PMS Munchies

groovegoddess Posts: 16
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

Has anyone figured out a way to not want to woof everything in sight during PMS and Menstruation? I cannot seem to control my appetite and I could just keep eating and eating. I will eat well and healthy for most of the month but when this hormonal week arrives I lose control and all I think about is food. Food is constantly on my mind and it's starting to drive me crazy! Any suggestions? I know this is something we all experience but there has got to be some tricks yet to discover to curb us from this frenzy!



  • Hi everyone!

    Has anyone figured out a way to not want to woof everything in sight during PMS and Menstruation? I cannot seem to control my appetite and I could just keep eating and eating. I will eat well and healthy for most of the month but when this hormonal week arrives I lose control and all I think about is food. Food is constantly on my mind and it's starting to drive me crazy! Any suggestions? I know this is something we all experience but there has got to be some tricks yet to discover to curb us from this frenzy!

  • hi this is so funny - i got my period today and hadn't been thinking about it, so when i ate my breakfast and wanted something more than my oatmeal, i felt it was my old self rearing up.

    i ended up eating my lunch early, then had to wait 5 hours for snacktime even though i was hungry (i didn't bring any healthy snacks from home). when i got home i had a lean cuisine MEAL !!! For a SNACK!! :) but at least thank goodness one more day i stuck to a healthy plan.

    for me comfort food involves pastas and breads and that lean cuisine meal was a great PORTIONED way to have that. OH! also, those kellogg 100 packs might help, if you can avoid eating the entire box!! :happy: i have trouble with that.

    Oh, I also forced myself to walk hard and fast for a short ten minute walk this afternoon after work. the kids were busy and i ran out by myself. good luck to you!
  • ok so i think thats whats going on with me right now...

    i woke up today, had my breakfast and a few other snacks.. i had my lunch early too and couldnt stop thinking of what else to eat.. sheesh

    well, i wish i have the answer to that but nope.. nothing here. but hey, ill join the PMS munchies club with yah!! heh heh
  • There is no simple way to fix it I don't think. Herbal supplements ( like herbal teas seemed to help me),especially if I'm craving something sweet.
    If I'm not having super bad cramps, I might munch on little things more ( like nuts, oatmeal, etc) but then I force myself to exercise harder. Hope that helps. =]
  • CristalAlt
    CristalAlt Posts: 1 Member
    What I try to do is exercise get plenty of sleep that helps with the grumpyness!! Also drink lots of h2o and pray that god gets you through the aunt flow!!! I also Like the 100 calorie packs to snack on there awesome!! and the benefit great value high fiber bars are good also Good luck sister!
  • i always crave salt, fat and red the best combination for being healthy, but I almost always give in to that craving for a cheese burger, just because i figure if my body has to go through all that at least I should get a treat....this month though I at least tried to do it a little differently. I made my own burger so I could control ingredients...did it open faced on a piece of whole wheat toast, and made some baked oven french was about 700 calories which is high for me for one meal, but it was much better than the 1000+ calories it would have been if I had gotten the whopper with cheese and fries from BK.

    In other words this month I went for a healthier way to feed the hormonal craving, and it helped me to not feel deprived and stay on track. I didn't miss one gym day.
  • gggivens
    gggivens Posts: 46
    When I feel the PMS munchies coming on, I make it a point to eat a couple of eggs for breakfast, along with a healthy sweet, like cantaloupe or dark chocolate. Then my craving is satisfied or killed for most of the day. Eggs are my secret diet food. When I make it a point to eat 2-3 eggs for breakfast, I lose weight, almost without fail.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site, it is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
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