Why would anyone ever want to jog anywhere at anytime?

FitnessGeek Posts: 487
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
So...of all exercises, I hate jogging/running. Really, after any amount of time doing so, I just want to lay down and die. :sick:
Biking, elliptical, walking is all good though.

I have also heard a number of things about jogging being bad for yours joints and causing pain.

From information I have read online, I see that jogging only burns a few more calories than walking the same amount of time.

So here's my question, why do people jog? What is the health benefit? Should I 'upgrade' to jogging, or am I better off at a quick pace walk (3.5 mph)?

I know there have to be some die-hard runners out there waiting to tell me why the heck they would torture themselves! Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    So...of all exercises, I hate jogging/running. Really, after any amount of time doing so, I just want to lay down and die. :sick:
    Biking, elliptical, walking is all good though.

    I have also heard a number of things about jogging being bad for yours joints and causing pain.

    From information I have read online, I see that jogging only burns a few more calories than walking the same amount of time.

    So here's my question, why do people jog? What is the health benefit? Should I 'upgrade' to jogging, or am I better off at a quick pace walk (3.5 mph)?

    I know there have to be some die-hard runners out there waiting to tell me why the heck they would torture themselves! Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • Jiggasb22
    Jiggasb22 Posts: 17
    Hi Cham!

    I feel your pain! My Mother and my sister run FOR FUN! They are always running marathons, Grandmas, twin cites marathon, etc. my Mother usual work out is a 6 mile jog. RIGHT!

    I love walking on ther treadmille - I do brisk walk at 4.0 then very my incline level every 4 minute..2.0, 4.0, 5.0, back to zero then all over again.
  • Jiggasb22
    Jiggasb22 Posts: 17
    oops :)

    what I try to do is walk for 10-12 minutes and then jog/run for 3-5 then back to fast walking. it helps get my heart rate up and burn those few extra cals I wouldnt have in my 60 min work out just walking.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I like jogging. I ENJOY it. I wouldn't say it;s more beneficial than cycling but I just like it. I jog in intervals- jog 10 mins, walk 5, jog 10 etc. I find it relaxing.
  • carrie11777
    carrie11777 Posts: 14 Member
    You make a good point!
    I just started jogging and the main benefit over walking is heart health. :heart:
    However,if you get your heart rate up high enough when you are walking than there probably is no reason to put the excess stress on your joints. I actually have been jogging as many minutes as I can and then walking and or cycling the rest. I find that walking puts me to sleep. Yeah I know weird huh? I actually slipped off the tread mill at the gym one day because I just started to zone or doze. I don't know but it scared the crap out of me. the elderly lady beside me got a good chuckle. Anyway each his/her own.
    Good luck with your goals
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    -- A runner's high is the best antidepressant!
    -- I love the feeling of physical power and strength in my legs.
    -- Every run completed is a challenge and an accomplishment.
    -- Sometimes I feel like I can almost fly.
    -- It's a form of meditation.
    -- I love the positive community. Races welcome all levels and everyone gets cheered on.
    -- It keeps me feeling young.
    -- It actually makes your joints stronger because they have to adapt to the pounding.
    -- Running to music feels like dancing.
    -- It's a simple and relatively inexpensive sport. All you need is a good pair of shoes and your own body.
    -- The first couple of runs are the worst, but once you find your stride, you know it, and then you're hooked!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I started because the fittest teacher I work with encouraged me to try a 5K. she had recently done a half marathon, and I was admiring her slim and healthy body, and she said- all I ever do is run- so I figured I would try it.

    I used a 12-week couch to 5K, I started training around thanksgiving, and on February 1, I ran that 5K. I RAN the whole thing. I didn't think I could do it when I started, and when I crossed that finish line I got such a thrill, goosebumps, euphoria, name it whatever, it was SUCH a great feeling.

    It still isn't easy, and I am working on my stamina, but I feel so happy afterwards, almost smugly impressed with myself.

    my ipod and my dog are the best two things that keep me going. If i make a new playlist, I won't let myself listen to it until I go for a run. and when she sees me put on my running shoes, my Luckydog starts jumping around and she can't wait to go! She is a great motivator!

    and cherapple is so right, the community is full of positive people who cheer each other on. that helps!
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    i used to feel the same way as you did! I still am not a great at running, but I've only started a few months ago. i was on the treadmill one day and decided to just see what it would be like to try and run & I did it! I did it for a whole 8 minutes!! I literally cried and cried at the gym that day!! haha, I do it now because it's been the most rewarding achievement of my weightloss, being able to run for the first time since I was a tiny tiny kid! So, I know how you feel now, but you'll come around!

