justplainoleanne Member


  • I still feel new to veganism, 2 months now. My health is really turning around since I made the switch. My doctor (who put me on this diet) was impressed with the results on Friday. He went so far as to say I inspired him and asked for some of my recipes. I found a new blog last week Munchin with Munchkin,com Some recipes…
  • My meat eating sons have "accidentally" eaten my food more than once. They really do like the sloppy joes I make with vegan burger crumbles. They have also eaten several of my salads. As people see my health improve and weight go down, they are developing more of an open mind.
  • It sounds to me like you gave yourself a much needed break from control. Don't worry about it. We all need a break from time to time. Get back on track tomorrow and quit beating yourself. My personal doctor insisted that I take a break this weekend. He says a short break makes you realize how much you need to get back on…
  • Having been a meat eater for over 50 years, I think I can say a little something here. I am now a vegan. Why? Two of my doctors are trying to keep me from dying a slow horrible death. Do they recommend this to everyone? No. I have been on a vegan diet for about 8 weeks now and I can honestly tell you that for the last six…
  • Emily, I can tell you this, two weeks after going completely vegan, my arthritis that has pained me for over 30 years disappeared. That was five weeks ago and with all the crazy weather, it has not come back. I have been a chronic pain patient for over 18 years with a bad back. The pain is so far dimished, I no longer…
  • Thank you for that post!!! Work has been crazy lately and my eating is going to suffer without some stress relief!!!
  • Compensating for one injury usually causes a domino effect. Can you get to a massage therapist?
  • Detox....hadn't thought about that one. I was thinking it was kind of an afternoon slump, but I tend to eat all afternoon (carrots, grapes, nuts, etc.) so I was stumped. I think you hit the nail on the head with the detox. Thank you. BTW - the headaches are better, but allergy season is in full swing, so now there are…
  • My fingernails are growing as well! They've always been thin and brittle, but not now. My complexion is changing too, but it has only been three weeks so who knows where it will end up. I'm not tired all the time now and my joints have quit hurting. I figure it can only get better from here.
  • ohsheglows is a blog that has lots of idea about flavoring her oatmeal. I usually cook mine in coconut milk with an apple. Then I add maple syrup, raisins and cinnamon.
  • Last night I had Kale Salad and loved it so much I made it again tonight. kblog.lunchboxbunch.com
  • I was never a vegetarian, but I am now a vegan. I was told by my doctor to do it for a "sick" pancreas (not diabetes). I decided if I was ever going to find out if it worked, I need to just "do it". No gradual weaning from meat and dairy. I planned it out on Saturday and started it on Sunday. BOOM. It has been two and a…
  • Never quit caffiene cold turkey! Always wean yourself slowly. The headaches are killer!!!
  • My family is not very supportive of my new diet style. The refrigerator is divided into their food and my food. They act like what I eat will hurt them. At dinner tonight I was eating tacos (the same as them only different). I was drinking water, but that is nothing new. My husband was pouring a pepsi. I said "you know,…
  • Not just flatulant, I understand that part, but the pooping is unbelievable! I guess that comes with eating fruits and vegetables. I tend to get headaches now and I haven't had those in the past. They do seem to go away with eating, but it seems like I need to eat every couple of hours. My boss mentioned the other day that…
  • I am a new vegan as well. I developed a horrible case of pancreatitis last summer due to a gall bladder issue (or so the doctor's think). The gall bladder is gone, but the pancreas is still very unhealthy. My new doctor said that meat and dairy are difficult to digest and recommended (insisted) I move to a vegan diet. I…
  • My oldest son has seizures when his potassium gets low. We have started getting him dried apricots. Six a day is almost 100% of your potassium. He is not having seizures, but we still have to watch him carefully. He is 25 and works out of doors most of the time.
  • My gall bladder ruptured last summer AFTER giving me a royal case of pancreatitis. No issues with the removal and eating now, but pancreas is still not right. Don't wait too long!
  • Doctor just suggested (really strong) that I move to a vegan diet for a while to let my pancreas rest (bad bout of pancreatitis last summer that won't go away). Just started, so I can't tell you about weight loss yet. I'm making things like quinoa salad and lentil soup. Hummus is my new junk food. He told me not to worry…
  • I used to have terrible allergy problems. My chiropractor has really helped them, plus there are some drops you can get at the health food store that fix the rest. I've gone from staying indoors all the time to just a few days out of the year when the pollen count is too high.
  • If you have a Publix, they have it in the gluten free section. First time I purchased it though, I had to go to a health food store.
  • I too am over 50. I keep hearing people talk about steroids for various health issues. Been there done that, too - More thana few times. Now the doctors that I go to know my view on steroids - if they prescribe them, I will not ever go back to their office. Steroids ravage your body and can cause more harm than good. They…
  • I joined mpf on January 31 at my doctor's insistence. I have not regretted it one minute! While I knew what to do to lose weight, I had no one to encourage me. My husband is 150 lbs. overweight and proud of it. I don't want to follow him. I hope that by my 55th birthday in October, I will be close to my goal of losing 50…
  • I'm with sazzet on this one. Only veggies for a week? That isn't enough to keep you going. I have a different book that I use. I eat veggies, fruits, meats and some carbs. I really don't have any cravings either. When you deny yourself something your body needs, the cravings will never go away. I have lost a little over a…
  • Studies are showing now that some anemia is caused by a b12 deficiency. Try using some sublingual b12.
  • That sounds just like my husband. He has heart problems and is about 100 lbs. overweight, but refuses to try and lose weight. I am only 50 lbs. overweight, had a huge cancer scare and am determined to lose weight. Since I work two jobs, I tend to only cook on the weekends and he fends for himself three nights a week. I let…
  • At first, the easiest way to get started is to eat plain fruits and vegetables and meats. There are a lot of good books out there to help. I purchased "The Low GI Handbook" Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller has several books out that seem helpful. My doctor explained that one half of every plate should be fruits and vegetables, one…
  • I gained 50 pounds after my father died of cancer. I also lost a grandmother, uncle and best friend in less than a year after that. I wish I could offer advice, but all I can do is say "I'm sorry and I feel your pain." I will keep you in my prayers.
  • I didn't realize that you could mark a place here. I've found ou guys and lost you many times. I'm like several others, I fit here, I think.