9 Day Cleanse



  • You do what you feel is best for you, NO ROOM for negativity here.............youre quite the opposite of stupid...I did it myself and felt alot better GO FOR IT! :wink:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I wanted to bring a suggestion to you for kicking that plateau in the butt!

    I recently read an article in one of those healthy living magazines that suggested the reason it's so hard to lose weight after a significant loss (which I believe you've achieved :) ) is because the body starts to freak out! Your body is thinking OMG I'M DYING! - haha. So it starts to cling to everything. Right?

    So, what you need to do is calm your body down. Help it relax. Have you tried eating maintinence calories for a few weeks? This will allow your body to adjust to it's new lower weight and then after a few weeks of letting your body relax and adjust cut back calories again and you should start losing again.

    This method might be easier on your body then a cleanse. :smile:

    Shocking your body, and being cruel to it is hardly ever the better solution because your body is pretty darned smart and geared to keeping you alive. IT doesn't know why you're trying to lose weight, it just knows that 'food sources' have cut back MAJORLY in the last while! And I'm not entirely certain cutting back even more would do anything but freak your body out more.

    Hope this made sense!

    This makes sense to me. I'm glad you shared it! I know people who keep cutting their calories and upping their exercise and sometimes get that to far out of balance. Then wonder why they can't lose.

    I am not a believer in cleanses. Fasting for religious purposes to draw closer to God yes. But I believe he made our bodies to run perfectly without having to starve them and drink special teas or eat only certain foods.
  • paula123
    paula123 Posts: 91
    I'm not going to comment on your decision because in your post you didn't ask for any opinions from ANYONE just asked us to wish you luck, so Good luck with your decision I hope it works out for you! :flowerforyou:
  • I personally do a cleanse twice a year to rid my body of toxins, and yes....they do work, some are more safe than others like Isagenix. On the days that you are on the shakes you will be eating a well balanced meal and the shakes are full of protein, fibre, acidophilus, nutrients and minerals and tastes yummy too! They are barley free, wheat free, gluten free and absolutely no trans fat.

    On your first 2 cleanse days you will be drinking your cleanse for life and you will have your snacks when you are hungry. If you need to eat then have raw vegetables. There are also other supplements you can take during the full 9 days which your coach will tell you. The first two pre cleanse days are so that your body is prepared for the cleanse.

    Do you have a coach?

    I have done the 9 day cleanse before without a coach and although I lost 7 pounds I gained some back as I went back to my regular eating habits. Going on a vacation to Budapest and Paris certainly didn't help! The food is so rich and delicious in Europe so I splurged like crazy! I now have a coach who is a nutritionist, pilates teacher and certified trainer and she knows what she is talking about, so don't listen to these people who say that cleanses are full of crap. You will feel better and healthier, your skin will radiate and you will have more energy. By having a coach she will walk you through your cleanse giving you support and there is also a Iso-diary where you can log in your progress with her. When your cleanse is done your coach will help you incorporate a healthy eating lifestyle so that you continue on your progress without gaining back. That is the reason why everyone regains the weight is because they just go back to their bad habits filling their bodies with junk and toxins again.

    In the meantime I am spinning every other day along with doing hot yoga every other day to sweat and detoxify. You can do this and I support you all the way!!!!!!!

    Cleansing has been done for thousands of years and there has been enough studies on them to prove that they do work and are healthy. Some are most definitely better than others though. When one release toxins from there bodies not only do they feel better, their brains are sharper and from my own experience when my body is cleansed, my meditations are much more clear and my intuition is sharp.

    I am on day two so let's encourage each other during the next 9 days!

    GOOD LUCK SWEETIE!!!!!!! Take this time to listen to what your body needs from you.

    Love and Light
  • P.S If you don't have a coach I will ask mine if she is available or if there is one she can connect you with. Having the support from someone who cares makes a world of difference!
  • I wanted to bring a suggestion to you for kicking that plateau in the butt!

    I recently read an article in one of those healthy living magazines that suggested the reason it's so hard to lose weight after a significant loss (which I believe you've achieved :) ) is because the body starts to freak out! Your body is thinking OMG I'M DYING! - haha. So it starts to cling to everything. Right?

    So, what you need to do is calm your body down. Help it relax. Have you tried eating maintinence calories for a few weeks? This will allow your body to adjust to it's new lower weight and then after a few weeks of letting your body relax and adjust cut back calories again and you should start losing again.

    This method might be easier on your body then a cleanse. :smile:

    Shocking your body, and being cruel to it is hardly ever the better solution because your body is pretty darned smart and geared to keeping you alive. IT doesn't know why you're trying to lose weight, it just knows that 'food sources' have cut back MAJORLY in the last while! And I'm not entirely certain cutting back even more would do anything but freak your body out more.

    Hope this made sense!

    This makes sense to me. I'm glad you shared it! I know people who keep cutting their calories and upping their exercise and sometimes get that to far out of balance. Then wonder why they can't lose.

