Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    kim- I have totally been there. 2 months after my son was born my husband lost his job. At first it wasnt that big of a deal since it was tax time and all. He didn't quite get how bad of a situation we wer ein. He was getting unemployment and just procrastinated on our plan for him to sign up with a trucking company to get his cdl. Well he waited untill we had no money left and then he went. he did all his training and got back but we didnt have any money for him to drive back outa state to take his test with the compnay and when he called them it was after buinsess hours so he had to wait til monday that day he was suppose to be there. Of course they marked him as a no call no show and terminated his training. He then procrastinated on getting his cdl and it took a while for us to come up with the 300 bucks to take the stupid thing. Well finally he did but it was 8 months later and no one would hire him becuase he wasnt considered freshly graduated anymore. Sucked. Fast forward to now and he finallly hhas gotten a driving job a few months ago. It got so bad with everything that we ended up losing our home (we rented but it was still our home) and had to move in with his mother in a city that we hate. I was at a point that I just wanted to curl in bed and never wake up. It was rough. I gained alot of weight in that 9 months that we lived with his mom (if you wanna call it living. the woman is phsycotic). Anyways I know how hard it is and stress definately doesnt help. hang in there, eventually it will get better even if it takes almost 3 years like us.
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    Just dropping in to say hello and good night!! Hope you all had a great day! I did fairly well with my eating. I was over by just a tiny bit, but not too bad. I went on a nice, brisk walk this evening. I wasn't going to go, but made myself and am glad I did.

    Wow Tamara, I don't know how you do it getting up soooo early!! I set my alarm for 5 a.m. to get up and work out, but never do and end up doing it in the evenings!!

    Thanks Shari for the recipe.

    Thank you all for your daily encouragement!!! This is such a great site!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!!

    I hope all is well, I am seeing not as many people are posting which in all actuality its a good thing it means we are living life..I seem to be able to get on here in the morning which is fine but then I have alot to catch up up.. Ya'll thought my last tso days were busy today is even worse, I wont bore you though..

    Shari- I hope all is well!! YOu were quiet yesterday???

    Bobbie- Enjoy your trip and you better text me as soon as you land!!

    Robing-I so enjoy getting up at 315..once I get up I am fine its the getting up!!

    Gail- How are you doing?

    Marcie- How is your mom??

    Deneen-Where are you girl??

    Kim- I am sorry about your husband I will keep him in my prayers!!

    Jessica-I give you credit, it would have been hell on wheels if I had to move in with either my mom or his mom, I understand why you had to do it.. {{{{HIGH FIVE}}}}

    Abnd anyone else I forgot I am sorry I have a lot running through my head,I have to help myhusband put a new air conditioner in today for one of our customers, then I have to leave there by 130 to go get daughter from school come home at some point and take a shower and I have a meeting at work at 3, fun times ahead good thing dinner is already ready!!

    Gotta jet and get my day running,hope ya'll have an awesome day!!!
  • GLW1969
    Tuesday i broke out the old scrub brush and gave the kitchen a good old fashioned hand scrubbing and busted suds and cleaned out the trash cans cleaned out the fridge of out of date items or what i like to call them "science experiments" that the kids call a snack for after school. did a few loads of laundry. my hubby works for the local mixer company and ends up looking like a pile of cement so i have to constantly keep the floors swept due to the concrete dust and clean i hate feeling the lil bit of grit on my bare feet. trying to re-motivate my son to work out with me. he can do more than me and i remind him that mom isn't as young as she used to be to lay off the slow poke comments and toss a soaking wet towel at him which almost always is more of the boomerang effect lol. but i found out that my father has to wear a heart monitor to record his arrhythmia that he was having again after his stent replacements in both legs .

