9 Day Cleanse

So, I'm trying to kick start my weight loss again since I've been on a pretty lengthy plateau. Starting on Tuesday I begin my Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse. It's 4 days of this cleansing tea stuff (no food, yikes!) and 5 days of 2 shakes and sensible meal.

I'm really going to focus on this and hope to jump start my weight loss again. Wish me luck!


  • Lauren882
    Lauren882 Posts: 102
    So, I'm trying to kick start my weight loss again since I've been on a pretty lengthy plateau. Starting on Tuesday I begin my Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse. It's 4 days of this cleansing tea stuff (no food, yikes!) and 5 days of 2 shakes and sensible meal.

    I'm really going to focus on this and hope to jump start my weight loss again. Wish me luck!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good luck!! make sure that tea doesnt have Senna or some form of laxative in it....:drinker:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    4 DAYS of NO FOOD???

    shoot, i cant even go for 4 hours...:noway:
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    4 DAYS of NO FOOD???

    shoot, i cant even go for 4 hours...:noway:

    Me neither! :laugh:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    um that sounds ridiculously stupid.

    any gimmick that has the word "cleanse" in it should make everyone just roll their eyes.

    That's why we have a liver, colon and kidneys - it eliminates wastes from our body. As long as you get at least 6 servings of veggies and fruit a day, lean meat or alternatives for protein, and whole grain for fiber (25g at least), there is no reason to "cleanse". Your body has wonderful mechnisms of doing it itself.

    The only way it doesn't is when you're eating ****ty food like McDonalds and not giving it proper nutrition and water.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
  • Lauren882
    Lauren882 Posts: 102
    I'm not asking anyone else to do it, just made a decision for myself. I don't think calling my decision stupid is being very supportive, which is really what this site is for.

    If it's a gimmick then it won't work and that's fine. But I believe my 40lbs lost speak for that fact that I haven't been "eating ****ty food" for some time.

    If you've got nothing constructive to say then take your post somewhere else.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    This whole exchange reminded me of something I learned in grade school. If you insult people they aren't going to listen to you.

    Sorry about the 'S' word Lauren. Just ignore that. Really cleansing makes me wince but people who try it are not stupid. You have to make choices for your body and sometimes maybe you won't make the best choices but really no one is perfect.

    All we can do is live and learn.

    That said, why did you decide to do a cleanse?
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    I know a lot of people who have done the isogenix thing, and are having wonderful results. I have also heard that a cleanse can be wonderful, because of al the crap that we put in our bodies. Good luck with it.. I ordered my first cleanse yesterday...
  • Lauren882
    Lauren882 Posts: 102
    I'm not looking for a total life altering change with the cleanse. I've been sticking to this site since July of last year and even though I've had success, I'm ready to just try something different even for a short time. It's nothing more than that, I'm not taking it as a quick fix.
  • Water•Baby
    One of my friends does Isagenix shakes a couple of times a year. She generally loses about 9#, and will put back about 3# in the next week. If she doesn't go back to her evil wine-ways, she'll keep most of it off.

    My physician - a regular internist - actually runs cleanse clinics, so apparently there are some doctors who think they are okay (albeit they'd probably say "under supervision").
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    While I think calling it stupid or implying that people would be stupid for trying it is completely wrong and shouldn't have been said, I don't condone cleanses either.

    There is no medical proof that they do anything. There have been lots of studies on this and they all come back either as slightly harmful or inconclusive.

    I also have yet to see a single gastrointestinologist (experts in the process of bowels and your colon) that is in favor of them. Yes we ingest, absorb and breath in toxins daily. But our systems have multiple layers that are meant to purify and remove them. If you're wondering about those commercials about "paste and spackle" stuck to our colon and intestines, that's just false. Our colon and intestines are covered with mucus that basically denies anything from sticking to it, and anything that does stick around, is scrapped off by fiber in our foods and contractions that happen regularly.

    There are reasons why people lose weight on cleanses. It has nothing to do with removing stuff from our bowels.

    here are some articles on detox and cleanses that I found. Please read them.



    While some people may state their opinions a bit too harshly, I think the spirit is that we just want people to be healthy, and the best way most of us know of to be healthy, is to eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise regularly, and try to gain all the information you can about your health before making any decisions.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm not asking anyone else to do it, just made a decision for myself. I don't think calling my decision stupid is being very supportive, which is really what this site is for.

    If it's a gimmick then it won't work and that's fine. But I believe my 40lbs lost speak for that fact that I haven't been "eating ****ty food" for some time.

    If you've got nothing constructive to say then take your post somewhere else.

    Everything I did have something to say is something constructive because there is no scientific, peer reviewed research out there that proves cleanses are a) healthy b) benficial for the body that your other organs aren't already doing and c) do actually anything they actually say they are going to do besides lose a lot of water and muscle weight.

    Secondly, I never said you specifically were eating ****ty food. Obviously you aren't because your ticker indicates you lost 40 pounds. What I was getting at is that those whose bodies are in needing of "cleansing" are the ones who eat foods that aren't healthy and are in need of a nutritious diet.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I would love to hear your results on this. I have never done a cleanse before but have heard of people having great success with it. I understand that our body does this naturally but sometimes our body needs a jump start on success. No different that getting over a cold in some cases we need to take medicine to jump start our body to fight off the infection.

    Good luck and DON't let people tell you that your ideas are stupid!!!!

    If someone has something negative and offensive to say don't say it at all! :explode:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Ill also clarify what I thought sounded stupid: the fact that you won't be eating for 4 days. i apologize if I made it seem like I was calling you stupid because I wasn't.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I'm trying to kick start my weight loss again since I've been on a pretty lengthy plateau. Starting on Tuesday I begin my Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse. It's 4 days of this cleansing tea stuff (no food, yikes!) and 5 days of 2 shakes and sensible meal.

    I'm really going to focus on this and hope to jump start my weight loss again. Wish me luck!

    Do what is best for you and if it works great and if it doesn't you know not to try it again. Don't listen to what other people say. There are bad things in everything we do. Not everyone can lose weight and not have a plateau but I guess there are a lot on this site that can. I haven't hit that point yet but I might do what I have to to get past that point.

    Good Luck to you!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: My husband is currently on the Isagenix program and he has nothing but praise for it. I'm personally not interested but he's lost a bunch of weight and has endured the "cleanse" days with a minimum of discomfort.

    good luck to you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I wanted to bring a suggestion to you for kicking that plateau in the butt!

    I recently read an article in one of those healthy living magazines that suggested the reason it's so hard to lose weight after a significant loss (which I believe you've achieved :) ) is because the body starts to freak out! Your body is thinking OMG I'M DYING! - haha. So it starts to cling to everything. Right?

    So, what you need to do is calm your body down. Help it relax. Have you tried eating maintinence calories for a few weeks? This will allow your body to adjust to it's new lower weight and then after a few weeks of letting your body relax and adjust cut back calories again and you should start losing again.

    This method might be easier on your body then a cleanse. :smile:

    Shocking your body, and being cruel to it is hardly ever the better solution because your body is pretty darned smart and geared to keeping you alive. IT doesn't know why you're trying to lose weight, it just knows that 'food sources' have cut back MAJORLY in the last while! And I'm not entirely certain cutting back even more would do anything but freak your body out more.

    Hope this made sense!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I'm not trying to be negative towards you at all...but to me...I just don't see how not eating "food" for 4 days straight can be healthy?