

  • i will have to check it out thanks for the 411 on the article
  • THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Are you positive its accurate??
  • thanks guys for the motivation. I think i will start tommorow i was reading articles on how to loose 10 pounds in 2 weeks just to give myself an initial self starter and then maintain from there. You guys made me feel so much better knowing that I am not alone feeling this way.
  • liars
  • I wish I had the answer...i have the same problem I just want to keep eating....I just try to work out more to compensate for overeating calories. good luck!
  • Thank you Etta! That sounds delicious.
  • are you consuming too much protein??
  • I agree I believe that some men are no good but there are plenty of great ones. We also need to understand that we are totally different. There are plenty of girls out there too! gotta look at it from both perspectives. :)
  • buy a new scale then go by that weight and only that weight. I am obsessed with weighing myself too but I now have a post-it on my mirror telling me waht days I am aloud to weight myself which is once a week. I even break that rule too. good luck and try not to focus on numbers so much becasue if you are working out you…
  • congrsatulations! walk a lot and do yoga and I am sure you will do great. best wishes!
  • I am reading this book called "Weight Whys" by Cheri Calcagno and she reccomends eating every 3-4 hours so that you dont get very hungry and make bad choices. She made a good point about your body needing fuel not just becasue you are hungry. I also highly recommend this book it is very motivational and easy to read, not…
  • thanks I just found a cool link finally I guess it 2 Table spoons! I guess I have been using less than one ounce :)
  • Slice the sweet potatos or whats even easier is buy them presliced (I like to get them at Trader Joes) either way about 3-4 potatoes 1/2 strips Preaheat oven to 425 Spray baking pan with pam Toss potatoes with 1 tsp of extra virgin olive more if desired but it gets more fattening Add crushed garlic (if you want of course)…
  • That looks really good...but HFS thats horrible for you....what is America coming to?
  • thank you for the useful info!
  • Eat 1 peice of pizza with a large salad. Nothing takes away the pizza craving better than having the actual thing. Thats my take on it. Just work out extra that day or the day after to burn it off.
    in Pizza Comment by jessicob August 2009
  • make sure you drink tons of water!!! that will help a lot because you have been consuming so much fiber your body needs a way to flush it through the system. YOur body will adjust I dont think you need to see a doctor the same thing happened to me. Then again, I am not a doctor, I just know what worked for me. :) good luck!
  • I would do a little bit of dont need to abide by all of the amounts that this shows in fact everyone is different and needs more of some things than others. I have done a lot of reading and I basically ignore everything accept calories, fat, sugar and fiber. When consuming fat avoid all saturated fats if…
  • Hi! I am a Dental assitant so what I can say is stay away from rice and pasta because it can get stuck in the "open wounds". No hot/warm for the firsts two days it can cause exces bleeding!!! Dont drink anything from a straw, which I am sure they have already told you becasue you could get dry socket. Things that are good…
  • Trader Joe's is a great place to go. They have so many options: premade sauces, frozen entrees, wheat basmati rice, whole wheat naan, and so on... Just check the labels of course because not everything is healthy but in moderation of course you can have anything. googling "lowfat indian recipes is what I would do too!"…
  • Yes I agree egg yolks are good in moderation but whites are actually delicous with salt and pepper.
  • hi there! I never eat egg yolk they are high in fat and calories. Eat eggwhites only...they even have them ready to go in those little cartens. I love celery and hummus and if you make your own hummus you can control the fat and calories and eat more I use less oil and more…