Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • sanrog
    sanrog Posts: 68
    Hi Everyone,

    I also joined because I saw the Today show. I had started walking 2 weeks ago to help with stress - but I was still eating alot. When I saw the show I decided to look up the website and found it very user friendly so I joined. So 1 week ago I starting eating healthy and I'm still walking. I will be 50 at the end of September and really need to be healthier and feel better about myself. I weigh myself tomorrow so I'm hoping for some good numbers. Best of luck everyone!!!!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Welcome abaord all the new comers, I am super proud of each and everyone of you who decided to take that step and do something for you, something to better your life..No one will do it for you..If I dont take care of me how can I take care of my kids?? I couldnt I was way to big and unhealthy..

    Stick with got this we are all here together, just got off work 10 hour day done made good money..I am a waitress at cracker barrel, now heading to jcpenny to get me some more work shirts since I washed a pen with my other 2..

    The Person who asked me about running, I just ran until i couldnt anymore then I would walk then when I caught my breath I would take off again..You gotta build your stamina.. I am runnign two half marathon one is sept 25 and the other is oct 16..

    Well hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    The week since I saw the Today show segment has been great just because I feel so great! I started the C25k running plan last week and I joined this site. I have not been so motivated to lose weight and to exercise in years!

    This coming week will be a challenge as I go back to work to start a new school year. I expect to be tired, but I am going to push myself to work out. I feel to good from it to let myself skip.
  • tlyoung115
    I am another Today Show/Tamara devotee! Way to go girl! Like you were, I am at 273 right now and have felt for so long that my goal was way too out of reach to even try for! When I saw you on the Today Show, and how you lost all of that weight on your own with only the help of this site, I knew that I could do it too. So, here I am!

    My name is Tammy and I am 38 years old and from Connecticut. I have been unemployed since January, which has not helped at all with my eating habits or exercise for that matter. Plus, eating healthy is pretty expensive! I have a little Morkie (yorkie/maltese) mix that loves to take walks, so I have been taking him out more often for exercise. Other than that, I have been pretty sedentery and blame it on my various health issues - hurt back, bad knees, sore hip and bone spurs in both heels. I just know that if I push through the pain, those things will resolve themselves once I lose weight, but I lean on them as a crutch to hold me back.

    The great news is that I love most diet foods -- all vegetables and fruit, etc. so there is no problem incorporating those things into my diet. The bad news is that I also love bread, pasta, potatoes, bagels and all things BAD for you. I don't microwave food (don't like how it tastes after) and I will not eat any artificial sweetner like Splenda or fructose. So, I have to stick with things I can cook fresh (which I don't always feel like doing) and real sugars.

    Should be fun though!!!

    Can't wait to follow everyone's progress. Oh - and Tamara -- congratulations and thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Welcome to the new people. This is a great group. Please post a lot and let's all support each other!

    I am ending my day well - 30 cals under my goal. I am having 3 hardboiled eggwhites (no yolk) served as deviled eggs but with hummus for the filling instead of yolks and mayo. Very healthy alternative. Did you know the white of the egg is only 17 cals and contains all the protein? My snack is 3 cups of kettle corn. Only 170 cals, 70 sodium, and 6 sugar. Not bad for something I LOVE that fills me up!

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I'm pretty sure I will lose at least 1 lb.

  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    I haven't had the best of weekends, but tomorrow is a new day!! My goal for the week is to journal everyday, exercise 5 days, and I'll do the water challenge!! We are going to Disneyworld in 2 months. Do you think it's unreasonable to set a goal to lose 25 lbs by then? I am 249 lbs, and I would like to be around 225 by the time we go. Any hints or suggestions? My biggest fear is being too big for the rides :o(

    Tamara, thanks so much for joining our thread. You are such an inspiration for all of us!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Thats a big goal, but work really hard,you should only be losing about 2 pounds a week. But since your going to dinseywrld work really hard....115% dedication...