    Marcie - glad the surgery went well.. will continue the prayers .

    heres to hoping the rest of the week turns out to be a good one.

    p.s. i found a unofficial physician's scale at my pharmacy and i haven't lost any noticeable weight as of yet but i know it takes time and more exercise and the right kinds to make a go of it .

    when i clean i grb my boom box and pop in a mix cd i burned from my cd collection and a few songs from my i tunes account to clean house to i also play it when I'm playing my mmorpg .
    next room to tackle is the living room i have moving the furniture to see if anyone has been hiding things like plates or the odd dropped fork . i increased water intake and multi vitamin intake along with my menial exercise routing.
    went grocery shopping and walked around wal-mart for 2 hrs
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    To my suprise Ive droped 2 lbs this week. I was so cringing when stepping on the scale. I thought forsure I would get a big fat 0 lol. Im so close to 40 lbs total lost its insane. Like my sister says "I could poop out the one lb so count it as 40". I was enjoying having her on this site but then she got discouraged after a month and no loss then 3 lbs then gained it back. I dont think mentally she is as ready as she thought she was. I am afraid thoght to go get weighed at the dr's office. I have a really cheap scale, the turn dial ones ya know. I know that the lbs lost is right becuase there is movement, Not the actual weight I am afraid is off. It also is tricky to read because the red line is off. its on 3-4 lbs to start off so when I get on were ever the red line is I subtract 3. I figure if there is movement in the right direction then im happy
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a great day. I could not sleep again last night. I had a chance to sleep in, but was up before 5:30. I got up and started cleaning and doing laundry. I had the whole house cleaned and 2 loads of laundry going and was out the door by 7 for my run. I am so proud of my run today. It felt amazing outside this morning and I pushed myself harder than ever this morning. I did 3.3 miles in 31.5 minutes with no walking. I ran/jogged at a steady pace the whole time. I just kept telling myself to run till the song was over. Then the next one would start and I would say oh you like this one so keep running. Once I had done 2 miles, there was no way I was going to stop till I was finished. It was such an amazing feeling. I can't wait to tell my husband about it. When we are finally living in the same place again, we will run together and it will be awesome. We will keep our healthy life style and when we get our first station, then it will be time to start our family. I have so much to look forward to and so many reasons to continue to push myself.

    I am so excited about this weekend. We fly out today and I will not be back on until at least Sunday or Monday. I am taking my running shoes because the hotel has a gym, but I am not going to stress if I do not get to run. There are more important things in life sometimes. I hope everyone has a great week/weekend. I will check back in when I can.

    Tamara - I will text you when I land and you can let every one know that I made it safely. Next week we will get back to our runs.

    Stay strong and positive ladies. I hope all of you have great weigh ins this week. I can't wait to see how every one did when I get back! Now it is time to pack. Talk to you soon.
  • shari253
    Good morning all!

    Well yesterday i did have a very self-indulgent day off. I had a "Jesse Stone - athon." You know the Jesse Stone movies with Tom Selleck. Between Netflix, Blockbuster, and Redbox, I had all six of them and watched them in order. Wow, that was sooo fun and relaxing!! In between each movie I would get up and do a little something productive. My eating was not perfect, and I went over my cals, but I really made pretty healthy choices all day. I finished off the no-salt blue tortilla chips with the rest of the salsa and homemade guacamole. Had a couple wraps, fruit and yogurt, etc.

    I just realized my new Friday weigh-in is in two days, so now I need to be good!

    Boy, a lot of people in our club are going through tough times right now. Hang in there guys. I think it is great that we can express our feelings and vent here on our thread. It's therapeudic.

    Jessica - I can totally identify with the toxic MIL!! We should exchange stories sometime, lol! After 25 years of marriage my solution (to preserve my sanity) is to pretend she is not family, but rather is the mother of an "aquaintance." By doing that I am able to distance myself emotionally and treat her with pleasant politeness all times, and not take anything she does personally. I'm not fakey, just pleasant and gracious. It works for me.

    Kim, I can also identify with your non-working identity crisis. I's hard. Hey about your husband's unemployment, who knows, things might just work out better in the long run. My sister was a computer person at Boeing and got laid off a few years ago. It was devastating. BUT, two jobs later she is a recreation director & volunteer coordinator at an assisted living facility (nothing to do with her computer skills), and is the happiest she has ever been in her life even though she makes way less! She sold her house, moved to a smaller one close to work, and walks or rides her bike everywhere,is in great shape, and loves her purpose in life. So you never know!

