

  • Weighed in at 189.8 this morning. Up 1.8 from last Friday, but my cardio has been down. I think that has helped get my glycogen/water back up to normal levels. I'd consider this weeks number to more accurately represent my real progress.
  • The most satiating macros are as follows; Protein Fat Carbs. Prioritizing your diet in that order of importance might help keep the munchies in check. The only real concern about not getting enough fat would be that if you go too low as a percentage (10% or so) the body will make fat through de novo lipogenesis.
  • Fage can be purchased in 0%, 2%, 4% fat. Most other brands are all fat free. The only thing to watch out for is how much protein is actually in it. Some brands - like Greek Gods - don't have much more protein than regular yogurt. For example, the black cherry at Target has 8 grams and the Greek Gods flavors have 6, if I…
  • Flat foot here, also. Latest shoes are Brooks Ghost (though I think that's an old model now) treat me well for road running and the New Balance 473 for trail running. Most important thing for me is finding something without much arch. I overpronate in a shoe with too much arch.
  • 188.4 on the scale this morning. Down 5.6 in the last week. Most of that is going to be water. I think I'll have a better idea on my real progress next week. The glycogen/water loss should be done with.
  • I aint trying to argue, just wondering if you could point me in the direction of some studies on this. I mentioned above the only ones I could find were on damaged kidneys and the osteoporosis being a result on RAL (not enough veggies to go with the protein). Help, please. :)
  • Hai Been a decent couple days of trail running (though today I took a different trail and found ALL of the skeeters!). Yesterday my heart rate would never seem to come up. Never got higher than 175, so I cut it short thinking perhaps I just need some recovery. It seems to have worked, fortunately, today it came up to 189…
  • I consume 200-250 grams of protein every single day. The only studies I've ever seen that protein is bad for anything is for kidneys and those studies are done on people with damaged kidneys to begin with. Too much protein isn't a concern for most people, it's too much glucose that people should worry over. Edit: The site…
  • A couple of my personal favorites are; Banana Strawberries Blueberries milk/yogurt With chocolate protein Orange pineapple milk/yogurt With vanilla protein Use frozen berries (or the pineapple) for a colder/thicker/more shake-like smoothie.
  • Net carbs as said above are carbs minus fiber. Fiber slows the rate of digestion thereby lowering the blood sugar spike. Fiber does not offset the calories in a carbohydrate. Count all your carbs for the best results.
  • Not digging into exercise calories will generally work very well. Though if you're like me, you will find your workouts become flat or blah so to speak periodically from the constant, large negative energy balance. When that happens, I'd eat some of those exercise calories for one day and see if that helps bring the…
  • Being single I don't have that exact problem myself. I just limit the amount of junk food I buy. Not that what you say isn't all true, it absolutely is, her lifestyle change shouldn't dictate that he too change his, but let's be honest, some support from a spouse shouldn't be too much to ask for at least while she's in…
  • Scrambled eggs on a tortilla topped with a little avo, cheese and green salsa. Great Mexican breakfast. Or simply fry up an egg or two and throw some avo on them then top the whole works with some salsa. I prefer the Herdez brand salsa for the later combination. Something about it just works better with the yolk and…
  • I always lack the willpower to say no to to yummy things to snack on. Easiest way is to tell him firmly not to have that kind of food around when you're home.
  • Quoted for truth. This posts hit the single most important point and most often overlooked. Doing whatever exercise you like is the way to results. Doing exercises we don't like produce inferior results because we don't stick to it. Edit: Also, ST and cardio aren't mutually exclusive. Except for perhaps in theory once an…
  • Hai Another decent day of exercise. Weights weren't the best as is typical of chest day for me. I'm not comfortable risking a failed rep while I'm underneath the weight, so I don't push myself as hard as I do on other exercises. Weather was great and for the first time in almost two months I got to do my run on some…
  • And it does make sense. But I think there's a balance there. The body isn't going to add muscle very well if you never work hard enough to bring down glycogen (cardio would be a no-brainer way to do that), but on the other hand, the body is going to prioritize replacing glycogen before it will want to repair muscle. If…
  • One thing I try to do is not work my chest and shoulders together or even on back to back days. A lot of pressing movements also involve the shoulders, so if it does become a problem, you may want to move which day you work your chest away from your boxing day. But, your body prolly will adjust to the work load, so I'd…
  • Double posted somehow.
  • I would suggest from experience that the benefit of weightlifting while losing weight is for the most part not about building muscle at all, but helping retain it. The more muscle lost during weight loss, the more total weight a person has to lose in order to get to a given body fat percentage. Though I do agree that it is…
  • First, I'd like to state to the OP that their question is a very good one. I've nothing more to add of any value than what has already been said on the subject. While I do suggest that anyone looking at fat loss to read up on the solid science, I'd also suggest not getting lost in the minutiae of it. There's really no need…
  • Hai Had a good day in the gym. Did my weights and got in a solid 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Even wanted to take a nap afterward so I know it was a good workout. I suspect my first weeks weigh in will show better than real progress. Some of what I expect to be down is going to be glycogen and water. We'll see what the…
  • We'll take a run at this another way. We know you want to go with 40% protein, but we'll still need to know what you want for fat and cho. Did they happen to make suggestions on what to set your fat and carbs at also? If not, if you could post your exercise routine(s), it may help us help you set those.
  • Unless a person has kidney troubles, there's no such thing as too much protein in application. In theory, certainly, but not in the real world for the vast majority of people. A normal human would get sick and throw up before they were able to eat enough to constitute 'too much'. Renal acid load is a legit concern, but…
  • 40 percent of 1500 cals is 600 cals from protein. More specifically that's 150 grams. When planning your diet I'd say to start by chosing your lean proteins figure out how many calories you will get from those sources - salmon for example has some great fat in it so getting 150 grams of protein from it will get you more…
  • MFP uses the wrong macros by default. Only perhaps an endurance athlete would want their protein that low, and even then it would only be a result of making room for carbohydrate - not because it's too much protein per se. For no adult on earth is one piece of fish twice what they should be eating. My suggestion is fear…
  • Hai. I'd like to join yall in this challenge. I know I'm a bit late, but I'll catch up. Goal is to drop 19 pounds. Current weight at 194. Also, has anyone else experienced the calorie calculator to be waaay off for them? The calc suggest I eat 1600 cals/day to lose 2lbs/wk. Last month (July) I dropped 10 pounds (to get…
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