    I am not a believer in cleanses. Fasting for religious purposes to draw closer to God yes. But I believe he made our bodies to run perfectly without having to starve them and drink special teas or eat only certain foods.
  • God and Mother Earth also created food that is natural and people only ate what their bodies needed for fuel and energy. Today our food is processed, full of trans fat, laced with chemicals and sugar, which is highly addictive and suppresses the immune system. When you clear your body of these foods you stop craving them. But as soon as a refined processed carb or other sugar substance enters our bodies we start to crave these bad foods again.
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    I have never done this cleanse but I have done a juice fast, best thing I ever did for myself. Whether people agree with it is one thing, I felt great during and afterwards and supplied my body with alot of nutrients. The added benefite is that when the fast was over I lost some of my emotional connection to food. Anyway I did a 3 day fast and my advise to you is to give the preperation and breaking of your fast the same attention you gave your fast. That means no alchohol or caffeine for processd food for a week before the fast. Try to maybe go vegan that week. A couple of days before have lots of fruits and veggies and drink lots of water. Do the same thing when you break the fast. If you want to do something this drastic to your body you have to take it seriously and prepare your body.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I personally do a cleanse twice a year to rid my body of toxins, and yes....they do work, some are more safe than others like Isagenix.

    Cleansing has been done for thousands of years and there has been enough studies on them to prove that they do work and are healthy. Some are most definitely better than others though. When one release toxins from there bodies not only do they feel better, their brains are sharper and from my own experience when my body is cleansed, my meditations are much more clear and my intuition is sharp.

    Love and Light

    do you have any of those peer reviewed, scientific double blind research studies that prove they work and are healthy on hand that have actually been published in medical journals? I would be interested in seeing them.

    beware that many studies that are done aren't done up to standard and have any flaws to them.
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been on the Isagenix plan for a month and a half now. I started at 194lbs, a place that I couldn't get by for a couple of months. I had started at 205 and kept going up when I hit 194. I'm 5'7" so if you can picture a ball of lard with hands and legs that was me. Right now I'm in the middle of my second 30 day cleanse and am down to 170lbs. I have some rather difficult challenges with my heart and am a stroke survivor. My exercise regime is limited and I have to use a golf cart to play golf,(yuck), but at least I can still play. So what does this have to with the price of fish? Well, I have more energy now then I've had in the past 6 years. I am continuing to lose weight in a sensible manner, and I feel better then I have in many years.

    The nine day cleanse really isn't four days of no food in a row. It's two cleanse days in a row followed by five shake days with one healthy meal that should contain less than 600 calories, followed by two more cleanse days. It was suggested to you to have someone help you get through those days, I agree. I'm starting the maintenance plan at the beginning of the month no matter where my weight is. I plan on losing another 10-15lbs. Sometime in April I'll do a 9 day cleanse. The key is a lot of water, divide your weight by 1/2 and try to take in that many ounces a day of water, herbal tea will do also. Stay away fro caffeine it will kill a cleanse faster than anything. the exception is green tea, for some reason that I don't know there is no negative affect.

    I have to tell you, cleansing is not only safe when directions are followed but man do you fell good after. You may experience some constipation because the toxins are being flushed out of your body, use Isagenix Isaflush to help and remember lots of water. Good luck and have fun.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water is your friend.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I don't like this topic, simply because very few people know any real facts on it. Including myself. But, I do know that gastroenterologists generally don't agree with it. for example, see the following article by a gastroenterologist on the mayoclinic.com


    Make your decisions wisely. I especially like the last paragraph. Remember, these guys spend their life studying how the body processes food, how the liver, kidneys, colon, and intestines work, they know FAR more about it then a family practice doctor, or any alternative medicine guru.
  • criztawl
    criztawl Posts: 34
    Anyone that I know that has done a cleanse has just gained the weight back that they lost during the cleanse. Also if you're not willing to eat 100% clean, whole and natural afterwards there really is no point because you're body is just going to go back to how it was before ...
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I don't like this topic, simply because very few people know any real facts on it. Including myself.

    I totally agree. It seems most of these posts are based on emotion. People can become so insulted so quickly! Unfortunately writing lacks the depth of speaking in person, so I think it is easy to misinteruprt the spirit with which some comments are being made.

    As for the cleanse itself, I am no expert but I am very wary of them and there is no way I could go without food for more than a day. I use to have problems with the 30hr fasts we did in highschool to raise money for hungry children in poor countries.

    That being said, my manager at work is doing a cleanse for lent. She doesn't take any supplements. She just eliminates a lot of things from her diet including meat, caffiene, salt, wheat, most dairy (she still eats yogurt, alcohol and basicaly anything processed. So basically she just eats clean unprocessed food. She said it was really hard the first time she did it -- probably because of her addiction to diet coke, but that she found it really rewarding. I think if I was going to do a cleanse I would do something similar to this.

    To each his or her own ...:smile:
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