SkyraBee Member


  • I would like to join. How will we hold each other accountable? :)
  • I love Panera... Good to know. Thank you for sharing.
  • Welcome to MFP. You'll really enjoy it!! And... I'm on here!! Duh!!!
    in Newbie!! Comment by SkyraBee April 2011
  • The calories you lose from exercise are "fair game" in my mind. I find some days when I burn 1000+ calories that I am still hungry after I've eaten my allotted calories, most likely due to the fact that I've burned so many. So, on those days, while I would not consume another 1000 calories just because I burned it, I do…
  • Mostly women (though I've seen one man of memorability) that wear inappropriate attire to work ou int. By inappropriate I mean: NOTHING LEFT TO THE IMAGINATION--I figure you're at the gym for a reason ( I know I am) --cover it up already! And for God's sake--do not hit on me. I'm sweating like a fat kid waiting on…
  • Welcome! I hope this website gives you the support you need. I love it here. Good luck.
  • I eat pita chips and hummus. It's a great snack. Also, from watching the Biggest Loser, they talk about those small Tupperware containers. You should fill one with like carrots or something quick that way you are never out without something (so you don't go to the nearest fast food restaurant and binge)
  • Welcome to This is a good place to achieve your weight loss goals. I love this site and I hope it is as good to you as it has been for me.
  • Thanks for sharing this website. I just looked at it and it looks like it will solve my T-giving woes (in terms of staying on track & eating well).
  • Yes, interval training is a good idea ( I imagine it was mentioned before). That keeps me motivated on the treadmill. Also, if the road is clean (despite the cold), dress warmly and mix it up with running outside. Good luck.
  • This is a great topic. About 4 -5 months ago, I too decided I wanted to be a runner. Now I can run three miles in under 30 minutes. Last time I ran, I did it in 27:40, which is REALLY good for me. My goal is to run a 25 minute 5K in the spring. So I run about 3 - 4 times a week from 2 - 4 miles at each stint. I found that…
  • Wow. I feel like many of you. Food is addictive, but I figure I need something in my life to trump food and that is exercise. I've always been a very competitive person and so I let exercise fuel my day, rather than food. Keeping a very busy workout schedule with keeping up with teaching high school kids and taking two…
  • Progresso Lentil Soup is 300 calories per can and it's great because it's very filling. Lots of fiber and protein. That's what I do. I promise you won't be hungry. And like somebody else said: exercise. I couldn't resist making chocolate chip pancakes this morning so I just finished my three mile run in this beautiful…
  • I agree with most of the people who have responded. Work out when it's best for you. I think I feel differently depending on the time of day. For instance, I just finished 9-9:50 am spin class and I feel great. I usually don't feel this energized when I do 5:45pm spin, but like the others said... working out is better than…
  • You definitely need to change it up. When the body gets comfortable in its workouts etc., like most things, it gets stagnate. Try taking some fitness classes or buying DVDs to workout with. Up your intensity. Also, many women think strength training is not for them or they keep it to a minimum. That is a mistake. Strength…
  • No, I think it helps. It stops me from sitting on the couch just thinking about how crappy I feel. It gets me up and moving and then I usually feel so much better.
  • We just got a Zumba instructor at my gym too. I can't wait to check it out.
  • I snack on: - Low fat animal crackers (16 crackers = 120 calories) - Rold Gold Pretzels (9 = 110 calories) - Oats & Chocolate Fiber bars (1 bar = 140 calories) - even the Great Value generics are good - Yoplus Yogurt (pomegranate) (90 calories for 4 oz) - there's great coupons on for snacks like this - String…
  • I agree. I wish I could stop weighing myself. The scale hasn't moved in a week despite my efforts, but plenty of people have commented on how great I look, and these slacks I couldn't wear two months ago just slipped on last week. It was a fantastic feeling. My clothes just fit better and I feel great.
  • Definitely stick to the plan. Eating and/or overeating is not what you body wants. I also am a big fan of sweating out my colds. I tend to work out vigorously when I have one. It usually makes me feel better. I saw a news segment about working out while sick in comparison to working out while not sick-- the results were…
  • For the most part, I do not eat them. However, on days when I burn over 1000 calories in one day, I need to dip into them a little. I try to eat food high in fiber in the morning to curb my hunger for the majority of the day. I also have mfp set to lose 1.5 pounds a week and I am losing that or more depending on the week.…
  • Good Luck! That's an admirable goal.
  • Wikianswers says 2 oz is a cup cooked???
  • Yes, the scale only helps us to be crazy. Just remember to weigh yourself in the morning right after you pee. That will give you the most accurate reading. I do it without any clothes on too. Why should I add the extra pounds of my clothing and/or shoes lol. Makes me feel good. I like the idea of having a scale that has…
  • Hi. Welcome. Don't be discouraged. Try varying your workouts. That will push you through.
  • Yes, jump roping is a very good workout. I just have terrible knees so I am more likely to go to a gym than jump rope. However, as long as you find out what works for you...jump away :)
    in jump rope Comment by SkyraBee March 2009
  • Thank you! I'll give this a try over the weekend.
  • Sorry if the title is misleading, but I'm looking for a lower fat, yet delicious pizza recipe that I can make at home. I really miss eating pizza and would like to make some (with your help). :)
  • While I agree, I've read many diet books and most off them state that 1200 calories is good for about two weeks to get the metabolism started. I've done the 1200 calories thing for two weeks and it really does help start the weight loss process. However, I think people go wrong when they think that is the be-all-end-all…
  • Hello, I think you're going to love this site. I just joined a few days ago and I already really like it. And everyone is really nice so welcome.