    Bobbie, great job on the run! I'm so happy for you and your husband with your new found active lifestyle.

    Tamara, thanks for posting every day and holding us together.

    Robin, good job taking the walk when you didn't want to!

    Deneen, how is it going? You did so great with your 3 lb loss last weigh-in! Are you still going strong? Aren't you my fellow quilter here? Working on anything?

    Gail, wow, I am in awe of your housecleaning! Sorry to hear about your dad and the heart rhythms. My mom had to wear one of those too. Eventually she ended up with a pacemaker which has done wonders for her.

    Marcie, how are you today?

    I'm off to get my cut and color! See you all later!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello all,

    Just a quick is end of month at I'm busy, busy, busy.

    My mom is doing alot better, may be moved out of ICU today and hopefully get to go home tomorrow. Thank you all for your thoughts and concern.

    I did W3D1 of C25K yesterday....those 3 minute jogs kicked my butt! I did manage to do 3 repetitions instead of 2. Not knowingly though...I just thought it was 3 instead of 2 :happy:
    Now....sit ups and push failure...have not done them all week... :frown:
    I've also decided to change my weigh in days to Friday's. I'm not expecting much this Friday, but I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Bobbie...can you tell us what Supermans and the other "s" excercises you mentioned? Maybe I can try to do those instead. Good luck on your trip and we will miss you while you are gone. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

    Deneen....I will keep your FIL in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!

    Well got to run....big shout out to all my girls....Shari, Tamara, Jessica, Gail, Deneen, Kim, Robin, Bobbie....Did I miss anyone? Probably, but I love you all too!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- OMG I seriously justlaughed out loud right here in my kitchen when I read about how you see your MIL. that is great. Lucky for us, she doesnt call unless she wants something. She has the nerve though to message me on facebook saying thatr she needs a kid fix (her exact words) before her vacation next week so to figure something out on getting the kids to her house. Im like wtf, I had just told her not even a second before that my husband didnt go to his dads house for the football game because we didnt have gas money so why on earth would I have to figure something out in order to go to her house. SHe makes a ton more then we make and its just her and her husbadn she can hop in her truck and come over here anytime. So I guess she wont be getting her "kid fix" since uhh yea I am not going over to her gross house. We actually had a huge blow out fight a few months after we moved in with her, felt good but kinda felt bad afterwards. She actually only comes to our house if she has too which would be xmas and bday parties (and even then she doesnt always go). And then is pretty content with not seeing her only grandkids all year.
  • addiograsso
    Good Afternooon, Everyone - and I do mean everyone!! We have such the amazing thread - I just love it! As Shari said it is so uplifting and therapeutic all at the same time!

    There never seems to be enough time to do everything, but now that I've seen "a day in the life of Tamara", I guess I will never complain again. :wink: I also must say that Kim has a point - life has to be a heck of a lot easier and a lot less exhausting with 100+ pounds less on my frame - I CAN"T wait for that day!!! You all will see me dancing from wherever it is you are.

    So, I don't know if I've ever said too much about myself, so without boring you too much, here's some stats:
    I am 42 years old - soon to be 43 (October). I have always struggled with weight but never to the excess that i have in the past few years. I was always known as a happy girl full of smiles and I seem to have lost that in the last few years and I want it back! I'm getting back the happy Deneen - I'm on a mission to regain the sparkle in my eye and the bounce in my step!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: I have a husband of not quite 7 years. Shortly after we were married (less than a month), I was in a very serious car accident, I was in a wheel chair for a year and a half, and, and, and... won't bore you with the details. I still have some residual effects from it, but I'm sure losing the weight I gained from it and then some would sure help clear some of those issues up.

