clijun Member


  • had one needed to add stopped eating deep fried foo, and stopped drinking soda.
  • i have herd of the Spartan race don't know if i up to that yet but im planning on doing bloomsday in may. i started training for it last week. its something like 7.2 miles. the most i have jogged without stopping is 3 so its going to be quite the challenge. beyond my dog i don't really have a running buddy. not sure if…
    in stuck Comment by clijun March 2014
  • 1 compliments from co-workers 2 jogging pace started around 3mph is now 6mph and i can maintain it for 2 miles 3 compliments from people an my jogging coarse.:blushing: 4 i can borrow my friends jacket and it fits 5 i can wear pants that a year ago i couldn't get one leg into. 6 my dog wears out before i do.:devil: 7 i…
  • thanks im working on it. good job on the food changes. i made a couple similar choices i stopped drinking soda all together this year. some time last year i wanted to decrease the fat content of my diet so i stopped eating deep fried food for a month now i couldn't eat them if i wanted to, all i taste is fryer grease. I…
    in stuck Comment by clijun March 2014
  • to answer your question about how many times you will have to star over. some would say as many times as nessesary. i restart every day. a friend and mentor once told me success is getting up one more time than you fell down,
  • high side not really. im 5'9'' 318 looking to be 210
    in 5'6 Comment by clijun November 2012
  • i remeber trying not to remember my childhood.
  • friday - restarting tae bo regiment going to every day because the weather went south so running on the off days is out for the duration of winter
  • ok well i dont know the specifics of it. but do know i personally cannot afford a gym membership so im sol there. i manage to workout 7 days a week though i do cardio all 7 days and a type of strength training every other day. for my stamina it has worked wonders. the strength training i do is tied in with one of my cardio…
  • nickle back. so much cuter
  • thank you all. wish i was going to pac kismet have fun and i see you the next time i see you
  • you have given me further afferimation that it can be done i will bare your story in mind. i started at 364lbs i weighd in this last sunday at 349. it is the first time in years i have been under 350
  • as a general rule over 2 hours is excessive. i do once a week work ot longer than that but is because of a sport (not one that many people think of as a sport) that i play on saturdays.
  • welcome to MFP feel free to add me i have around 180 more lbs to go. i literally am tring to loose half of myself.