

  • It is really scary what they put in food nowadays. While I can't change the food industry, I can take charge of what I buy and eat. So, I made a promise to myself to never eat anything with an ingredient list that reads like a chemical lab inventory... If I don't understand what's in it, it doesn't go in the grocery cart.
  • okay, so tomorrow when I weigh myself for the first time here, I'll be prepared...
  • Welcome aboard! I've got fur-babies, too - Rotties! Big 'ol kissy-face lap dogs!
  • I absolutely LOVE running! I ran track in HS, then got away from it.... just wasn't cool! But after finishing my degree (at midlife) and getting a desk job, I took up running again. I ran several 5ks; the first one was 12 weeks after beginning the "10 weeks to your first 5k" I got from Runner's World. I admit to not doing…
  • Awesome! Congratulations! And thank you for sharing!
  • Welcome! I have only been "here" for less than a week, but I am sooooo impressed with the support and friendliness of everyone. I've been struggling with weight gained due to a long undiagnosed ('tho finally diagnosed) thyroid deficiency... but I completely understand the frustration of doing the weight loss thing…
  • A couple of hot weather workout ideas - To get outside, ride a bike. The speed of the bike creates a cooling breeze that makes heat and humidity bearable... it might feel like you're melting if you stop, but I use that as incentive not to stop until I get home. If you are going to workout indoors, get a fan blowing on you…
  • You can absolutely do it! I did a similar thing - "10 weeks to your first 5K" from Runner's World when I started running. Twelve weeks later, I ran my first race, and finished very respectably for my age group (aka, in the middle). You have lots of time, so no worries. Just remember that some days will be better than…