Have a question about my calorie goal intake and exercise

bigguy00 Posts: 27
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well I have been up MFP for a little over three months now and have lost a total of 49 pounds. I am so happy with this and I dont want to change a thing but I have been reading other posts and reading different things on the internet and they all have different answers. I guess the issue I am having is I eat as close to my calorie goal every day and sometimes I hit it and some days I dont but I am close. The question I have is how do you eat the calories that you loose from exercise. I eat when I am hungry I try to eat every 3 to 4 hours but I dont eat a lot when I do. Then by the end of the day after my exercise and after my dinner I am way below my calorie goal (the one that adds what you lost from your exercise). Which I feel is good because I am losing the weight but I just want to make sure I am not hurting my self either. I dont starve myself and somedays I feel like I ate to much but I am still under my calorie goal and or at it.

Can anyone shed some light on this and or tell me what i am doing is ok or not. I just dont want to find out later down the road that I have been doing it all wrong. THIS IS NOT A DIET FOR ME ITS A LIFE STYLE CHANGE and I want to do it the best and healthiest way I can.



  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Another thing I've read is you know your body better than anyone else does, so if what you are doing is working and you are not starving, then keep doing it. Some people eat their exercise calories, and some do not. If you get to a point where you stop losing, then you can change it up and see what works. Congratulations on your weight loss so far!
  • michelle_lichdean
    michelle_lichdean Posts: 3 Member
    HI bigguy,
    I have always thought that aslong as you have eaten 1400 calories in a day you should be ok, you should never eat below that as then your body doesn't get enough from it and thinks you are being starved.
    So i think as long as you aren't eating below 1200-1400 you should be ok, just make sure you don't over do yourself with the exercise. By eating the right ammount and exercising at least 30 minutes a day you ashould be seeing the weight drop off.


    Ps 49 pounds, thats amazing well done :smile:
  • SkyraBee
    SkyraBee Posts: 39 Member
    The calories you lose from exercise are "fair game" in my mind. I find some days when I burn 1000+ calories that I am still hungry after I've eaten my allotted calories, most likely due to the fact that I've burned so many. So, on those days, while I would not consume another 1000 calories just because I burned it, I do eat a couple hundred more calories. This makes me feel better and I can "replenish my fuel" to do other things with my day.

    So, the answer to your question I guess is this: On days you feel like you need the calories that you burned, you can eat them. That's more of a maintenance tactic and less of a weight loss tactic though (in my mind). However, I do not suggest you do this every day because depending on how your body reacts will depend on whether you stop losing weight, stay where you are etc.

    And CONGRATS! You're doing awesome. In the end, do what works for your body :)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    Here's a link to an excellent, and well researched, post on this very topic.


    Essentially, right now in your journey when you still have quite a bit to lose, it's OK for you to create a larger deficit...but, if you've set your MFP goal for "lose 2 pounds a week", it's probably big enough. I would strongly suggest you eat at least half of your exercise calories back to keep your machine humming. Since you say it's a lifestyle change, and you want to do it the healthy way, this IMHO is the way to do it. Eat them, or at least part of them.

    That being said, this is a strongly debated topic around these (and all) parts.
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    I agree with the others...as long as you are feeling good and still losing weight, don't sweat the calorie details too much...it's still early, but if you get to a point where you stop losing, then you need to worry about "starvation mode"...I'm a "big guy" too, and I don't think I need to worry too much about that happening anytime soon...just pay attention to how you feel and what the numbers are telling you and you should be okay...I figure if I am within 10% of my daily calorie goal most days then I am on-track...for someone with only 10-20 pounds to lose it may be different, but in my case with 100+ to go, and I am not starving myself (stomach growling, light-headed, etc) then I am doing fine...good luck, and if you ever need another "big guy" to commiserate with, give me a shout.
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Hi there! I too am losing weight with MFP, I think it is a good idea not to eat up
    to the extra calories that you have gained from exercise for the day. I try to ignore
    the extra calories that I gain from exercise, so far it is working and I do not feel
    hungry. I think the biggest thing is to try to eat the right types of foods, and to
    make sure that you include all the food groups in your diet. It sounds like you
    are doing a great job already, keep it up!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Biggs!Great job!Have you read the newbie threads?That explains a lot,you want to stay healthy and think long term :drinker:
    See below!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    Here's a link to an excellent, and well researched, post on this very topic.


    Essentially, right now in your journey when you still have quite a bit to lose, it's OK for you to create a larger deficit...but, if you've set your MFP goal for "lose 2 pounds a week", it's probably big enough. I would strongly suggest you eat at least half of your exercise calories back to keep your machine humming. Since you say it's a lifestyle change, and you want to do it the healthy way, this IMHO is the way to do it. Eat them, or at least part of them.

    That being said, this is a strongly debated topic around these (and all) parts.
  • what works for you now may not work later when you are even thinner. we will all get to that point where we need to readjust our calorie intake. Take each day at a time, don't worry so much about when you get to your goal... not just yet anyway.

    not sure if it's the same for a male but I read that you should take your goal weight and times it by 10 and that should be your calorie intake. You are right about 1 thing- not one place on the web or else where match or agree on calorie intake. Stick with MFP recommendations to get the weight off. You are going great! 49 lbs in 3 months WOW- jealous!
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