carrie11777 Member


  • Try eliminating Gluten, Wheat products. There are some great rice pastas when you add the sauce you can't even tell the difference. Bread and pizza not so easy to find delicious alternatives however it might make you feel much better to get rid of these foods. Some people respond the same to dairy. Gluten is my enemy so I…
  • Yoga is great for body awareness and appreciation...also is great for stress reduction...which can help with overeating due to stress. I Love it also! Good luck with your goals.
    in Yoga Comment by carrie11777 March 2009
  • Food can absolutely be addicting especially the toxins in food that keep us wanting more by giving us highs and then lows like sugar, caffeine (chocolate) etc, fat. The best way to cope with food addictions I would suggest is slowly replacing the wrong foods with ones that are much healthier for you...the difficult part is…
  • Hi I am a new mom to a 2 yr maybe not so new anymore:tongue: WELCOME! I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy:sad: and I am still 40 lbs over where I want to be. It is so difficult when you let yourself go. I can totally relate...But it is not impossible to change I am so determined. I love this site! Makes it so easy…
  • Thanks. I will keep you posted. :smile:
  • I'm just now figuring out that I need to keep eating enough in order for my body to let some storage calories go. Thank you for the support. I love this site!:happy:
  • Thank you so much I will keep my chin up. This site is great I am so glad to have the feedback. thank you:smile:
  • I love your post very inpiring!...makes me want to go for a run....I think I will.
  • Well based on my calories today what it seems to come down to is the amount of calories from fat that I consume. Today is my first day on the site. I am going to use the recommendations from this site and see if I can make some progress.
  • You make a good point! I just started jogging and the main benefit over walking is heart health. :heart: However,if you get your heart rate up high enough when you are walking than there probably is no reason to put the excess stress on your joints. I actually have been jogging as many minutes as I can and then walking and…
  • 9 miles:noway: I can't fathom 9miles. I have only just begun. I am proud of the 1 mile I have been able to run for 3 weeks now. I add a minute or two at a time so It will be a while but that is inspiring. Someday that will be me. :wink:
  • javascript:add_smiley('sad','topic_body') Frustrated today! I have been working out since Jan 14...I decided to Join a local athletic club for my birthday in jan. I gained weight during pregnancy and have not been able to shed much. My daughter is over 2...So... I have been working out for 2 months and I do feel better and…