barthel2387 Member


  • if you take pre workout then go do hit, your heart will probably explode.
  • so intensity has nothing to do with how much you burn? just mileage and age
    in HRM Comment by barthel2387 August 2015
  • ok, please elaborate how you are coming up with 275.
    in HRM Comment by barthel2387 August 2015
  • So if I did a steady pace and my heart rate was still at around 170, would this be the correct calories burned? How do you track sprint if HRM inflates calories burned or is it only the distance that matter? and what is MET value?
    in HRM Comment by barthel2387 August 2015
  • I am honestly not even sure EXACTLY what my weight loss would be per week.. I know a lot of its water weight but this has been the month of July.. 1 July- 168.8 5 July- 163.8 8 July-165.8 12 July-165.2 15 July-168.0 19 July-163.4 22 July-165.0 25 July-163.X 26 July-162.6 29 July-163.X 31 July I know why it fluctuates every…
  • I am female, 5'10. I am 162 lbs right now trying to get down to 150-155. Have lost 25 lbs in 4 months already :) I do not track all calories, only the ones I know for sure what they are. Packaged items, drinks ect. I am currently deployed, and have NO idea what the dining facility puts in their food. Or for instance, I ask…
  • yes. I wake up normally about 0415, at the gym by 0445- 0600.... work at 0700!
  • Question about cycling.. if I am taking a pre-work out (C4) and taking about 1.5 scoops 2-3 days a week, is it necessary to cycle on and off of it?
  • If I had really read a strong lift page, I probably wouldn't be asking these questions.
  • i just did day two of T25. It is ALOT of cardio ( so far) so I am not sure if you will gain muscle from it.
    in T25? Comment by barthel2387 June 2015
  • At GNC they have ready to go "Lean Shakes" ( kind of expensive... 8 for $15) They come in Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry. I buy them and drink them if i am in a rush or not all that hungry. Decently tasted too. Herbalife is another good meal replacement.