    Best of luck!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I started to focus on running as opposed to walking a while ago because every woman I kn ow or have seen in the media with great, toned, lean legs is a runner!!!!:bigsmile: Since I really started focusing on this about 6 months ago, I have noticed a definate difference in the shape of my legs!!!:drinker:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    everyone just remember that running is harder on your body if your older , so be careful and always stretch well before, during , and after, and drink plenty of water. I'm recovering from anterior knee pain from running to far to soon. just be careful and be smart. I wish I had. I really liked the high and hope that I 'll be able to work my way up to it again. just a lot more careful this time. Dr. says maybe 4 weeks or so.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry, see below.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    -- A runner's high is the best antidepressant!
    -- I love the feeling of physical power and strength in my legs.
    -- Every run completed is a challenge and an accomplishment.
    -- Sometimes I feel like I can almost fly.
    -- It's a form of meditation.
    -- I love the positive community. Races welcome all levels and everyone gets cheered on.
    -- It keeps me feeling young.
    -- It actually makes your joints stronger because they have to adapt to the pounding.
    -- Running to music feels like dancing.
    -- It's a simple and relatively inexpensive sport. All you need is a good pair of shoes and your own body.
    -- The first couple of runs are the worst, but once you find your stride, you know it, and then you're hooked!

    Couldn't agree more! In addition, running, more so than walking, is a whole body work-out. It's going to do more for you in terms of athleticism, if that's an aspiration. I think it is much more enjoyable if you are running somewhere (preferably scenic) as opposed to just a treadmill. And the outdoor air is good for you.

    I do, sometimes, see people 1/2 jogging & 1/2 walking - or kind of plodding along half-heartedly. This could be only slightly more beneficial than walking because it's not a very natural motion. But running, after you've acclimated yourself to it for a few runs, should have a comfortable stride that will only do good things for you. The only other reason you'd have more joint/bone problems is if you're not running on a decent surface or have bad shoes. I've been running for about 17 years (sometimes not enough) and I can honestly say that it has been a huge strength to my joints and tissue strength. I play a reasonable amount of sports and I see others at my age hurting much more and getting hurt much more easily than I do.

    Just MHO.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree! Besides having one bad knee I am an H. There is not a bra in the world that will allow an H to jog for any long period of time. I do interval jogging on the treadmill for a minute or two but that is it. I can see how none H's might enjoy it but this H doesn't..:happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I jog on the treadmill to give the people behind me something to giggle about.:blushing:
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
    it does break things down, out for a run for a few hours and everything seams to work itself out
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
    it does break things down, out for a run for a few hours and everything seams to work itself out
    not for me!! I can only run for 3 min.....but that is 3 more than I could a month ago! I am not a fan of running, at all. My body mechanics are all off and I look like a total doof. That and I am so afraid of falling on the treadmill:blushing:
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
    it does break things down, out for a run for a few hours and everything seams to work itself out
    not for me!! I can only run for 3 min.....but that is 3 more than I could a month ago! I am not a fan of running, at all. My body mechanics are all off and I look like a total doof. That and I am so afraid of falling on the treadmill:blushing:
    I don't run on the treadmil, I run on the road, put on my IPOD I try to keep it 5 miles or less, but we are headed to south america so I'm looking forward to hitting the road.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    it's the best way to lost weight fast.

    of COURSE the military dude says this!! You guys think running is the answer to everything!!:laugh:
    it does break things down, out for a run for a few hours and everything seams to work itself out
    not for me!! I can only run for 3 min.....but that is 3 more than I could a month ago! I am not a fan of running, at all. My body mechanics are all off and I look like a total doof. That and I am so afraid of falling on the treadmill:blushing:
    I don't run on the treadmil, I run on the road, put on my IPOD I try to keep it 5 miles or less, but we are headed to south america so I'm looking forward to hitting the road.

    I bet. If you are ever running and see this funny chick running like a chicken down the road..........thats ME!!:laugh:
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