Rinny_D Member


  • I'm keen to start today :)
  • I'm on the ADOPT bandwagon. I don't support backyard breeding, I spend much of my time and money fostering rescue working dogs, but there are SO many more that aren't so fortunate. If you buy from rescue the fee is lower and most often includes vaccinations, desexing and microchipping. On the other hand, a REGISTERED…
  • I've had [congenital] hypothyroidism my whole life, been on thyroxine since 10 days old! Im now 24 (also studying midwifery) It makes all the difference in the world having the correct dose, and there is definitely a correlation between your Hypothyroidism & weight/metabolic function (as well as everything else metabolic &…
  • PS: is your 10K = 10 km or 10 miles? lol
  • Mine [race] is the following week :) But I'm in!
  • You should be VERY proud of yourself!!! Well done!! :)
  • Suppresses my appetite without a doubt! I can get away not eating for half the day if I drink it- of course I don't purposely because that is clearly unhealthy but I have noticed that sometimes it makes me not hungry to the point I forget to eat. It does help in shift work though, to not feel the need to pick at food and…
  • Just keep in mind a plateau is completely normal, natural and required to tell you and you're body that your body has become accustomed to what you were doing and to tell it to change, increase speed, endurance, , intervals, reps & sets in order to progress, become fitter, go further and continue/increase your weight loss…
  • I didn't say Bottles were WRONG!!!!!!! And this is NOT about bottle feeding mothers feeling bad- If they don't want to- Their choice... If they can't- they can't... ANd yes they probably do feel awful!! I Myself have worked with many women having breastfeeding issues, for numerous reasons. I have also worked with others…
  • [/quote] [/quote] I am glad I live here then! I just don't get why people feel like they have to be nude in those situations. Is it so terrible to wear a swimsuit? Is it really that hard? It's like people are just nude for the shock of it all sometimes. (And I'm not talking about BF, just public nudity/nude beaches/etc).…
  • Things like 'The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)' was launched by WHO and UNICEF in 1991! Because breastfeeding is a right. It's a HUMAN RIGHT to be able to breastfeed and be breastfed. When the baby is hungry ITS HUNGRY. You can't always drop everything to go HOME and feed your child so get OVER IT! If you don;t…
  • AGREEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Are you also offended when you see a calf suckling at it's mothers teats? Grow up!
  • I am a Student Midwife AND a mother. I never remember breastfeeding in public other than in mothers lounges which are like a big change room cubicle you'd see in a clothing store as I felt uncomfortable (probably due to my age at the time) but I don't think it's right that people should be made to feel like that by…
  • Depends how far under you are, I try to get to 1200 even when I am not hungry, even by having a glass of low fat milk that I otherwise wouldn't have had or a few pieces of dark chocolate. I find fruit helpful to gain calories during the day because of their natural sweetness and water content, however you could try a…
  • I wonder why they don't have to put caffeine on the nutritional information.
  • what's in these "green smoothies"? I am intrigued.
  • try typing in labour to the exercise bar and see what comes up :)
  • "...In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. While some of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine…
  • That sounds a little scary. But I get half of those problems without green tea :P Staring at a computer screen does it to me. I guess if I get worse I will have to reduce and cut down. Is it strange that the packaging says nothing about having caffeine in it? In contrast though, my other packet of "Tetley Mint Ginger" tea…
  • I like the taste of having a little bit of something to sweeten it up but don't like to use sugar if I can avoid it due to the calories. Splenda is the only sweetener I like.. Ingredients include Dextrose, Maltodextrin and Sucralose. Maybe I will try the other lipton flavours then... I just like to have the fat…
  • My HR has been know to get to 200-210 when I am running up hills (I am 23 years old) I only slow down if I get chest pain or my legs fatigue. I'm not dead yet....
  • Depends on the day. Some days I wake up and think "gee, I am so disgusting" and others I think the opposite. Today is an ugly day I think.
  • Buy peanut butter made from 100% peanuts only. That way you know exactly what you are eating and KNOW that there are no nasty additives. I buy Sanitarium !00% peanuts crunchy peanut butter (they do smooth as well). Usually found in the health-food section of your supermarket rather than the spreads isle. Happy peanut…
  • Garmin are a great brand. They can be costly though. Shop around to find a great price. I bought mine for $400 down from $500 (Forerunner 305CX) but when you get previous models or deleted/clearance stock they can be far far cheaper! The strap should fit, Mine was too big and I had to resew it, but that was no issue. Polar…
  • agreed with the above advice. 1: ALWAYS stretch thoroughly before AND after a run. 2: Don't do too much, too soon. 3: Use the first aid RICER post running R- Rest (rest after your run) I- Ice (apply ice to the affected areas) Perhaps try 20 minutes on, 2 hours off or something. Check out an athletics page for more details.…
  • if your not hungry, don't eat. You might get day's where you are starving though, and it's probably your bodies way of catching up, just like occasionally you might need a sleep in so your body can catch up it's rest. I think that as long as your eating a healthy, well balanced diet and drinking plenty of water, you are…