Another Plateau...HELP!!!

I've stayed the same weight for an entire month!! Going up and down the same 3 lbs. I work out 4-5 days a week, do at least a 1/2 hour of weight training and cardio each session. I eat 1300 cals a day staing below 100 grams of carbs and pretty high on my protein intake...around 120 grams of protein daily. Can anyone help or give a remedy on what to do?! Def feel a difference in my body, but the scale is not moving and it was def continuously going downward throughout the summer and all the way up to October. I usually enjoy adult beverages once every other week (like a happy hour or a night on the town) but only drink vodka beer (which sadly hurts my sould because it's pumpkin beer time!) Any advice would greatly help.

Also, thoughts on seltzer water? I drink a TON of that and thought maybe that could be the hold least two 12 oz cans a day.


  • jamielynn020610
    jamielynn020610 Posts: 128 Member
    I was at 1350 calories per day and I wasn't losing. And I was also working out 7 days a week, just cardio. And I wasn't losing just maintaining. So, my doctor told me to drop my calorie per day intake back to 1200 calories a day. And of course I am now losing. Not so much the weight but inches. You may want to lower your calorie intake for 2 weeks and see what happens. If nothing happens, than move your calorie intake to 1350 for 2 weeks.

    You can add me if you want.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Your calorie choices are great, eating low carb and high protein. I've found that if you eat too few calories and doing as much physical workouts that you are doing that you should probably increase your calories slowly till you start losing wt. You need 1200 calories net a day for your body to function properly. So, if you are not consuming that amt. then you may be in starvation mode. I would increase your calorie intake 100 a day till you see some results. I really don't think that lowering your calories will help you very much.
  • yeah I'm going to try to up the calorie intake to 1500. I've noticed that over the past month I"ve def been a little more fatigued as well. So you might be right, starvation mode might be happening. Hopefully this will work! Here's hoping :)

    Thanks for the advice!