Low carb, High protein and good fats

daca76 Posts: 1 Member
I am on a quest for a healthier life. I have recently lost weight and would like to maintain the weight where I am. I find that sugars do not agree with me and belly fat is the big bad ugly wolf. I have found protein satiates me and good fats such as nuts does my body good. Anyone else on the same journey? Let's support one another, because it gets very hard at times.


  • skeesee66
    skeesee66 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. I 2 as on a low carb/ sugar diet. Neither one agrees with my body
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    I did Low Carb High Fat for almost 5 months, and I lost 11.5 pounds. I have seen many people have tons of success with it, and I do believe it to be a viable lifestyle for some. However, I found that I just wasn't losing more than 1 pound every few weeks. And any little slip up and I gained a bunch back, and took weeks to get back to my lower weight. I'm still doing research, but I think I'm going to try a modified "low" carb WOE. Basically, still no simple carbs, and definitely staying away from white sugar. I will get most of my carbs from pretty much any veggies (besides the starchy ones like corn, peas, white potatoes), and I'll get my protein from lean meats. I'll get fats from nuts, avocados, coconut oil and small amounts of butter. I'm going to limit dairy (I have PCOS and it's not so great for us) and artificial sweeteners to once in a while.

    That was way longer than I anticipated... but I'm kind of still working things out in my head. I'd love to have some new MFP friends so anyone is welcome to friend me!
  • rhonda71901
    rhonda71901 Posts: 25 Member
    I am, was, a type II diabetic and on metforman and still did not behave. Is hard to resist all the various goodies scattered throughout my work place. I recently became very ill with a staghorn calculus (kidney) due to my unhealthy lifestyle. In the last 12 weeks, I have made huge differences in my lifestyle. Sugar is essentially banned. So is bread, other than the sugar free brand. I eat a low carb, very low sugar diet with lots of various fruits, veggies and protein. I have lost over 60 lbs. I no longer take metforman and my blood sugars almost never spike over 120, thru diet alone. I still have another 40 lbs to go, and it is...slowly but surely. Increasing my exercise is my next goal. Not to bad for a 51 year old lady. Lol