

  • Wi dance is sooooo much fun! My neice lost 15 pounds since she has had it and it's a fun and painless cardio workout! Definitely worth a try! Enjoy!
  • This sounds soooo yummy! Thank you for the idea!
  • Thanks everyone for your great ideas! I was thinking of investing in a grill but would rather eat out once in a while for my main cooked meals I think.. But I will try the grilled veggies, the tortilla salad and the wraps! Going to do my groceries now! Thanks!
  • I am not and have never been a morning person and I hit the snooze button over and over for at least 30 minutes every morning , even if i get my 8 hours in so I wish I had a solution!! I'm sure it feels great to have a workout in the morning before the day starts but how does a night hawk do this? I live for my weekends so…
  • Welcome back and I am starting here again too! Now is the time to totally focus on yourself, by taking care, loving yourself and giving your body the nourishment it needs. Our bodies directly relate to what's going on inside emotionally, some people eat for comfort or as an unconscious way to keep other's away, protecting…
  • For an amazing margarita with half the calories use fresh lime and agave sweetener. Also 100% agave tequila is the best to use, although it is also the most expensive tequila- but worth it! Tequila comes from the agave plant and the best is 100% agave like Patron, Don Julio etc. Silver is the best! It must also say on the…
  • I hate them too and they have got to be my least favorite exercise ever!!!!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • God and Mother Earth also created food that is natural and people only ate what their bodies needed for fuel and energy. Today our food is processed, full of trans fat, laced with chemicals and sugar, which is highly addictive and suppresses the immune system. When you clear your body of these foods you stop craving them.…
  • P.S If you don't have a coach I will ask mine if she is available or if there is one she can connect you with. Having the support from someone who cares makes a world of difference!
  • I personally do a cleanse twice a year to rid my body of toxins, and yes....they do work, some are more safe than others like Isagenix. On the days that you are on the shakes you will be eating a well balanced meal and the shakes are full of protein, fibre, acidophilus, nutrients and minerals and tastes yummy too! They are…
  • I totally understand as I would eat so well all day until later on in the afternoon or evening, then I would cheat and ruin my almost perfect day. I would tell myself that I could start again tomorrow but then it became a pattern and I've been struggling with it for a month and even gained a few pounds. I now have gotten…
  • Hi everyone! Has anyone figured out a way to not want to woof everything in sight during PMS and Menstruation? I cannot seem to control my appetite and I could just keep eating and eating. I will eat well and healthy for most of the month but when this hormonal week arrives I lose control and all I think about is food.…