    We have a beautiful daughter together - she will be 3 in November. She is a petite, blonde hair, blue eyed cutie (if I do say so myself). She is full of energy and spit... ;) My mom says she is the picture of me as a child, but I think she is waaaay cuter... :wink: She makes me smile every single day and amazes me with all she can pick up on. She also "helps" me "extersize" as she calls it. You've never seen a cuter sight than her imitating me doing a sit up... :laugh: We also have a daughter (my husband's from a previous marriage) who is nearly ten who is not in the best of situations. She may not be blood to me, but she is my special little pumpkin and I love her like my own. She is the most wonderful big sister and is truly a beautiful little girl - inside and out. She is the picture of her Daddy. Ok, how do I put this next part delicately... her mother is.... just not quite right... Well, that's about as nicely as I could put it. Truly, she has been clinically diagnosed as manic, psychotic and the list goes on and on. A court-appointed psychiatrist stated that she was off the charts nuts! She has done terrible things to that child - things that just tear out my heart :sad: and we are working VERY HARD to protect her! That litle story line creates a tremendous amount of financial, emotional and whatever kind of strain you can think of in our lives, but we have to do it - you have to protect a child!

    I have the most wonderful mother in the world. She is supportive and loving and is one of the only people that know of my newest attempt to lose weight. She has managed to forge on after losing my father very unexpectedly a few years ago. It has very difficult for her. They had a love and a marriage that we all hope to have. She loved him so very much and each day she gets a little better. She is truly my biggest support and probably my very best friend.

    Ok, enough of the sadness and drama. I just wanted to share a little since everyone else has been so forthcoming with their stories and emotions. It's also amazing how so many of us have so much in common - at least I think so.

    Bobbie - I don't know how you couldn't see your sparkle - i could see it from here! it is amazing the love you share with your husband - i think we all want that. Because isn't that what it's all about - Love??? no matter the source - love can make all the difference. I look forward to someday hearing your beautiful love story. Thanks for continuing to inspire us and for making Marcie and me cry... :) Have a WONDERFUL with a capital WONDERFUL weekend!!!!! We will miss you and can't wait to hear all of your joy when you return. :smooched:

    Tamara - Whew girl - how DO you do it!??!?! I can imagine being the center of all of our inspiration is a burden - thanks for handling it so gracefully and for always finding the time to touch base and check in and offer words of encouragement - not too mention disbelief - like how in the world you jog for 90 minutes and get up at 3:15!?!?!? YOU ARE AMAZING! And I can't wait to Be that example for people like you have been for me - hugs!:flowerforyou:

    Shari - and speaking of inspirations!!!! Girl, you've been through it all and it seems like to me that you've managed to do it all with such grace, poise and dignity. Yay for you! Thanks for keeping us all connected. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy some well-deserved rest and peace this past week and thank you for your honesty. No, I'm not a quilter - but yours sure are beautiful.

    Jessica - I'm with Tamara - High Five to you for keeping it all under control. Way to go and hats off to you for continuing to lose weight through all the struggles you have to face. Thanks for your posts - you always have a smile to add. I love your lol's... ;)

    Marcie - I am so glad to hear your Mom is doing better. Way to hang in there through all of that. We will all keep our fingers crossed for you on Friday - you've done a great job this week! Thanks for being so considerate of my FIL and offering the kind words.

    Gail - Girl - are you for hire? :laugh: My house could use some of the down home scubbing you are giving to yours!!!! Your down on your knees scrubbing should warrant you at LEAST three pounds shed this week. Glad to hear you have a line on a scale - it will be the reinforcement you need to reflect your accomplishments.

    Welcome back to Karen and Robin - Looking forward to hearing your stories :smile:

    SharonJetSet - haven't heard from you in a while.

    Kim - So glad to have you here - your stories hit home with me every time - I think we our soul sisters... :) Our long term goals seem to be a lot alike - here's to inspiring each other to be our best. and here's to reclaimiing us!!!:drinker:

    Phew - is anybody else tired?!?!??! Well, at least Bobbie and Jessica won't have to read their books anymore - this little novelette should take care of that reading bug?!??! tee hee hee:laugh:

    Well, I got to get back to the actual work they pay me for!
    Happy Wednesday - see you on the thread!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    just a quick check in I am dog beat half dead!! Thinking a 6 o clock bedtime sounds mighty nice tonight,,, Dear Husband, I am off to bed, I am wore out..Please put your children to bed on time with dinner in there belly and there teeth brushed..Love your exhausted wife!

