

  • I'm from Ohio too! Cincinnati area. Welcome! Please add me as a friend if ya want. :)
  • I wanted to clarify that you don't necessarily have to live in Cincinnati to be a part of this group. If you live anywhere NEAR Cincinnati like maybe Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. and want to join our group anyone is obviously welcomed! There may be occasions where we meet up as a "group" so if you live close to the area and…
  • OK people! I went ahead and created a group on Facebook for local health and fitness fans.!/group.php?gid=123626457686745 The group is now published and you can join it. This will be a great way to bring local Cincinnati like-minded people together to share tips on nutrition, motivation…
  • You can't go into something "winging it" and expect results. I struggled with this for 15 years until I finally had the right mindset and got a PLAN together. This is what I talk about on my Blog and that's the first step. I don't care what exercise "program" someone chooses, it has to start with a plan and a desire to…
  • Jude, Please read this. Hopefully it will help give you ideas and motivation. Let me know if I can help ok?
  • WTG! It's a shame people who genuinely want to help other are often labeled as "trying to sell something". You know, I don't care but there are way too many people in the fitness industry who give people like me a bad reputation. I'm not picking on anyone just a general comment. It's not the first time someone has…
  • Nope, not "selling" anything. This is my life and passion and I just share my success with others and try to help. The title does sound like a sales pitch. lol Sorry. I am a fitness coach but I don't push anything upon anyone. I am not a sales rep nor want to come across as one. Not my style. In fact, I don't like people…
  • That's awesome! Isn't it a great feeling getting back into shape and feeling healthy? Why people torture their bodies is beyond me. Good for you!
  • Yeah, ditch the soda. That stuff is horrible for you! "Google" the negative affects soda has on your body and once you really look into it you won't ever put that junk in your system ever again. There are MUCH better choices out there.
  • How are you? I was thinking the same thing. There are lots of "clubs" out there for things like photography and stuff like that but are there any "health and fitness" groups that get together on a regular basis and go hiking, climbing, walking, etc? That's a great idea! Start one up! ;) Scott