Why do people cut out fruit?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    No, of course not. Fruit is very good for you.
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    I agree with most others on here - everything in moderation. This is supposed to be a longterm change of lifestyle that we can maintain, rather than something restrictive. Especially considering the healthy nutrients and vitamins from fruit.
    And wow, I've never heard of mixing fruit and protein... totally new to me! So it's supposed to prevent sugar spikes? Will have to look into this...
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Because people have a misconception that insulin is the bad guy.


    This is a great article, thanks!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    And wow, I've never heard of mixing fruit and protein... totally new to me! So it's supposed to prevent sugar spikes? Will have to look into this...

    A couple of suggestions:
    berries added to a low sugar (I like Carbmaster) yogurt;
    low fat ricotta cheese mixed with a little crystal lite pink lemonade powder, cool whip and berries
    apples with peanut butter
    sugar free pudding topped with fruit
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I know some people think you have to watch how much fruit you eat because of the calories, they will all add up, etc, but the only thing you have to watch in terms of fruit is the sugar content. Yes it's natural sugars but they can ruin your teeth if you don't eat it in moderation. I'm a recovering anorexic, fruit and veg is all I have been eating well up till now. Granted there are alot of calories but only eating them made me really ill, I was severely underweight. All I'm trying to say is an extra piece of fruit won't hurt your weight goals, just watch out with the sugar. Hope I helped somehow:-)

  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I have a clear example that cutting fruits is rubish: my wife. A normal day is 10 fruits (including banana, oranges, kiwi, etc.), and 2-3 times a week is above. She is just crazy bout them and she is so slim (without exercise) that slimmer would be good for hospital with nutrition tubes directly into her blood. Her weight is not ok because she cutted on portions, I mean she has 3 real meals/days and these meals are ok for me, as a man (bigger eater). She drinks full fat milk, has chocolate (dark) every morning...she eats normally but over-eat fruits without any consequence.

    My carbs and sugars explode because of fresh orange juice and honey (a tea spoon every morning)...so with my 4-5 fruits during the day, I should be obese!!! I would not stop such good habits if I was not logging my food, so I do not stop and keep on losing fat every week. And if at some point I had to cut fruits to lose the litte fat I still have...I would stop losing fat, I am already very happy about my shape now.

    In addition, a recent US study showed that obese people getting into diet now and then had shorter lives than the ones doing nothing about it...I conclude that the wrong method is worse than no method at all.

    I swear I have example of 6 packs abs guys eating fruits and vegs like crazy...that is certainly the best method there is
  • carrie11777
    carrie11777 Posts: 14 Member
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't know. I never heard someone say they are overweight because they ate a few pieces of fruit a dy....
  • I think some of the new research about sugar is really interesting. I would never cut out fruit completely but I also don't think that it should be eaten 5 times a day.

    I am trying to eat (and feed my family) more according to the real seasons that fruit and veggies are available. For example we don't eat tomatoes in January or apples in June. If you only stick with what's available at the time and eat in moderation, I think it probably works out to be a healthier diet with more variety. I'm not sure the human body was made to eat strawberries every day all year round.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    The Harvard School of Public Health website is great (I think) and has become my new go to source for information on diet and nutrition. Here's an excerpt from their article on carbohydrates:

    "One thing that a food's glycemic index does not tell us is how much digestible carbohydrate it delivers. Take watermelon as an example. The sweet-tasting fruit has a very high glycemic index. But a slice of watermelon has only a small amount of carbohydrate per serving (as the name suggests, watermelon is made up mostly of water). That's why researchers developed a related way to classify foods that takes into account both the amount of carbohydrate in the food and the impact of that carbohydrate on blood sugar levels. This measure is called the glycemic load. (14, 15) A food's glycemic load is determined by multiplying its glycemic index by the amount of carbohydrate it contains. In general, a glycemic load of 20 or more is high, 11 to 19 is medium, and 10 or under is low."


    Searching the GI Database (linked to in the article above) the only fruits or veg with a high glycemic load of 20 or more--that I saw--were:

    sweet potato

    Fruit is great. Eat your fruits.
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I could never ever follow a "diet" plan that cut out fruit. Yes some fruit is high in sugar, HOWEVER, it's not processed sugar, therefore your body digests it properly. Fruit and vegetables are the best things you can put into your body.
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I don't cut out fruit, but I do limit the time I eat it. I'll only have fruit in the morning/before noon.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic..... EAT FRUIT!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic..... EAT FRUIT!

    Or unless you want to avoid getting Diabetes--then limit it, South Beach (developed to help prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease) suggests 1-2 fruits/day.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Is it the carbs, the sugar? I was under the impression those things aren't that bad for you. I mean, it's fruit. I'd be devastated if someone told me to lose weight I had to stop eating apples and kiwi.

    .....Do I?

    For some people with blood sugar issues it may be necessary.

    We are all different, so experiment with what works for YOU.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Because people don't make the distinction between natural sugars (fruit) and refined sugars (processed foods). There is a very important difference in my opinion.

    There is no difference. Sugar is sugar in the body.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic..... EAT FRUIT!

    Or unless you want to avoid getting Diabetes--then limit it, South Beach (developed to help prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease) suggests 1-2 fruits/day.

    It shouldn't be an issue unless a doctor has told you that you are pre-diabetic.
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    a lot of people don't like them (like myself) so it's an easy thing to get rid of and therefore eat less calories. when i do rarely eat them, i don't count the calories so that i don't deter myself
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic..... EAT FRUIT!

    Or unless you want to avoid getting Diabetes--then limit it, South Beach (developed to help prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease) suggests 1-2 fruits/day.

    So how much fruit consumption would cause someone to get diabetes?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic..... EAT FRUIT!

    Or unless you want to avoid getting Diabetes--then limit it, South Beach (developed to help prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease) suggests 1-2 fruits/day.

    So how much fruit consumption would cause someone to get diabetes?
    And why would the CDC list eating fruit as a way to prevent diabetes?