    Do you think he will do it.... Yeah he might he is pretty fabulous!! They are playing on his new boat and I am finsihing up tired to do situp or pushup will do them tomorrow..Will catch up real quick!!

    Shari- Glad you enjoyed your movies.

    Denenn- Great post, when I have more then 5 minutes to write my story I will.. When I stop running, when will this happen??

    Gail- I love to clean also when I have a minute I always try to do something

    Marcie-Sorry you are so busy at work, I like to stay busy its less I think about food!!

    Bobbie- Is almost boarding her plane, she is so stickin excited.

    Jessica- How are you today, school going ok?

    Kim- I am glad you are here also..

    I jut love this website.. Well everyone the time just flipped to 6 pm and I am on my way to check my email and head to bed I am exhausted!!!

    See ya'll at 315 am..night night for now!!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Wow! Clearly I need to make more of an effort to read this thread daily. Miss a few days and you fall waaaay behind!

    I'm not doing great diet-wise. I haven't gained, but I'm getting frustrated about not losing. It's all due to work starting again (I teach 4th grade). I love my school, but the admin can be a bit intense and the workload is overwhelming. I haven't had the energy or time to work out, although I had a really good workout on Sunday.

    Last night my husband and I went to my son's Meet the Teacher. He's in a technology magnet program through the district. It's an intensive program and I love it! He loves it too, which is the best part. I got home from work after 5, turned around and left for my son's school. We didn't get home until almost 9 so our evening was completely off.

    I am determined to work out tonight. w3 of c25k. Last week I didn't have the energy to work out at all so I do not want that to happen again.

    I wish I could respond to posts, but it's a bit overwhelming at this point. I will keep reading and getting to "know" everyone so I can join in more. :)
  • addiograsso
    Hello Ladies -

    Good night, Tamara - hope you have a nice rest... ;) I've done my situps and pushups by the way... ;) Thank you for the update on Bobbie - we're all living vicariously through her this weekend. So very happy for her!

    Shari - where are you, my dear? You've been pretty quiet today... Everything ok?

    Well, I have news - I've saved up my calories for today. My mom is watching my little one - didn't I tell you she was an angel - so I can get some work done AND so I can have a nice little evening with my hubby (hence the saved up calories) - we're going to have a little wine and probably just go to bed (not as exciting as it sounds since bed likely truly means sleep since we're both dog tired... tee hee hee:tongue: )

    Today is a busy day, but productive. Have a nice night - see you all tomorrow.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- school is going lol Its all pretty easy for her except hadnwriting. I just dont think I have the patience for it and shes a leftie which I know I keep mentioning cuz I hate it. The more I read up about lefties the more it scares me. She just keeps doing this thing were she wont answer the question or like today she was labeling letters and she got them all right the first time except the new lower case we introduced today (she does not know her lowercases, we have always done uppercase) which wasnt a ig deal untill after the twentieth time i told what it was and I knew she knew what it was but wasnt saying then she started to not say the other letters, or I should says start to say it but stop and look at me blankly UGH. I was ready to lose my mind lol. Im hoping she starts to realize getting the wrong answer is not a big deal real fast or else I may not chose to do this again next year. I keep telling her its ok to get it wrong and to just give me what she thinks the answer is, if its wrong Im not gonna beat her Im not gonna send her to time out, she wont get in trouble. Yea *sigh* shes way to stubborn. On a good note she is ooo so excited that our library just gota whole section of childrens books on cd. Not the kinds that come with books but the chapter type books. Shes always loved the magic tree house books ever since we got some of the cds from wendy's. So im ordering her the first set of books on cd. We tried reading them but she wasnt interested in mommy reading them i guess. I got one set to tide her overf till we get the first and she actually was listeningwhile cleaning her room except she came to me (my desk is right at her doorway) and said that a car belonged in Alex's room but she didnt wanna miss the story lol.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good night ladies,

    Going to try to get sit ups and push ups in tonight! No promises though...I'm pretty tired.

