Coming from other Tracking Sites

I've tried about three other tracking sites, while also doing this, but I've never been as accountable as I have been on here as with the other sites. Has anyone else had this experience? I've found this site keeps me more motivated and it has so many more free options than my other sites had that you had to pay extra to have.

Like with LiveStrong. When I first tried that website I loved it, but the more I became focused in my health and well being, the more it just set me back because I couldn't add foods to the database if what I ate wasn't there, I could alter my macros to fit my needs, it didn't have exercises I did and I couldn't add them, and to see graphs of my progress I needed to pay! I also needed to pay if I wanted to measure beyond my waist, hips, and neck! It was ridiculous until I found the wonderful MFP.

MFP allows all the things I couldn't have and I don't have to pay a single thing for them. I can monitor my weight fluctuations, I can add recipes without having to guess my calories with a limited database. I can even add as many things to measure on my body as I want to. All free.

This is the best tracking site I've ever encountered and it makes me want to keep going. Sure I miss a few days, and even when I do, I go back and fill them in if I haven't checked in. This makes me want to be honest and be motivated to be better for me so I'm happy with me. I love MFP.