    I am super tired this morning, but up and eating and drinking coffee then off to the gym, working 8-1 today, gotta get kids ready for school then I am off the next 2 days..yippee..Lifting weights with my trainer those two days..

    Everyone, anything is possible if we put our minds to it!!

    Have a fabulous Monday everyone!!!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone! It is very hard for me to post on the weekends. I sit at a computer 8 hours a day during the week and I try to stay away from them on the weekend.

    I am sorry that some of you had a rough weekend. I had a rough day yesterday too. I stayed and my in-laws this weekend and had a great time, but after church they wanted chinese buffet. Buffets are definitely not the place to go if you are counting calories. I didn't do to bad though. I had some salad with very little dressing. I had grilled chicken and shrimp with mixed veggies off the hibatchi grill. Then I had some fruit and a spoon of banana pudding. This set me up for cravings. I had to go to the grocery store for the week and while there I gave in to temptation. I bought a cupcake from the bakery and that was my dinner. It wasn't my proudest moment, but it is definitely not my worst. After everything I ate yesterday I consumed about 1900 calories and my daily goal is 1220. I was over by a bunch, but I am not going to dwell on it. I made a bad choice and today I start over.

    The point is that we all make bad choices no matter how long we have been doing this. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up about it or eat more bad foods. You made a bad choice and that is okay. Today just make better choices. It will be a daily battle, but in the end it is worth the fight.

    Most people don't realize that food is an addiction just like anything else can be. Food can be a comfort or a coping mechanism. It is very hard to retrain your body and your mind to rely on food for nutrition and not comfort. Before I was a major stress eater, but now I work out when I am stressed. Working out makes me feel better and helps me to think and let go of my stresses. You have to find a new outlet to turn to instead of food. Let me know what you guys think will help you to cope with daily stresses instead of food.

    I am doing good on the water challenge. I have gotten all my water in all weekend.

    Today is a new day. The weekend is over and it is time for a new week. Happy Monday to everyone! I am not feeling the greatest today, but I am going to stay on track. I just had my breakfast...1.5 cups of cereal and half a cup of skim milk. Tonight is walking group with Tamara. Today will be a good day.
  • brashear_2420
    I haven't had the best of weekends, but tomorrow is a new day!! My goal for the week is to journal everyday, exercise 5 days, and I'll do the water challenge!! We are going to Disneyworld in 2 months. Do you think it's unreasonable to set a goal to lose 25 lbs by then? I am 249 lbs, and I would like to be around 225 by the time we go. Any hints or suggestions? My biggest fear is being too big for the rides :o(

    Tamara, thanks so much for joining our thread. You are such an inspiration for all of us!!

    I completely understand that fear! That is the whole reason I started losing weight. I was at 289 in October of 07 and I went to Six Flags for fright fest with 3 of my friends. I was having no problem getting on the rides and wasn't thinking anything of it. After standing in line for 2 hours for the Batman ride, I could not ride it. I got in the seat and the harness would not close. I was horrified. I had to get off the ride and I wanted to cry right there. It was the worst feeling for me. I knew I was big, but I guess I didn't see myself as that big until then. The following week was when I started my weight loss journey. I have yet to be back to an amusement park. I know I will fit now, but I guess I don't want to go through all those emotions again. I am down to 191 and 6 pounds away from goal weight. I guess I shoudl reward myself with a roller coaster ride when I hit goal weight.

    Good luck on your goal! Work extremely hard and you will definitely see results.
  • SharonsJetSet
    New week starting today. I'm going to make my own personal goal of remaining 100% on target.

    I'm going to commit to 64oz (or more) of water each day, do some sort of exercise at least 4 days of the week and stay within my calorie ranges all week long.

    I'm pledging that to myself!!

    I'm also going to make a commitment to come to this board every day to be encouraging and supportive

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Guys! Happy Monday! Hey, I weighed in today and Iost 1.8 lbs this week! Yay! And I didn't do any exercise other than being active like painting my deck and stuff.

