

  • amannisto! Is it too late to join??? OMG I fell off big time in the last two wks and feel like s&*t because of it, but im ready now Your may challenge helped soo much I gotta be apart of June :embarassed: sw 211 goal weight 206 (I need to get my but in gear for my bff's wedding July 4th:drinker: :drinker: )
  • Was a wicked good week for me cardio and food wise! Got in at LEAST 60 mins of workout 5 out of the last 7 days, soooo proud of myself, only down 1 pound so cw 213.......Im down for a June challenge as well ! "Weigh" to go peeps!!!!
  • Oh for sure :drinker: log your moving for working out girl!! Just checked, there is an option under exercise for moving, just go under the cardio section, and acorrding to the site, even if its just an hour, looks like your burning some major calories :drinker: :drinker:
  • Mine is a combo of my kids names, well, the beginning of my daughter's , end of my sons' : Eriana & Armani. And the # 1 in the middle.....Well because they're #1 of course :heart: :heart:
  • REady for week 3:drinker: Just did my cardio for the day:drinker: Hit the track in my neibourhood for an hour, then jog to the drug store, walk back (about 45 mins, downhill then up) Plan is to get in my crunches/situps tonight.... cw 214
  • Not the best week for me, cardio was down (only burned 450 cals this week:explode: But not gonna let that get me down, logging late but yesterday's weigh in gained 2 lbs!! So worst week + TOM = 2LBS GAIN!!! Off to a good start for week 3 thou, just came back from my moring work out and burned more cals than I did total…
  • Loves it!!! Great challenge for the week, I need to up my H2O intake :drinker:
  • Week one, no gain ,nothing lost, kinda fustrated as my cardio was wicked, best since if been on MFP (first time i worked out 5 days in a week :drinker: :drinker: Sw w- 212 C w- 212
  • *******Hello everyone :flowerforyou: .........gained 2 lbs since I last weighed :sad: so this is MUCH needed to get me back on track , so thanks again ~amannisto~:flowerforyou: start w (May 1) 212 lbs goal w (May 31) 206 lbs
  • Count me In too:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • Welcome:flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic!!! Girl you look FanTastic :happy: Gives me much hope for my B&A's :flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • I love them as well. I do red & green peppers, green beans(love them raw!) and baby carrots with a little hummus to dip for my afternoon snack :happy: ummmm
  • ...the scale and I aren't great friends either :frown: I do like my measuring tape !!! I try to weigh in only once every 2 wks, but I can't stay away from measuring my waist and hips:drinker: You look great now... Girl you'll be on fire come July:drinker: Good luck!
  • BeGorgous ....DAMN girl you look great :noway: !! How long did it take you to lose what you've lost already?? Keep up the good work, hopfully I'll be posting some swimsuit pics soon :drinker:
  • MFP start weight: 212 current weight: 210 goal weight : 170 still 38 to go :grumble: . nothing lost this week, guess I gotta work a lil harder!!
  • I am so dumb because I locked myself out of my car today! first boy/girl friend is now______________
  • Count me in, Im a recently single mommy of 2, need to get this "stress weight " off MFP start weight: 212 current weight: 210 goal weight : 170 38 lbs to go
  • Congrats! Peeked at your picks and you look amazing :smile: Can't "weight" to join ya :smile:
  • Wow great job :bigsmile: ....And very inspiring as well, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GIRL :wink:
  • ...just a few co-workers I've shared my routine w/, and I was begining to think they were right b/c I have not lost much, but the inches are down....maybe I'm not doing enough cardio?
  • ....Ok, so im new to this and need your help guys :smile: : Ive been working out now 3 days a week,cardio,circut (sp) training and then some weights, I don't have a personal trainer or anything, but some say I should only do cardio for now.....til the weight starts to come off?? I dont get it:grumble: Won't it only help if…
  • This inspires me:happy: Great job, keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome, Im new too, joined about 3 weeks ago and the support network is wicked :happy: You'll love it here..."The easier it is to keep track...the easier it is to cut back :happy: "
  • So that's why I've been up so damn late every nite!:explode: Im not a morning person at all and have been doing my cardio at night after the kids go to bed (stepper/treadmill or combo) .Before I started on my weight loss journey, used to be in bed by 10,10:30, and now I'd be shocked if I got to bed before 1am!!:grumble:…
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia, and I just finished making a snowman in the front yard with my kiddies :ohwell: ....happy spring to us!!:mad:
  • Thanks for the birthday wishes guys, and thanks for that , your right what IS wrong with today!! Im gonna freeze me a piece of that Birthday cake as reward for my next 2 lbs lost!! So glad I posted today! Nothing like some inspiring words to get you back on track !!! :drinker: I can do this !!!!!!!!:bigsmile: