LadyElby Member


  • I'm low carb! Been LCHF off and on for almost 2 years now. Anyone else on this journey is welcome to friend me. Also, I agree with a previous commenter about low carb facebook groups. There are a ton of them, and many of them are very helpful and friendly!
  • Hey! You can add me. Welcome to MFP!
  • Congrats on getting married! It's such an exciting time! I'm getting married next year, and am definitely setting goals to lose some weight before my wedding. But I will say this. I think it's important to not let yourself get overly stressed. Planning a wedding is stressful enough, and add to it the overwhelming stress of…
  • Thanks Kimny72! I appreciate your input. I think you are probably right. I need to take a few weeks to try things out, and then adjust accordingly. I think now until after the New Year, I will track, and just try to make good choices as much as possible, but not beat myself up over it. After all the festivities are over, I…
  • Unfortunately, my job doesn't have the money for things like stand-up desks. I do get up and walk whenever I can (extra water/bathroom breaks, to colleagues' offices), I never call a colleague - I always go to their office when I need to speak with them. Currently I have my calories set at 1350, Which I think is a good…
  • You're welcome to add me if you like! :)
  • Thank you all so very very much!!! Reading what has worked for everyone has helped me feel a lot more confident in switching back to counting calories. I am so ready to change it up, and get back to losing weight, and feeling good! I will be sending you all friend requests (or please feel free to send me one), I hope that…
  • I will look into that, thanks! I'm part of about a dozen facebook low carb groups, and they do give great advice! Most of the time, however, they frown upon and can get nasty when anyone posts about upping their carbs higher than 20 or 30.
  • Thanks ryry62685. I was kind of thinking I'd do something like that... But then, my question becomes, what should my fat and protein numbers look like? I think my problem is that with Low Carb, you focus so much on getting in high fat, and a good amount of protein to balance things out, that now, I'm all thrown off! I know…
  • cwolfman13 - Thanks for clearing that up for me! I've done a bunch of reading about weightloss, but for some reason, I have a hard time grasping a lot of it. I definitely understand the idea of calories in vs calories out. I guess I just don't really understand how to figure out the proper numbers for me.
  • I had done a bunch of research on Low Carb when I first heard about it, and thought, "what the heck, I'll give it a shot!" Also, I suffer from PCOS and had read many places that low carb can help women with that because we tend to be insulin resistant. Anyway, I guess I found that I really don't want to do it anymore :D…
  • I have PCOS too. I have been doing low carb since March, with minimal results - in weight loss, in clarity, in feeling good, etc., unlike many people in all the LC groups I'm in. I have recently decided to try a different approach. Instead of trying to stick to ~20 carbs a day and cutting out all fruits and limiting…
  • I did Low Carb High Fat for almost 5 months, and I lost 11.5 pounds. I have seen many people have tons of success with it, and I do believe it to be a viable lifestyle for some. However, I found that I just wasn't losing more than 1 pound every few weeks. And any little slip up and I gained a bunch back, and took weeks to…
  • I'm low carb! Would love to have some more low carb friends!
  • Sorry if this was mentioned - I didn't look through allll the comments, but search on facebook for groups for low carb, there are a handful of fantastic ones!! Also, I just started an fb group for new low carbers if you want to join - LCHF (Low Carb - High Fat) Newbies. Any fellow low carbers, please add me, I'm always…
    in Low Carb Comment by LadyElby March 2015
  • Borndeva - 13.8 lbs in a week!? Wowwee!!!
  • Hey Maggie, that's a great message from the Universe. Gotta love the little ones, and all their energy! Sending friend request now!
  • So true, so true! Thanks Jay. I think about that wedding every day, and stress about it as much as I look forward to it. :neutral_face:
  • Thanks everyone who has sent me a FR so far!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! Azul - fantastic loss!! The good news is, you know you can lose that weight again :smiley:
  • Hi all! I'm 27 years old, 5'1.5" and looking to lose right around 50 pounds. Could use all the support I can get (and give)!! I'll try to go through and add some people, but please feel free to add me!! :)
  • Hi there! I'm 5'1.25...and yea, all you short ladies know, that 1/4 inch makes a huge difference! My highest weight was 186 my senior year of college (6 years ago), I got down to 153 for my sister's wedding 5 years ago but then started creeping back up, and about a year ago, I got back up to 182. I've now been yo-yoing…
  • Hi there, I'm Erika. I've always struggled with my weight and have started and fallen off of this journey many, many times. Recommitted once again, I'm always looking for new friends to help each other stay motivated. I'd love to be a part of your support system!
  • Hi! And welcome back! I'm Erika, 26 years old. I'm about 40 pounds from my goal. I'm always looking for more friends to exchange support and encouragement. Feel free to add me if your looking for new friends!
    in Hello Comment by LadyElby October 2013
  • 10-15 pounds in 2 months is a little high, but not completely impossible. I say just do the best you can, and you lose what you lose. Having an event you want to look good for is a great motivator, but I have another one for you. When I was in college, my goal was to lose somewhere around 20 pounds, by... whenever I could.…
  • I hate the actual process of juicing, and I work a full time job so the thought of having to juice daily completely repulses me! But I've set a goal to replace one meal a day with juice so I had to figure out a system. I typically juice a relatively large batch; maybe 4-5 days worth at a time, separate it out into jars and…
  • Welcome back! You did it once, you can do it again! Keep your eye on the prize and think about how great you felt at your lowest weight. Use that as your motivations to keep going. I've been on MFP a while now but keep falling off the wagon and then jumping back on. I've recently recommitted myself to this and am always…
  • Anyone? Anyone? Beuller?
  • I really don't understand the rude comments. If you think it's an unhealthy lifestyle, then offer some real feedback, not just discouraging words. That kind of defeats the point of myfitnesspal. This site is here for people to work on themselves and get positive feedback and support. Didn't your mothers ever teach you not…
  • This is the greatest thing ever!!! Had me tearing up too! Thank you for posting.
  • I saw a lot of people mention Karma, and I'm a firm believer in it as well. Those girls will get what they deserve. That sounds mean, but hey, look what they did to you. Also, I feel sorry for them. They might be pretty, and skinny, they could even be rich for all we know, but they are lacking in so many areas. They aren't…