    Today I started the "Couch to 5K" running program. It takes you from couch potato to running a 5k in 9 weeks. I did Week 1 Day 1 this morning and it was not too bad, alternating walking and light jogging for 20 minutes. If anyone is interested, google c25k. There are threads here about it.

    My goal is to do c25k m-w-f, then bike tues and thurs. I have also started doing very wimpy strength exercises. Something I did in the past that worked for me is do 100 reps a day, and rotate each day between upper body, core, and legs. So like today was upper body. I did 10 sets of 10 various upper body exercises with handweights. Also I will be stretching every day for 5 mins. My whole routine (running, weights, stretching) took about 45 mins.

    I'm sorry some people had a bad weekend. Today is a new day. Just start fresh today and keep trying.

    Meow, I love your goal. Like Brashears said, you will just have to work hard. No messing around. Exercise every day and be accurate with your cals. At your weight I think you can afford to lost a little faster than 2 lbs a week. Really make sure that the food you do take in is very nutritious. You will be on a slightly different program than the rest of us who can afford to have a cupcake for dinner ocasionally. (tee hee Brashears)

    I'm sorry I can't remember everyone's names. maybe at first we could sign our posts with whatever name we want to be called.

    Have a great day today!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone I agree with shri lets post name so we can all get familiar with each other..

    familygirl37167- Tamara
    Brashear_2420- Bobbie

    Had a great day at work, now off the next 2 days yippee..
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    mymeow - Robin :happy:

    I also wanted to thank everyone for your nice responses!! You're all very encouraging!

    Bobbie, I had the same thing happen to me at an amusement park ride about 3 years ago, but I was about 50-60 lbs heavier at the time than I am now. It was one of those swing rides with the pull-over harness belt type of thing and it wouldn't go over my thighs. I immediately got off and I don't think anyone but me knew why (plus, it wasn't very busy), but nevertheless I was humiliated!! While we are in Florida in October, we are going to Universal Studios and the new Harry Potter ride from what I read isn't very "heavy person" friendly, so I'm praying that I won't have a problem with that, because I know my son will HAVE to go on it! Plus, we are going with some friends and I don't want to be embarrassed in front of everyone, so my goal is 225 lbs, and I really hope that's enough to not be an issue!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    Congratulations on all the losses

    SharonsJetSet - Sharon

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Tonight I went out to pizza with my sister in law and her sister and I was pretty darn good. I planned ahead and had a very light lunch. But the most amazing thing was that I held myself to 3, count'em 3 (!), pieces of pizza. In the past I would normally eat 1/2 a large every time. I had diet soda, not beer. It was a very pleasant evening, and I feel quite proud of myself, and not even stuffed.

    Sharon, your profile pic is awesome and beautiful! (horse jumping) Wow! I love it!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good awesome morning my today show buddy ole pals...

    Today is gonna be an awesome day.. Working out with cardio from 5-615 then headed home to get kiddos off to school then back at the gym at 830 to lift weights with trainer friend.. Then cleaning house.. I am so excited to get in and clean while my kiddos are at school its easier that way.

    Mark it my friednds, Today is 2 years since I started my life chagig journey an think all the things I have been through, I could have given up but decided not to.. My lost my dad in Jan 2010, in May 2009 we found out my son has a heart condition. So through thick an thin literally I survived and I am a much better and strong person today because of it.

    I am off ya'll gotta make the kids lunch for school.. Have an aweome day and I am off today so I will check in often to read posts!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    happy anniversary (of sorts) Tamara

    Good morning Today Show friends. Today is my WI and I did lose 1lb. I was hoping for more since this is my first week but I'll take it. I have surpassed the 64oz water goal each day. I need to step-up my exercising. I only hit the gym twice last week but I did ride 4 times so I suppose that counts. I still need to make working out at the gym more of a habit. Its difficult for me to do the strengthening because a few years ago I broke my arm (humerous near the top). It required surgery and so as a result, I have a rather large plate with 9 screws holding everything together. Recently my shoulder has been bothering me. The doc pulled me off all strengthening but encouraged me to continue the cardio UGH that got boring fast!!