    Shari had a hair appointment today....I'm hoping we get an updated picture. :smile: Speaking of....We need a picture of Deneen too! :happy:

    I already miss Bobbie....but when she gets back we will probably get a book report! :bigsmile:

    Karen...I have great respect for what you son has to take special education classes and I've come to admire and respect what you all do. You all are very special. You need to find a groove and get your work out time is hard I know!

    I have been coming pretty close to eating my calories burned.....yikes....I better slow down. I'm nervous about weighing on Friday.

    Well better get or I won't get to the sit ups and push ups.

    Sweet dreams all!
  • shari253
    Hi Ladies,

    Just popping in quick to say look at my new cut and color! I feel as pretty as Marcie!! Yay!

    Oh oh, my eating was bad today. I don't usually get stressed about weigh-ins but I'm a bit stressed about Friday. I might gain even if I'm really good tomorrow. Argh, now I'm saying why did I do that?! I don't want to go the wrong direction. Remember how I said i made healthy choices yesterday? Well, today i ate all the stuff i wouldn't let myself eat yesterday during my Jesse Stone - athon.

    I have a friend coming over in the morning, so don't freak if you don't hear from me until later in the day.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dear my thursday friends...

    I didnt go to bed until 8 pm which is alright I feel pretty good today I chose to read charlie st cloud its a really good book I had to make myself put it down..

    Shari- Love the haircut

    Marcie- I am there with you on being to tired, today is workout in morning work and then last minut run this afternoon then pick up baseball uniforms..

    Jessica- you just gotta get into a routine..I am happy for you and give you credit I dont think I could do it.. Not patient enough!!!

    Karen- wedo like to post and motivate her.. I love this group.. Good job teaching,I wanted to be a K teacher but never presuede it.. Thinking restuarant mangement may be up my alley!!!

    Deneen- Enjoy your evening!!

    Bobbie-Glad to hear you made it safely, and enjoy your weekend,I will not be texting you today..Love ya girlie enjoy!!
  • GLW1969
    Hi gang ,

    Tamara- since i don't have a job out of the house i do all the cleaning from getting down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor . i just make the kids to all the up high stuff since I'm afraid of heights( more like falling on my can)

    i took a break after doing the kitchen yesterday and got back into it bright and early today. next i tackle the windows
    with some dawn and vinegar and water ( the dawn is for outside). i do laundry every day i have a load or 2

    but I'm taking extra steps to save me a few extra cals. my sons 16th is Monday so i want to enjoy the cake and ice cream at his party . going to do extra few things to help burn off that because he wants chocolate cake . i may get frozen yogurt instead of ice cream since they like it as well.

    going to be busy getting things together for his party on Monday so ill be back after it's over . to pop on and say hello and see how every one is doing .

    till Monday everyone have a great labor day week end !!!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Tamara- Yea never become a K teacher, 5 year old are evil and Im sure you already know that ;) lol. Im having a hard time handling one 5 year old let alone a whole class of them. I have no idea how those teachers do it and my 5 year old isnt even the worst Ive seen. I ve seen some pretty rotten 5 year olds lol. Her teacher through the online school is way too giddy so maybe thats my problem , Im not as upbeat and bubbly lol
  • addiograsso
    Was just thinking this morning - hope Shari updates her picture with her new do... Lovely! Bet your guys will be suprised, huh?
    Good for you - would lohhooooooovvvve to get my hair done - it's been almost 4 months - yikes! That was the plan for last night, but took the opportunity to get some work done and have a quiet evening with my DH.

    It was very nice - it blew my calories, but it was worth it - back at it today with water, water, water - trying to flush out all the yuckies I put in last night... :laugh:

    Marcie - yes, I know I owe a picture - just still a smidge embarassed to post it... :) Am working on that. Maybe I can find one I like from a while back where my hair was still blonde and i was not as overweight as I am now...

    Baby steps - maybe that will be my "reward" for reaching the 20-25lb mark - take and post a picture... ;)

    Everyone have a great Thursday -
    TODAY - I am going to do 50 situps!