I need scale help!!!

I am an obsessive weigher, like 5 times a day!! :blushing: So I always know how much I weigh, 199, and I work out with a trainer 2x a week and we weigh in on Thursdays!! So we go to weigh in and it says 188!! I just stood there and was like do it again ... and we did it again and it said 189 still in disbelief we did it two more times and it said 191 & 192!! My trainer says that the scale is callabrated (sp?) every day and that it is correct!! But I come home and weigh myself still in disbelief and it says 199 again!! So now I am totally up in the air about what to think about!!

Also when I weighed in at home before the first weigh in at the gym they matched up!!

So someone please help me figure this out!!


  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    I was told by both my doctor & a dietician to only weigh myself once a week, use the same scale every time, & preferably (sp) at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes.

    I know this probably doesn't help with your original post but thought I would tell you. Also, being "obsessed" with the scale isn't helping you any. Try to focus on other things like how your clothes fit, how you feel, etc. It helps....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am an obsessive weigher, like 5 times a day!! :blushing: So I always know how much I weigh, 199, and I work out with a trainer 2x a week and we weigh in on Thursdays!! So we go to weigh in and it says 188!! I just stood there and was like do it again ... and we did it again and it said 189 still in disbelief we did it two more times and it said 191 & 192!! My trainer says that the scale is callabrated (sp?) every day and that it is correct!! But I come home and weigh myself still in disbelief and it says 199 again!! So now I am totally up in the air about what to think about!!

    Also when I weighed in at home before the first weigh in at the gym they matched up!!

    So someone please help me figure this out!!

    If the scale at the gym is "correct," why is it varying 4 pounds from the first time you weighed to the 4th time you weighed one time right after another? Or am I misunderstanding?
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    I know that is exactly what I said to him and he said it was from the different way I was standing!!
  • jessicob
    buy a new scale
    then go by that weight and only that weight.
    I am obsessed with weighing myself too but I now have a post-it on my mirror telling me waht days I am aloud to weight myself which is once a week. I even break that rule too. good luck and try not to focus on numbers so much becasue if you are working out you are probably gaining muscle which weighs more than fat
  • LittleEva44
    Use a 5lb bag of sugar or flour to help calibrate your scale. If you have a "habit" of weighing yourself five times a day, why not do that when you're butt naked in the mornings before you take a shower and only ONCE? You get off the scale and you're DONE for the day.

    Your weight tends to go up and down during the day; esp if you have/have not eaten; worked out or have not worked out. If you have "weights" at home, use them also to test your scale. That's why my Ticker Factor shows the first one (which is a digital scale at home) and My Fitness Pal Ticker shows the weight from the digital Army scale here at work (with .1 thru .9). Make sure the batteries are changed on your home scale. The gym scale seems to be the same that the doctor's office has. Stick to one scale.

    I weigh myself "monthly". We women have PMS, mood swings, bloating, water gain (we retain water) two weeks before we mensturate; thus the reason why I weigh myself monthly. I swear (Eva crossing her finger and doing a "cross" by her heart) you WILL lose 3-4 pounds every month. If you do the "math" that's THE average of 1 pound a week. This helps you from NOT getting discouraged IF, if, you weigh yourself 5 times a day. I allow my clothes to do the talking all month for me until I step on the scale every 15th of the month. Blessings and good luck!

  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    On my scale at home, which is digital, I can get on it several times and get a different reading pretty much every time. I now weigh ONCE and I take whatever it says, even if it is more or less than it was before. I do not weigh again just to check because I used to do that and it drove me crazaaaayyyyy. :laugh:
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    I know that my weight will change through out the day and I weigh myself just for fun I only take it seriously first thing in the morning! But the scale is probably a year old and I just changed the batteries!! So for it to be that far off I think that the gym scale is the one that is off because that is a large jump but I just thought I would ask and see what you all thought!!
  • LittleEva44
    If you do it for the "fun of it" you will get discouraged, upset, and probably throw up your arms and give up! Again, choose one scale. You haven't tested your scale with a 5 pound bag of "whatever" you have and/or a 5 pound weight that maybe your friend/family member/boyfriend has.

    I have been weighing myself monthly since January 2009. In the month of July I gained a pound. Did I get discouraged? Nope. In August I lost 4 pounds. I was ecstatic! This month in September I GAINED a pound. Why? I weighed on 15 Sep (T) and I had lightly spotted the 16th & 17th and then.....BOOM! :explode: I had a full blown period on Friday the 18th of September. I KNOW when I get on the scale on 15 Oct (TR) I will have lost 4 pounds. I "upped" my exercise regimen since I don't want to stay where I'm at. I NOW work out Tuesdays at the post gym (sitting upper body strengths; 6 sets of 15 reps at 30lbs) and I hit the hot tub afterwards. I power walk Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (3 miles) during my lunch hour; and NOW I run the last 20 yards to the finish line every mile.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't care what your trainer said. Unless you are deliberately standing off center, your gym scale should NOT being weighing differently each time. I agree, calibrate YOUR scale with a 5 lb. weight of something, then WEIGH ONCE.

    If you can do it without starting WWIII, it might be interesting to take that same 5 lb. weight to the gym and see if the scale is consistent in its weight. I am betting it won't be.

    I have a battery operated digital scale that I have had for about 2 years. It always weighs the same at a given point in time, no matter how many times I might choose to jump on and off, so I weight once a week and call it good. The fact that I can get on that scale and visit my doctors offce immediately afterwards, making sure to have the same clothing on, bare feet, no keys or cell phone in the pocket.

    My scale and the doctor's office scale agree, so I am pretty confident about the accuracy of both.
  • mojomcgee
    It's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you get up and urinate. I used to only do it once a week but I have actually gained 3 pounds in 1 week when I got off track and just ate what my family ate, and when etc...sooo I have to pay a little closer attention to it. I don't have a lot to lose ( lost 20 and 20 to go) and I don't want to gain even 1 pound in the middle of it all. I did calibrate my scale to match my Dr's which should be fairly accurate. I think the guy at the gym should have paid more attention to getting the weight accurate instead of giveing you a pat blow off of an answer. I agree with the others about calibrating your scale and pick one scale ( I vote for your home scale) to follow up on. I used to weigh in at different times and it's amazing how much your weight can fluctuate throughout the day! FRUSTRATING...so I don't do that any more and I don't think you should either. Don't do anything that could cause diet frustration because it's frustrating enough without the added stress of an ornery scale.
  • jaxterbom
    Use one scale.
    Weigh 1X/day max.
    Weigh right after you get up.
    ... before eating or drinking anything,
    after taking care of "business" ...

    This will be your minimum daily weight. It's all uphill due to drinking
    and eating after that.

    I have a "nurses scale" - best investment ever.

    Fluctuations happen! :bigsmile: