, its just really hard right now. We use to always have extra $ at the end of the month, toys to play with on weekends ect.. and now we are lucky to make it thru the month, mostly behind on some bills each month. It just isn't fair sometimes, but there I go again, Pity party!!

    My husband and I met in 1985, and married in 1990. We just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in July. I met him my sophomore year in H.S. I can relate somewhat with your story Bobbie. Enjoy it!! I love reading your stories, it takes me back to mine years ago. One story I have, when we were dating my senior year, he picked me up from school, after my leadership club, and took me to a picnic he had prepared ahead of time by a river. It had the blanket, food, flowers and even a radio playing our favorite song at the time by a group "Chicago". It was nice.

    Well I am off studying again, trying to pass my insurance license exam for the 2nd time. I missed it the 1st time by 7%. UGH!!

    I will find some pictures and upload one of my family soon!

    I am really appreciating this thread of women, here for each other, I LOVE IT!!!


    Have a good day!!

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    kim- Its rough. I too know how it feels when you say that it doesnt help to know others are in your situation or worse. My husband used to tell me that all the tme and just couldnt understand when I told him OK I KNOW BUT IT DOESNT HELP. It sucks and it really hits home with me to read your post because its exactly like how I felt and it sucks that so many people are dealing wtih this right now and it angers me that the government just lets this happen to people. Anyways keep your head up and I wish I could tell you something that would make you feel better.

    AFM; Im going to try my hand at homemade madc and cheese tonight for dinner. Im gonna use the recipe in that cookbook i got frm the library, It has hidden cauliflower in it so we shall see. O and I have learnd today that too much of a good thing is BAD BAD BAD. My son just loved the brownies form that cookbook so yesterday I kinda let him have as many as he wanted which was too mnay, thinking that its good he got all those veggies. YEA what was I thinking ( ok thats the problem I wasnt) he woke this morning (he only wears a diaper at night) and he had explosive diarieah in his diaper. I mean so bad I had to stick him in the shower. So yep too much of a good thing is bad. lol
  • heyfishon

    Are you using that cookbook by Seinfield's wife? If so, my son got me that cookbook for Christmas. He is 14 now, and always gets it out to make his favorite Banana French Toast!!

    Too funny!! Not really, kinda gross too, huh!!

    Well I didn't do to well on eating tonight. I had breadsticks and a choc. peanut butter cookie :(

    Just one of those days!!

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Yep its that one. Ive been baking away. I made the mac and cheese and I thought it was good, alex didnt eat it and alivia said it was good but didnt eat much which is not unusual. She is tiny for a reason lol. I made the chocolate chip muffins just now, DIdnt taste them yet since I am at my calories for the daybut ended up eating a small smal small piece tht crumbled off and it was yummy. I wanna make the french toast but the kids keep saying they dont want it. Tomorow will either be the pink pancakes or the french toast (if i have time since tomorow morning will be rush rush). Gotta actually make it outa bed early tomorow morning BLAH, gotta get a few school lessons in and breakfast and head (walking of course) to the playground by 10:30. Already have the lunch bags semi pack. I would pack them all the way but no room in my messy fridge so left the cold stuff in the fridge and everythng else in the bag.

    My kiids are so cute, they are excited to use thier new lunch bags. I got them clearanced at disney store for 3.99 and stupidly didnt think about getting myself one untill I was on my way home. I need to get one though now since Im brown bagging it tomorow and the kids have cute little bags. SO mad I took my husband with us to get them and he took Alex over to pick out a bag before I could get to him and he went straight for a micky mouse one instead of the woody one. I wanted alivia to get jessie and alex to get woody. Alivia has beenw anting the jessie one so that was fine but yea alex would not budge on getting woody, he was dead set on getting micky. Darn that evil mouse! HEHE.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    GOOD MORNING.. Boy the post gets quietier and quietier everyday!!.

    We are still here a few and the strong.. So I was up 1.4 on the scale this morning, thats ok I told myself I was gonna enjoy holidays and I did. So back at it today!!

    Jessica- I like to bake to, but I stay away from it or I will eat it.

    Kim-Sorry ya'll are having such a hard time right now, my thought and prayers go out to you!!

    Shari- Come out come out where every you are!!

    Deneen- Where'd you go??

    Marcie- Bobbie is good at making us cry!!

    Bobbie- awesome run last night my friend.. Thinking I am gonna go back to 1200 calories a day!! No if and or butts about it!!!

    Anyone I forgot hello.. We need to get our people back here.. Maybe tomorrow I will send them a message.. This is not easy but we have to stay focused!! Stay on board!!! Hope everyone has an awesome Friday.. I am off to the gym!!
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! I'm still here and check in daily, just haven't posted. I lost 3.4 lbs this week, which is strange because I haven't really been keeping track of anything nor have I exercised because I've had a cold. I've felt a little dehydrated though, so I'm wondering if I've lost water weight. I like it though and it makes me more determined to keep that off and keep going, so I'm going to start writing down everything again today and go from there. I am feeling a little better, so I hope to maybe start exercising again next week. Just wish this stupid cough would go away!!! I hope you all have a great weekend, and I hope to see more of you around here soon!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    My daughter has a school picnic today with the E school. of course it rained all morning so its gonna be muddy. Like I tell my husband, good thing we have a washing machine right. Ive packed a nice lunch for the kids and my usual for me. I sneaked on the scale yesterday before my shower and it looks like im down another lb. Im not counting it since its not my offical weigh day but Hey it was pretty great. As long as i keep seeing the numbers go down I am happy no matter what.

    Ive realized I can not eat the stuff Im making lol. I kinda already go at it like its gonna be gross because I know whats in it. Like the muffins have prunes in it and so this morning I went tot ake a bite of Alivias and yea my mind messed me up and they were good but I thought I could taste some prune in it but thena gain it could be all in my head. Im gonna make my husbadn try and Im not telling him whats in it. It also could taste different because I used whole wheat flour instead of white.

    Ok off to get atleast one lesson done, vacuum and dress all three of us before 10:15 when we have to leave. YIKES. IM totally kick myself right now for not getting the rain coats and boots I had in my hands last april. I dunno if they even sell them anymore in stores but we sure could use them for the kids.