BananaCat83 Member


  • I have heard this as well, and heard it is especially true if you have a lower BMI. Right now mine is at 22.6. I'm definitely not overweight, but I have a feeling my body will want to hold on to these 10lbs. On to the toning so it at least looks good :bigsmile:
  • The pushups are a great idea. I've been doing some core work and I do sets of walking lunges when I'm out walking him. I also just started the 30 day squat challenge. Thankfully I work from home full time, so I can do this all at my desk without getting looks from my coworkers :laugh: But I need to add some upper body and…
  • I've read on average, it burns 300-500 calories a day. I'm sure the frequency of nursing affects it. My son is 11 weeks, so right now I am ebf and I add the negative value of -400. I am currently stuck with 10lbs left to won't budge! I walk with him daily, wearing my HRM and burn on average 430cals with exercise…
  • 1/2c oats microwaved with 1c water, 3min. Cinnamon, brown sugar, and sliced strawberries
  • DS was born 6/8 and I started the mini pill one week ago today. I am ebf-ing and got my period yesterday :mad: My doc warned me that many women have random bleeding with it. There are a lot of women that also say it causes their milk supply to diminish, and I have noticed that as well. I wont be taking any more of them and…
  • I've been EBF for the first 8 weeks, with 1 pump session in the morning to build a stash and to use if I needed to go somewhere without LO, or wanted to have a few drinks. As of Monday I am back at work, so still pumping once in the morning and 3 times at work. PROPS to the EP'ers out there!! I hate it. I wish I could keep…
  • Hi ladies....I have been MIA for a loooong time :blushing: I stopped tracking on MFP because it was making me just a little too obsessive! I'll be at the 30 week mark tomorrow and I've gained 29lbs so far, which my doctor is happy with. It really seems to have steadied off in the past month or so, which I am grateful for.…
  • It was right for me :smile:
  • I've been snacking on raw veggies with hummus this week. I did make the mistake of buying a thing of chocolate covered raisins at Costco yesterday so I've been grabbing handfuls of those all day :blushing: Last week I was always hungry; I'd do the veggies with hummus, a couple of string cheese with reduced fat triscuits…
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, MFP has been giving me issues so I gave up on keeps logging me out every time I try to search for a new food :grumble: But I'm still in the gym 5x a week and trying to eat well. It's a bit frustrating, because no matter how well I eat and how much I exercise, I'm still gaining…
  • So I've gained 8.8lbs of baby and 6.4lbs of brownies? :laugh:
  • I'm 19w3d and as of this morning, I've gained 15.2lbs. I've been logging and exercising the whole time, so I guess that's just the way it's meant to be! I started with a 21.2 BMI so maybe my body just felt the need to add some weight (started at 151.8 and am now 167)...I dread seeing 17-something on the scale :frown:
  • Well, the only reason we got a crib is because my parents offered to buy it for us, and they were visiting for Christmas! If it were up to us, it would be put off, lol. We got the Baby Cache Montana crib in espresso...I think it'll look great with the yellow! Got a call from BRU today that it's ready to be picked up…
  • Rebecca - Glad to hear everything is OK! The bleeding is an annoyance, as I mentioned a few pages back. Hopefully it stops as you get further along...which seems to have happened with me! Haven't had any in over 2 weeks, and we dtd a couple days ago (haven't dtd without blood in 2+mos...its the little things :laugh: ).…
  • 18w5d today, have gained 14.6lbs. 10lbs of that has been since I hit the 2nd tri :indifferent:
  • Congrats! I agree with nursenikki...during the first trimester its not necessary to increase your calorie intake. Just make sure you're eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and eating back your exercise calories! Have you been in the gym at all until yesterday? If you're just getting back into exercise, make sure to…
    in HELP Comment by BananaCat83 January 2013
  • Thanks for this! I was actually thinking about this just a couple of days ago
  • Thanks! It was a lot more stressful at first, but now thats its pretty commmon it doesn't freak me out long as it stops I know I'm good!
  • :love: Ohh my appts are just a quick check (pee, BP, check cervix, doppler)...I can't imagine being there for 2.5hrs! Low and behold, more bleeding last night after sex. Ugh. I think we're just going to limit it to once a week just for peace of mind, and for any injury on the cervix to heal. My doc said its…
  • I was excited to find this as well! Getting back on MFP has really helped me manage my weight gain
  • Thanks! I'm sure that it really helped when I got back on here and started logging more. I find that I'll maintain for a little bit, then all the sudden gain weight all at once (like the 12 days around Thanksgiving when I went from gaining nothing to 6lbs all at once)! I'm getting a HRM for Christmas and I'm…
  • Best way to do it! And then the bread doesnt get soggy before you eat it :smile:
  • It might be his soap! My husband uses Irish Spring bar soap and I use Olay body wash...I find that his soap leaves a LOT more soap scum/reside in the shower than mine.
  • Just checking in! I'm doing a pretty good job at keeping with my goals so far. I'm working out more, and tracking more. From 12/4-12/11 my weight maintained, and from 12/11-12/19 I gained 2.8lbs! I tracked all week and met my exercise goal, so that's kind of frustrating. But overall, it's all good. I've gained 11lbs so far…
  • I have this on a regular basis, unfortunately! Most of the time, nothing triggers it, its just random bleeding (bright red/pink, that lasts a few hours or so). Twice its been triggered by sex and thats what did it the first time...we were terrified! 2 weeks of pelvic rest after that. I see my doc every other week at this…
  • I have the band but I'm one of the ones who thinks its a pain in the *kitten*. Its a pain to constantly adjust and I feel like I'm always hiking my pants up cause they're falling off my butt! I'm sticking to wearing leggings...much easier! I did get a pair of dark skinny maternity jeans from Old Navy, they look great and…
  • Do you have access to an elliptical machine or anything? I like to do that because I find its earlier on my hips than walking or using the treadmill...the treadmill also kills my lower back
  • OK so I did really well last week! Maintained my weight which was my goal, worked out 5x, did a lot better with fruits and veggies. This week is off to a crappy start. Had to skip the gym yesterday because I woke up spotting (again, ugh), and today I had a doc appointment (ultrasound, yey)! Yesterday I kept in my calorie…
  • I've also had an abnormal pap, had the colposcopy and then needed a LEEP procedure since I was at CIN3. HPV was the culprit, and it got that far because I hadn't had a pap in 5 years. Yep, definitely paid for that mistake! Had paps every 3mos after that, then every 6mos and now I'm finally back to once a year. I also had…