foods that dont agree

Precious_Nissa Posts: 416
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I just want to make sure nothing is wrong with me so i am asking a question here...

Has anyone done without a certain type of food from day one and then later chose to eat it, in proportions, and it just not agree with you?

I, just to get used to eating in low proportions, chose to leave spaghetti and all alone...well about a month back, i had meatballs and i got extremely sick, so I chose to not eat it that often anymore....well last night, a friend of mine wanted to eat at olive garden for her birthday...I really dont like olive garden and I was very unsure of eating there because of how italian is on my stomach now...but my aunt was like, its her birthday, her choice so I just sucked it up and went on....i ate the pizza because theres more than just sauce and i had the same reaction i had when i ate the stomach, still today, is not right.....Is the maybe the acid from the spaghetti sauce itself? at first, after the meatballs incident, i thought it was spaghetti because of the carb's, but i didnt have pasta last night, so i'm wondering if its the acid in spaghetti sauce?

well I know that its obvious i will have to somewhat rid myself of italian food, i think.....


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    everyone has food allergies and it sounds like this is one of yours:cry: . i just log them in and then avoid.
  • carrie11777
    carrie11777 Posts: 14 Member
    Try eliminating Gluten, Wheat products. There are some great rice pastas when you add the sauce you can't even tell the difference. Bread and pizza not so easy to find delicious alternatives however it might make you feel much better to get rid of these foods. Some people respond the same to dairy. Gluten is my enemy so I know how awful it can make you feel.
    Good Luck
  • I didnt eat wheat pasta.....and before i started watching what I eat, pasta and sauce never made me sick.......thanks for the input so far....
  • I didnt eat wheat pasta.....and before i started watching what I eat, pasta and sauce never made me sick.......thanks for the input so far....
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you have omitted certain foods from your diet you may have issues adding them back in. As much as I don't like taking pills, I have had to resort to using a Zantac before a meal containing a lot of tomato or wheat (white flour) products. It has gotten less often that I have to take it as I am adding back in tomato products, citrus and whole grain pasta and bread. My stomach is getting used to them again, and most times a tums or two is all I need. Now dairy my stomach just doesn't handle very well at all! I have to limit that to 4-6 oz a day or I bloat up like a balloon!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    There could be more oil in those meals than you realize. If you've been good about eating well the amount of oil could be upsetting your tummy
  • I too had a similar reaction to, of all things, chocolate.

    Once upon a time, I was a chocoholic. Every day I would eat chocolate in some form. For the past two years, I have eliminated most chocolates. Recently while on a vacation, I indulged in a TINY bit of chocolate and as a result ended up doubled over in pain. My stomach just couldn't handle the foreign substance any more. And I eat a lot of spicy foods, so I would think that my stomach could handle a little chocolate.

    As one replier suggested, perhaps it is just a shock to your system if you aren't used to it any more. While I don't have any specific answers for you, just know that you are not alone.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I too had a similar reaction to, of all things, chocolate.

    Once upon a time, I was a chocoholic. Every day I would eat chocolate in some form. For the past two years, I have eliminated most chocolates. Recently while on a vacation, I indulged in a TINY bit of chocolate and as a result ended up doubled over in pain. My stomach just couldn't handle the foreign substance any more. And I eat a lot of spicy foods, so I would think that my stomach could handle a little chocolate.

    As one replier suggested, perhaps it is just a shock to your system if you aren't used to it any more. While I don't have any specific answers for you, just know that you are not alone.

    Wow that's quite worrying really isn't it!

    Intriguing too! I am wondering if the mechanics of it go something like this:

    You were addicted to chocolate and ate loads of it. You cut it out completely. You ate a little bit of chocolate a couple of years later and because your brain remembered how you used to be, it did not want to return to those ways, therefore it ensured you threw it up and made you in pain so that you wouldn't eat it again.

    Sounds farfetched I know, but I was thinking when people have given up cigarettes and ages after they indulge in one only to feel quite sick afterwards - strangely many ex-smokers will start again even after all that. (One of the reasons I never intend to restart :laugh: )
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    That happened to me this weekend. I had cut out starches, including starchy veggies and this weekend had a potato and it sent me running for the bathroom! I felt horrible! Lesson learned :)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Like everyone else has said, once you cut something out fo your diet, it is difficult to add it back in. Like people with Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance). Before they are diagnosed, they obviously have symptoms, but are somewhat manageable (until you are really irritated). Once you go on a gluten free diet, and you eat gluten again, it totally messes up your system. Tomato sauce is really acidic too, so that may be a cause.
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