Struggling to lose that last 15 pounds.

kgrim31 Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
So I've changed my lifestyle habits over the past 3 years. And it has helped me lose weight. 17 months ago my son was born (yes right in the middle of me trying to lose all this weight). Before I found out I was pregnant, I was battling the 178-185 range in my weight. When I finally went to the doctors for the verification of my pregnancy, they told me my starting weight was 186 lbs. ONE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX POUNDS!?!? Isn't that what I should be when I was 9 months pregnant. I'm 5'5 and played sports all my life. My weight usually ran between 130-140 (when I was younger and active, and faster metabolism). They day I gave birth to my son I was 206 lbs. I've NEVER had a 2 in front my weight. That alone motivated me to lose the weight. By the time my son was 2 1/2 weeks old I was back to 185 lbs. When he was 4 weeks old, I got sick and had to have my gallbladder removed. Complications from the surgery lasting for 3 months after, with me in and out of the hospital for weeks at a time, caused me to lose weight quickly. By the time my son was 2 1/2 months old I was 170 lbs. When I finally got to come home and get back into my daily life activities, I had no desire for food, because of how sick I was. So I slowly started introducing things into my body again. (Fried and fatty foods were not appealing, which I thought was PERFECT) However 1 year later, now weighing 146 lbs. I can't lose anymore. My goal from the VERY beginning was to be 130 lbs. I refuse to "crash diet" and have been trying my hardest to remain healthy with food, however it is frustrating when you aren't seeing any results. And I find myself craving that "fast food, fried" stuff. (which just in the long run depresses me even more when I cave to it.) I recently started walking about 3 miles, three times a week. I'm trying to build my stamina back up to running. Each week I switch it up. I either follow a law-calorie diet or weight watchers. (which in the long run is pretty much the same thing, but it makes me feel like I'm changing things up.)

The reason I am babbling on is because I was wondering if anyone had any tips for losing my last 15 lbs??? Along with walking/running, I have been doing toning exercises for my all over body.

If you have any suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them :-)


  • roxie17
    roxie17 Posts: 71
    I am just starting to try to lose the last 10 pounds - 30 day shred DVD by Jillian Michaels is very good that one is only 20 minutes. I just went out yesterday and bought 2 of her 45 minutes DVDs so I can get a better workout.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You're not alone; there are quite a few of us struggling with those last few pounds.

    One thing that helps are photos. Just because the scale doesn't move, it doesn't mean your body isn't changing. The photos remind you that you are still losing fat and that the pounds will also come off soon. And if the photo isn't changing either, it might be time to switch up your workout routine with heavier weights or whatnot.

    Anyway, good luck on your journey! There are quite a few support groups, even a few runners clubs that you can join and share your daily experiences with.

  • mkatzb3
    mkatzb3 Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe switch up your routine from runnring to light weight lifting. Light weights tone which will not only help lose weight but also tone. If you go to a gym try taking some classes they offer. Your boy gets bored with the same day to day exercises so challenge it! :wink:
    Good Luck!
  • SkyraBee
    SkyraBee Posts: 39 Member
    You definitely need to change it up. When the body gets comfortable in its workouts etc., like most things, it gets stagnate. Try taking some fitness classes or buying DVDs to workout with. Up your intensity. Also, many women think strength training is not for them or they keep it to a minimum. That is a mistake. Strength training actually burns more calories than cardio alone. Hope this helps.
  • kgrim31
    kgrim31 Posts: 4
    thank you for all your responses I will have to try some of these techniques!
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