Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • arielsmom
    Great job today, everyone! Day one is supposed to be the hardest, but I'm not hungry AND I feel much better, both mentally and physically, since I exercised. Hope you all are feeling great too! If you're like me, the hardest days are going to be the ones where we are insanely busy and have little time to prepare healthy dishes and/or track our foods. I'm making it a priority that I get on the MFP web site AT LEAST before bed if I haven't had time throughout the day. Right now, this has to be more important than doing that "one last thing" that really can wait until tomorrow. Keep it up tomorrow everyone!!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    checking in quickly before I shut down my PC. Today's been a wonderful day. Thanks to Shari for starting this thread. There's some great stories and great people. I hope to get to know you all better as the days go on.

    I had 100% day today. I stayed within my calories, logged everything I ate, exercised and drank more than enough water.

    Really happy right now - hope you all had a great day too!!

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    7:00 PM here on Day 1. So far, so good. I've salvaged my day and have 50 cals left. the challenge now is to get through the next few hours (my worst time) without eating a bite! I think I will go brush my teeth.

    Glad to hear others are doing well. We can do this!

    Besides my house, dogs, and quilting, I'm also into studying Spanish. I'm studying at home now and will be traveling to Mexico in Sept for a total immersion language school. I'm really excited about that.

    It will be fun to get to know you all more. Keep up the good work!

    (Tacoma, WA)
  • momchet
    momchet Posts: 1
    Count me in as another Today Show member!! I am really looking forward to getting started on this site.....and have invited family members as well. Motivation is a major obsticle for me...but day 1 has been great! Let's keep it going!!!
  • 2chris42
    I have been trying to decide what diet plan I would try next. I, like many of you have tried them all. I usually lose about 20 lbs feel a little better and quit because I think I can do it on my own, so why waste the money? I think it was divine intervention that I saw the Today Show today. I had a hard time hearing the name of the website she mentioned. Later I was on the yahoo main page and there was an unrelated article about the Today Show , so I thought I would click on there and see if I could find anything on the weight loss web sight and here I am. I cannot believe these tools and support are free!
  • SharonsJetSet
    Morning all - starting day 2 and still feeling quite positive. I ended yesterday with exceeding my protein requirement, meeting my fat requirements and had a surplus in both my calorie and carb requirement. I also way exceeded my water requirement. I fill up a big jug of water and sip on it throughout the day. I also add crystal light and count 5 calories per 8oz.

    Momchet - I hope you will be able to get your motivation here. Its the same for me.

    2chris42 - I feel like I've done exactly what you say---pay for the expensive diet, lose 80% of the weight and try it on my own and gain back. I was on nutrisystem last fall through spring and lost over 50lbs. As of yesterday when I started, I had gained 20lbs back. with this website and all of your help, I know I can take that 20lbs off again. i just have to keep honest with myself by logging everything, food, exercise and water and even more importantly come to this site to give and get support.

    Looking forward to another successful day

  • SharonsJetSet
    Yesterday I went shopping to have more healthy options in the house. Knowing that having more fruits and veggies in my diet, I picked up this "Dole Fruit Crisp" - apple cinnamon. YUMMMMMMMMMMMY If you heat it in the micro for a few seconds WOW. Its got a lot of sugar in it bu its a nice snack.160c 3.5g fat

    It was perfect for me after dinner!!
  • krisb921
    I was also brought here by the Today Show, which I never watch. I'm on vacation this week and just happened to have the TV on that channel, and it drew me in. I'm so excited about this website, and to see that it is free is just a bonus. I'm 37 years old with 2 young daughters and will be starting Nursing School in a couple of weeks, so getting into shape is really important to me. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and losing weight and getting healthy together.
  • SharonsJetSet
    Welcome Krisb - good luck with your nursing school. I'm so envious. I should have done that years ago. I'm not 50 (turning 51) and I feel like I'm too old to start a new career.

    Can wait to hear all about your successes.

  • SharonsJetSet
    Today I'm going to the gym. I signed up for the 30 day fitness challenge yesterday. 30 days----that's a real obtainable goal.

    Hope to see more of you later

  • startwinkle
    Good morning, everyone! So glad to see there are so many of us here!

    I started a little late yesterday - was stuffing my mouth as I read the Today show on-line at work (at a desk where my fat butt sits for 8 hours!)...anyway - I went to the grocery store last night and bought some good stuff to eat for the rest of the week...

    I haven't added my stats in yet - I don't own a computer at home (CAN U BELIEVE IT??) so...I'm just concentrating on getting in the grove of eating better and moving my body...and reading up on everyone's comments and advice....Is that ok? I can always add all the stuff in later, right?

    I will keep checking in here as my workday allows to get motivation and to try to ward of temptations!

    Thanks everyone and here's to a healthy, happy day!

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Everyone,

    I would greet you all by name, but there are sooo many of us now! YAY! I'm excited about our Today Show Club! Funny how so many of us don't usually watch the show but were brought here by it yesterday. I'm not hugely religious (like organized religion), but I am spiritual and intuitive, and I do think there is something to this. The Universe provides! Let's all keep the positive energy flowing.

    I did well yesterday. I logged all my food and only exceeded my cals by 29. It is 11:20 here and I am making myself wait until noon to eat lunch. Trying to develop some new habits, and one is to quit snacking all day long.

    Just doing this makes me feel a lot better about myself. Now to be patient.... (lol!)

    Keep posting!

  • SharonsJetSet
    Busy day for me already. Its 4:20pm east coast. I did my 40 minutes on the treadmill including a 5 minute warmup and a 5 minute cool-down. I also groomed my horse for 15 minutes, rode him for 30 then washed and groomed him for another 15. That's a total of 90 minutes of exercising. Now I'm showered and going into work. I work at a restaurant so this will be a real challenge to remain focused and stay within my program.

    Hope everyone's doing great.

    Shari wtg on your first day. I am also trying to develop some new good habits. being patient is definitely key

    See you all later

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    6 PM on Day 2 and still doing great. I had a strong urge to snack many times today but I just didn't! When I got home tonight I was starving so I'm eating an apple now, and headed out to grill a burger patty and some veggies. When I'm done with dinner I will still have 220 cals left for something extra.

    Sharon, great job today!

  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    good work everyone.. looks like lots of great beginning steps made. I did go check out the clip from the Today show and was so inspired myself.. I know this is going to work for me.. and it will work for all of you too.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I joined after watching the Today show too. I'm not a regular watcher, but I happened to turn it on while I was folding laundry. So glad I did! I've truly struggled with weight loss for the past year. I lacked motivation. But since I joined and started tracking, I feel so motivated! I've also started jogging again using the Couch to 5K plan and I feel awesome!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Kincar, I sent you a message. i would like to do the couch to 5 k jogging plan. Where do I find more info on it?

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Starting Day 3, and all is well. Yesterday i logged all my food and came in 30 cals under my goal. I had some very challenging moments, but I stuck with my plan. I'm pretty proud of myself.

    I think I will only weigh myself weekly. Monday seems to be the universal weigh in day, so I will go with that.

    I hope everyone is doing well! Keep up the good work! We can do this!

  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    I joined after seeing the segment on the Today Show as well, but am officially starting today. I have been making healthy choices and logging everything today and will be going to a water aerobics class tonight. Nice to meet you all! I think this is great!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to those who found MFP as a result of the Today Show episode from August 9th. I noticed that no one else has posted this, and some of those on the thread mentioned that they didn't see the segment. Thanks to another poster on a thread that I use regularly, below is a link to the video segment that brought all of you here:

    Good luck to everyone. This website CAN change your life if you stick with it.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: