

  • bump, sounds delicious.
  • As people have mentioned it depends at what weight you're at now, how much fat you currently have, and genetics. Some people are just going to have wider hips than others no matter how much weight and/or fat is lost. In addition as some one also mentioned odd number sizes (in America at least) are typically sized smaller…
  • Thanks for the info, I am looking to try to work my to do pull-ups and this is perfect.
  • Great post and great advice thank you for sharing this.
  • Pretty much everyday a couple of my co-workers get their lunch at the Chinese place down the street and they get the lunch special which is appetizer, soup, entree and egg roll. Then they always complain about how they need to lose weight. I always shake my head at that, internally of course, I do not like to comment on…
  • I use Juno by Moving Comfort it keeps me strapped down. I used to wear two sports bras but this particular bra keeps my girls in strict control so now when I use this bra it's the only one I need.
  • Favorite Seasonal: Shipyard Pumpkinhead (pumpkin ale) rimmed with cinnamon Favorite Fruit Beer: Clown Shoes Clementine (Belgian White Ale) / Seadog Blueberry (wheat) Favorite Cheap Beer: Yuengling (why oh why can't I get you in Boston) / Miller Lite Random other favorites: Blue Moon Shipyard Applehead PBR (for cheap, fun…
  • Sounds awesome can't wait to try.
  • This ^ I work for a condo management company and you really need to find out how they are getting into your apartment from the building and plug up the holes a cheap way to do it is steel wool if the holes aren't too big. Look in cabinets especially behind/underneath dishwashers, stoves, refrigerator, radiators, pipes that…
  • I do log it, I just make sure I log it as slow walking (even though a lot of times I need to haul a** because I am running late).My walks are relatively long walks. It's a 25-30 minute walk from my apartment to work and from my apartment to the gym. It's a 15 minute walk from my work to to the gym. I use the MFP walking…
  • There are a couple thing you need to ask yourself about your current job. Are you happy in your current position or do you want a job promotion? - You mentioned that there is room for advancement at your current job and you are promotable. How well is your company grooming you so that if a position opens up you are fully…
  • Pretty much the same here. After game 5 I started counting down 'til October. I am keeping an eye on things though because I do have a certain fondness for the Flyers' west coast team (the Kings).
  • I too pack extra socks/sports bras. My other items include: - Deodorant - Body Spray - Make-up remover/facial cleanser wipes - Extra hair ties/head bands - my ipod/cell phone arm band
  • Yes, thank you! It also assumes if the person has a car that they can use gas money for frequent trips to the grocery stores to get the fresh/perishable items. No, someone who is low income might have to chose to use their gas for getting to work and possibly pick-up up their kids from day care or school not frequent trips…
  • Haha yea it was pretty rough, I think it was because we got the first goal. The poor guys had no idea what themselves since they weren't try to claw themselves out. Hopefully we'll do better in Pittsburgh, this Flyers team seems to thrive in adversity, as long as they stop taking stupid penalties (there's a time and a…
  • I too have crazy work hours I have a standard 9-5, 40 hour work week desk job. Then I have a part-time 12-16 hour retail job, so I am on my feet running around for those 4.5 hours. I worked the part-time job full-time before the desk job and when I got the desk job the retail job really wanted me to stay at least part-time…
  • Adding to the the Flyers and Hextall caravan here. I wish I had a Hextall jersey, the man was hilarious and tough.
  • Haha technically not. A good way to tell real ones from fake ones is to see if they float. Real boobs float, fake ones don't. :wink:
  • Yeah Flyers! It will definitely be an awesome series! I live in Boston and everyone is saying that the Flyers vs. Pens series is only other series they are excited to see besides the Bruins.
    in Ice Hockey Comment by Lup120 April 2012
  • How horrible I cannot imagine any family member being that purposely hurtful to someone else they're related to. As many other people stated yes good first step by un-friending her. Now I would suggest you take a break from spending time with her. But also you need to be blunt and honest with her, take off the kid gloves…
  • Arrested Development Daria Doctor Who Friends Buffy the Vampire Slayer 30 Rock
    in Tv shows Comment by Lup120 April 2012
  • I know how you feel I lost mine around Saint Patrick's weekend for about two weeks. I was working crazy hours at both my jobs meaning no time to go to the gym, I had plans to go out and drink for a few days, my skeeball team had our last game of the season so we celebrated with lots of alcohol, when I did have down time I…
  • I would accept the Bruins getting the cup if the Flyers cannot, but only because I had a great time at the Bruins parade last year. Disclaimer: Originally from South Jersey, but I now live in Boston.
  • Also rooting for the Flyers!
  • Yes to that. I work in a retail clothing store and I find it so frustrating when some people try something on, it looks great on, then say, they don't want to get it because it is a size "x". If you look good in something the size should not matter and sizes from store to store can differ greatly a size 6 from H&M is…
  • You in no way failed, you took a short break. You had a small gain and now you're back on track. You still have a loss of 25 lbs to be proud of and now you're ready to begin again with extra motivation. Good Luck!
  • Congrats on your wedding! Just to offer a bit of perspective of why the salespeople may have shown you things you were not looking for sometimes clothing items especially wedding dresses have absolutely no hanger appeal and they look like crap on a hanger but once actually on a human body they can look great on an actual…
  • Yes, what everyone else has said. Do not burn a professional and personal bridge with your friend, she could be a great reference in the future. Be professional and polite by both telling her in person and by giving her your letter of resignation. She may be disappointed, but I am sure she and your other co-workers will…