    Today (thanks to reading Tamara's motivating post) I'm headed to the gym for an hour cardio session then I'm going to ride my horse (Tony). I have the day off from work so YAY!! I can spend some real quality time with my horse.

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning Everyone! Wow, our little comunity is awesome! I love seeing all the posts and the encouraging messages on each others'walls. Lots of successes and support going on! I truly think we have something special here, and together we can reach our goals and change our lives.

    Tamara, thanks for the inspiration and the reminder that we can keep taking care of ourselves even through hardships. It is so easy to procrastinate "until things get better." These last two years I've been going through breast cancer. My diagnosis was 9/17/08. Luckily mine was caught early before it could spread, so my prognosis is very good. (Get those mammograms Ladies!) My point is, I've been procrastinating on my health, even when I needed it most. I kept saying that once I got through all this I would lose weight and get in shape. Well, better late than never, lol! I'm on my way now, and I really appreciate all of you!

    I took a sneak peek at the scale this AM to see what damage was done by the pizza last night. Guess what?! I actually managed to lose .2 lb in spite of eating out last night! Amazing! I think that is a first! And I ate pizza, not a salad with dressing on the side or other such thing. This program is really do-able! I'm convinced you can live a good delicious life without deprivation and still achieve a healthy weight.

    I am not sore from the jogging yesterday, but I AM sore from the handweights. Today I bike and do 100 reps of core exercises.

    Best wishes to all the Today Show Club members! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO TAMARA!! Great work!! Hey, maybe in a year they can do a follow up on the Today Show and you can tell them about this group and all our successes as a result of their show.

    Now to work on getting a signature box.,,

  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    carcar63 - Carleen

    I've had that happen and Knobels, the kids wanted to ride the roller coaster, went to get on it and I didn't fit, I was embarrassed for myself and the kids. I want to lose the weight so I can go on the rides with them, I used to LOVE roller coaster. can't wait to get back on the, .

    I love reading every ones posts, it keeps me motivated, I have about 180lbs to lose and sometimes it just seems soooo overwhelming

    I stayed on track yesterday, was just under my calorie amount, and was shy probably about 1 glass of water. It's hard to keep and exact track of the water, my daughter drinks from my water bottle all the time so I just guesstemate it. Even though I tell her there's more bottles in the freezer, she still drink mine, but thats okay, it don't mind.
    Anyway, did my exercises yesterday, step aerobics, hadn't done them in years. Was bad, got through the 30mins even if it wasn't always going up and down on the step. It's a start.

    I'm going to check out the c25k, i've been toying around with the idea of running a mini marathon but always thought i was to big and can't do it, but now i'm thinking i can, there's nothing to stop me but myself.

    Well, hope every one has a great day, good luck to all.
  • SharonsJetSet
    Good morning to all.
    I really like reading everyones posts, it keeps me motivated, I have about 180lbs to lose and sometimes it just seems soooo overwhelming.
    But, I stayed on track yesterday, was just under my calorie amount, and was shy probably about 1 glass of water. It's hard to keep and exact track of the water, my daughter drinks from my water bottle all the time so I just guesstemate it. Even though I tell her there's more bottles in the freezer, she still drink mine, but thats okay, it don't mind.
    Anyway, did my exercises yesterday, step aerobics, hadn't done them in years. Was bad, got through the 30mins even if it wasn't always going up and down on the step. It's a start.
    Well, hope every one has a great day,

    Great job!!! I think you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll start feeling better, losing weight and people will notice. You're off to a really successful start. I too enjoy reading everyone's posts and try to offer as much support as I can. It helps me stay focused.

    With the water, maybe you could pour the water from your bottle to a glass every time you drink from it. Its a PITA to do that but it will help you track your water intake.

    Great job!! :flowerforyou: