Brown Bag lunch?

Just curious if anyone has any good ideas for lunches? I like to bring my lunch and it's getting kind of old and I want to try something new. I like really simple things and something that doesn't take much time to assemble. Anyone got anything?


  • gwenell_00
    Just curious if anyone has any good ideas for lunches? I like to bring my lunch and it's getting kind of old and I want to try something new. I like really simple things and something that doesn't take much time to assemble. Anyone got anything?
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    What HAVE you been bringing?
  • gwenell_00
    A lot of chicken sand. or frozen meals, nothing too fancy.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    A lot of chicken sand. or frozen meals, nothing too fancy.

    Do you have a frig where you can keep your food cold.. if so bring carrots and hummus, apple slices , cottage cheese, or i love taking turkey meat and spread a tiny amount of low fat cream cheese and then roll it up! (i make these also for my kids ) yogurt is always good too!!!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    instead of a sandwich try putting it in a tortilla and making a wrap! make extra of whatever you have for dinner & take that in, pack some cottage cheese and one of those green giant frozen vegetable packs... i like the immunity boost one with red peppers, carrots, and broccoli in olive oil & spices. yummy :smile:
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Try yogurt.
    The Yoplait Fat Free Yogurt comes in a zillion different flavors, so you can have a different one each day. And only 110 calories- even better!
    I also do iceburg lettuce with these spritzers dressings- they come in different flavors and are only 1 calorie per spray.
    Lastly, if you have access to a microwave, try Campbell's Chunky soups. They are HUGE and only have around 260 for the WHOLE thing. The only downside is that they are very high in sodium, I think maybe 1800 mg.

    Anyways, good luck!!!
  • cheadings
    Red peppers make awesome snacks!!
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    Try yogurt with some fresh fruit mixed in and granola. Cut up some fresh fruit and throw in some fat free sherbert. I take my breakfast to work with me but it would also work for a lunch. Scramble 3 egg whites and throw in some cubed ham put it on a wrap with a slice of cheese. These are very good and filling.
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    I buy ingredients and eat the same thing all week. I usually have a hard boiled egg, Greek yogurt with honey and granola, a piece of fruit, maybe some almonds ( I buy enough one servings for 5 days) and then I add my lunch. This week is was whole wheat pita with tomato sauce and fresh mozz. Sometimes it is a wrap with black beans, lettuce, tomato, sauce, avocado (my work burrito) sometimes it is whole wheat pita with sprouts, avocado, spinach, cucumber, hummus, sometimes it is multiseed flatbreads with reduced fat cream cheese and smoked salmon. I try to keep my breakfast/lunch under 700 calories. Then I have 500 left for dinner.
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    Options sounds like we should be lunch buddies!!

    I usually eat some type of sandwich for lunch everyday (pita, wrap, naan). I also bought a lunchbox. One that is pretty deep. Mine also has a zipper pocket at the bottom for the icepack.

    We have a teeny tiny fridge at work so I try to keep non-perishables around in my "snack drawer"-nuts, wheat crackers, soup, packets of oatmeal, packets of Crystal Light, water. And then in my lunchbox I'll put cheesesticks, hardboiled eggs, hummus, my sandwich for the day, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes,edamane, cottage cheese, apple slices, orange slices, strawberries etc and then that's what I eat throughout the day. I work 11 hour days so I usually end up eating breakfast, lunch and dinner there. I pack it full b/c we have a snack bar and Burger King down the street so I don't want to be tempted. I generally end up bringing stuff home and can eat it for dinner or bring it back but I find actually having MORE food makes me less tempted.
  • gwenell_00
    These are some really great ideas! Thanks so much! I'm excited for next week so I can give some of them a try.
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    :) I am the opposite, if I have food at home I eat it and then get all screwed up because I don't have enough for lunch. I bring in 5 pieces of fruit so I won't eat more than one cause then I won't have fruit one day. It helps that i have a huge fridge at the office and there are only two of us. I like the oatmeal idea, it is good backup. I am a little jealous that you have a lunchbox though.
  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
    Red peppers make awesome snacks!!

    I love them as well. I do red & green peppers, green beans(love them raw!) and baby carrots with a little hummus to dip for my afternoon snack :happy: ummmm