Why would anyone ever want to jog anywhere at anytime?



  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
    it does break things down, out for a run for a few hours and everything seams to work itself out
    not for me!! I can only run for 3 min.....but that is 3 more than I could a month ago! I am not a fan of running, at all. My body mechanics are all off and I look like a total doof. That and I am so afraid of falling on the treadmill:blushing:
    I don't run on the treadmil, I run on the road, put on my IPOD I try to keep it 5 miles or less, but we are headed to south america so I'm looking forward to hitting the road.

    I bet. If you are ever running and see this funny chick running like a chicken down the road..........thats ME!!:laugh:
    chickens are fast. you run that fast:noway:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    -- A runner's high is the best antidepressant!
    -- I love the feeling of physical power and strength in my legs.
    -- Every run completed is a challenge and an accomplishment.
    -- Sometimes I feel like I can almost fly.
    -- It's a form of meditation.
    -- I love the positive community. Races welcome all levels and everyone gets cheered on.
    -- It keeps me feeling young.
    -- It actually makes your joints stronger because they have to adapt to the pounding.
    -- Running to music feels like dancing.
    -- It's a simple and relatively inexpensive sport. All you need is a good pair of shoes and your own body.
    -- The first couple of runs are the worst, but once you find your stride, you know it, and then you're hooked!

    Loved this list! Thank you for writing it out. I totally agree.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I love pushing through the wall to finish a really tough run, and being covered in sweat, exhausted, feeling as though I've conquered the world.

  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    And the outdoor air is good for you.

    How could I have forgotten the fresh air?!
  • meatball
    meatball Posts: 46 Member
    I am not a runner, but I run. I can run about 3 miles before I really even think about the run. I have never gone farther than 5 miles though. i want to run a 10k this spring. I guess one of the motivating things that really does it for me is knowing that I can push myself through sufferring, mild discomfort, etc. Knowing that makes other challenges easier to face, i guess. Also, its kind of cool to test yourself. How many people have tested themselves? Thats what I think.

    One drawback - I hate not making my time/distance goals. I also hate it when I am on a new route and I don't make the trip without a walking rest. It really makes me dissapointed.

    I do understand why some don't like it though.

    P.S. I do believe that a 6mph jog burns considerably more calories per hour than a 3.5 mph walk. You cover greater distance in 10 mins at 6mph than at 3.5 mph for 10 minutes. It takes energy (cals) to do more work in the same amount of time. Same mileage, maybe, but same time, i dont think so.
  • Well, I hate running, but I'm going to be working on a couch to 5k program here so I can do it with my sister in May.

    My reasons? Totally superficial.

    #1. johnblake is right--it's hands down the fastest way to lose weight. I ran everyday one summer that I was under-employed for something cheap to do and I was SO SKINNY, it was fabulous. And only took a few months to achieve.

    #2. Because I have major motivation--my 10 yr hs reunion is this summer and I was everything opposite of an athlete in high school, so I want to "show" people I'm a different person.

    #3. Because it's cheap. Requires no equipment and no gym cost.

    Are they the best reasons ever? Absolutely freakin' not. But, they are *my* reasons. I hate running, but it works, so I'm going to suck it up and do it.

    Good luck if you decide to try to take it up. And get yourself some music or a running partner--I tend to count my steps, which gets VERY depressing, LOL.
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    Running definitely burns more calories than walking for me. Much quicker way to get a good calorie burn than a walk.

    I don't know that I can call myself a runner yet as I've just completed week 5 of the couch 2 5k program, so I am just running 20 mins non-stop. However, I feel so brilliant. It's hard for me and so it's a big achievement, the best I've come across in this weight-loss/fitness journey. I can't see me stopping now and previously I always said I hated running.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    The last time I ran was in high school when we used to have to do the 12 minute run as part of our curriculum. I HATED it. I used to walk a lot and one day when I was walking I had this strange urge to run. So next time I went out, I went for a jog instead. I can't explain it but it was the most exhillerating and freeing thing ever. When I got home I was so exhausted and was on this HIGH from just feeling soooooo depleated if that makes sense. That was it, I was hooked. So far I can run 3 k and signed up for my first 5 k in May. I NEVER considered myself a runner but I love it now!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Walking and jogging burn about the same cals per mile. If you jog at 6 mph, you will burn about 600 cals per hour. If walking at 3 mph, you will burn only 300 cals per hour.

    I cannot get my heartrate up by walking. On the treadmill I need to set the incline to 15 degrees. I then alternate between fast walking and running to get my HR up to 160+ BPM. This gives me the workout I need for a healthy heart, intervals burn the most cals, and it takes far less time than walking.

    The only serious walking workout I can get is hiking on the Appalachian Trail near my home. Numerous 1000 ft elevation changes make for a great fat-blasting workout.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There are ups and downs to running.

    This is coming from someone who has had surgury on both knees (not running or impact related, bone growth problems in my teens) and has enough weight to have to be consious of impact exercises.

    The down side to running is the full body impact that happens (especially when running on asphalt or concrete). This can be especially bad on the neck, lower back, ankles, and knees. BUT if you run correctly, wear the right kind of running shoes, and are concious of what your body tells you, you shouldn't have any long term affects (assuming no pre-existing medical conditions). A place like runnersworld.com or coolrunnings.com both have great tutorials and examples of correct form, how to start running, and where to run to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks.

    NOW the upsides to running are great, you get cardio work as well as lower body toning. If done at a brisk pace there are very few other pure cardio routines that will give you a better workout. Comparing calorie burn to walking is pointless because it depends on how hard you run, and how hard you walk. Both provide calorie burn, but running has the potential for far higher rate of burn. Another upside is the ability to track your increases very easilly and set goals that are achieveable yet still difficult.

    and yeah, the runners high is real, and it's pretty cool.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Walking and jogging burn about the same cals per mile.

    There was a very recent post on here explaining why that is not quite true.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Running does burn more calories than walking. And it just takes less time. I used to walk 4 miles a day and that just seemed to take forever. Now I can run 7 miles in under an hour and burn over 700 calories. But the truth is I just love running! Didn't start out that way, but I just didn't give up. I hated it at first, dreaded it. But just kept putting one foot in front of the other. I ran my first marathon last year, (3:58) and plan on another. Would love to qualify for Boston. Plus it was something I never thought I could do, feels good to reach that goal. I could go on forever about running. It brings me great peace and energizes me at the same time. The eliptical has never done that for me.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    it really does feel like dancing when you have music playing...
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    As far as how hard running is on your body. There have been numerous studies showing that the "aches and pains" you get as you age are really from losing range of motion and strength from NOT exercising. They study people who Do Not Run and those that Do Run. As they age the Runners have less "aches and pains" than non runners.
    There are a few people who will say-"I can't run, it is just to hard on my knees". Unless you have a pre-existing knee problem this may simply be that. 1) Your quads are not strong enough yet and so your knees are taking more of the impact. And obviously running will strengthen your quads.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    It brings me great peace and energizes me at the same time. The eliptical has never done that for me.

    I've had to resort to the elliptical most of the time over the last year because I had foot surgery (on a bunion that I've had for most of my life). The elliptical feels good and gives me a decent workout, but it is not quite the same as running. I've also done a lot of advanced step over the years, too, but there's something about running that gives me a feeling that no other cardio exercise does. Other cardio feels good, but only running gives me that special high.
  • carrie11777
    carrie11777 Posts: 14 Member
    I love your post very inpiring!...makes me want to go for a run....I think I will.
  • I actually enjoy running.. I did it for years.. then got lazy and fat in college haha.. and now I am back into it and I really love it.. I have a lot of stress right now with working full-time taking care of my ill mother and my sister and brother while my mom is ill... and that half hour a day I give myself to run is the best feeling in the world.. I get up 45 min early just to run.. that would be 5am I get up!! I know nuts... but if I don't wake up and do it I won't do it because I have to much else going on!!:smile:
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I love running. After having three kids I am in the best shape of my life and owe it all to running.

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    So...of all exercises, I hate jogging/running. Really, after any amount of time doing so, I just want to lay down and die. :sick:
    Biking, elliptical, walking is all good though.

    I have also heard a number of things about jogging being bad for yours joints and causing pain.

    From information I have read online, I see that jogging only burns a few more calories than walking the same amount of time.

    So here's my question, why do people jog? What is the health benefit? Should I 'upgrade' to jogging, or am I better off at a quick pace walk (3.5 mph)?

    I know there have to be some die-hard runners out there waiting to tell me why the heck they would torture themselves! Thanks! :bigsmile:

    I hate running- the only way Im going to run is if something is after me -but i still envy runners but then i say I hate running-- I hated running even in basketball and I did that alot still hated it but did it so even now I am slowly building myself up- I don't have to like it but I will try it
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    When I started this thread, I did not believe that anybody would say anything to convince me to run. But, as I asked, you guys did your job and I have been convinced. Here were the two sticking points for me:
    my ipod and my dog are the best two things that keep me going. If i make a new playlist, I won't let myself listen to it until I go for a run. and when she sees me put on my running shoes, my Luckydog starts jumping around and she can't wait to go! She is a great motivator!
    My dog! How could I have forgotten how much my dog, Kay, would love to run with me. My pets are my furry children, so my dog is a huge motivator for me to start running. Thanks for reminding me of a very obvious bonus!
    Couldn't agree more! In addition, running, more so than walking, is a whole body work-out. It's going to do more for you in terms of athleticism, if that's an aspiration.
    Wow, I had never thought about it that way. Running being more than just about losing weight and looking good, but being about athleticism. I DO want to be athletic! I do want to be able to run like I did when I was a kid: fast, hard, and carefree.

    So, I thank you all for coming up with so many reasons to run, and I just wanted to let you all know that my running training will start today. Going to take my dog on her usual 45 min walk and include 3-4 min intervals of running throughout the walk. I found an 8-week program online that is supposed to help me increase my stamina step-by-slow-step.

    I will keep you guys updated on my progress. :bigsmile:
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