

  • I'm trying to keep them positive and support them since it is a support group. I understand, and I DEF believe that. After week two, if they are still being negative, I'm just going to drop them from the group.
  • I think the help everyone needs is different and how people responds is different. I know I don't do well with groups like an OA. I get defensive and I don't listen. I LOVE the calorie/food tracker on MFP because I feel like I'm doing the work myself. Another friend I have refuses to count anything but is on a strict clean…
  • Yuor body could have gotten used to your routine. It's good to change up your routine every 2-4 weeks. If you are usually walking 6 times a week, change it up to walk 3 times and run 3 times or boke all 6. Either way, your body learns your habits and adjusts accordingly. That's usually what hinders weight loss the most in…
  • I just looked through your diary, and it look slike you are super high in carbs and quite low in protein. If you just started on this diet, it's going to take at least 4-5 days worth of discipline so your body can get used to this adjustment...but it looks like you went a little over yesterday, which i going to reset your…
  • I think you're missing the point of "clean." Yes you can loose weight eating pie and pizza, as long as you're watching calories, but there comes a point when your body adjust and you can't lose anymore and now not only ar eyou NOT losing, but you're adding toxins and chemicals into your body. The more original a food is,…
  • I agree wtih rmojo13 and I'm doing the same thing you are...restarting. Trying to look my vbest before I turn the big 30! Staying focused and being held accountable is the only way we cna do this. Good Luck! :-D
  • IF you want to chane the weight every day then go ahead. Try to get into a routine of weighing yourself once a week. After a gap, it's completely up to you. If it's a few lbs, I usually don't becuase I know it's water weight and sodium holding everything in due to a poor diet for that gap...once I go back on my clean…
  • Download an ap called jefit. It's a free ap that has muscle group exercises and it's like having your own personal trainer on your phone :) it shows examples and everything. You need to target one (maybe two) muscle groups instead of tryin to hit all during your workouts becuase yoru muscles needs time to recover (usually…
  • Bullying and shaming isn't the answer, but the truth and honesty hurts. No one wants to be called fat or overweight, but numbers and sizes don't lie. People know they are fat, however, It's time that society stops glorifying it. There are a number of health risks that come with being overweight and obese. Why should anyone…
  • I've had this dilema as well and have found other ways of gettin fiber into my diet. I've started putting chia seeds in my cottage cheese and protein shakes, as well as fiber powders like fiber one and such. I'm much more prone to the chia seeds as they def fill you up and are essentially tasteless and you can put them in…
  • Beautifully Stated!!!
  • The last few days were a bit of a fluke due to the holiday break and was the only week in 6 months I've gone over my calorie count. Look past those days and get back at me at suggestions please. I'm aware last week was AWFUL, and I'm not basing this post on last week, but if you wouldn't mind looking at the weeks past then…
  • yeah I'm going to try to up the calorie intake to 1500. I've noticed that over the past month I"ve def been a little more fatigued as well. So you might be right, starvation mode might be happening. Hopefully this will work! Here's hoping :) Thanks for the advice!
  • I'm a teacher so when I have 1st period off (every other day) I work ou tin the mornings, and i LOVE it way better than going in the afternoon. I've tried many times before, but this year I got really seriously about losing weight and working out, and the fact that I have a free first period...I didn't want to waste that…
  • All calories are not equal. If you are looking for weightloss, you need to unbalance your diet. More protein, WAY less carbs, and lots of healthy natural stuff. You'll start to see that you can easily get full on 1200-1300 calories of healthy eating over 1200-1300 calories of junk and processed foods. Though calories do…
  • I can always use some people to keep pushing me towards my goal :o) Feel free to add me!
  • We're all adults, totally giving up our drinking seems a little excessive, however, I will say it does hinder the weightloss process, ESPECIALLY if you're going through a plateau. You body concentrates on getting rid of the alcohol first, since it is a toxing, then once it's gone, goes back to focusing on weight loss;…
  • The 1200 cal is an average. Some days it's 1400 some days its 1000. I try not to eat back my exercise calories, but based on some of the message boards, it looks like I probably should start doing that. Is it more of just a "shock" or another "jumpstart" for my body to bust through this? I'm a teacher and coach, and since…
  • one of the hardest things for me to do was not to make up excuses for myself. If you have a goal...go for it. But don't say, "but friday there's a party, or next week is my sister's get together, or but I'm on vacation." those will ALWAYS happen and for years when I would start dieting, I would use those as excuses and it…
  • I'm the same, taco bell, a doughnut...if it tastes good, I want it! I worked really hard on my will power for two strong weeks not allowing me to have any of those items and the cravings start to subside...they don't go away, but they become smaller and way more managable. Then I don't mind allowing myself once…