calthine Member


  • P90 is an intense muscle-building workout, I'd change workouts! You do need to build lean muscle to replace the fat you're losing, but you do not have to become a hard-core muscle-monkey. Go to a gym, see a trainer for advice. Also remember that the people in the videos are "pumped" and most folks don't look that muscle-y…
  • Do you eat breakfast? Eat a little something, as it helps your body not go into "starvation" mode and hoard fat. An egg. a piece of bacon. I can make an awesome breakfast sandwich for under 300 calories.
  • Thanks! I'm at the computer all night too (I work online) so auto-munching is indeed an issue. Water or tea to fill up, pre-portioned snacks, and I'd never thought of using gum to spoil my snacks, lol. This is a big help. The two Quit Pounds have started to come off, I think I'll be back on track by the new year.
  • It seems cheesy, but there is nothing wrong with writing up your affirmations and taking them to your bathroom mirror and reading them out loud to yourself twice a day.
  • Be careful your gross calories aren't too low. Also, be sure to always have a little something for breakfast! Missing both of these throws your metabolism into "starvation mode", causing your body to hoard fat against the perceived famine. Make one meal a day a huge salad. Lettuce is like 25 calories a cup, so have mondo…
  • You can do it! Just log EVERYTHING you eat and use the MFP calories goals. I'm stunned how easy this is relative to counting calories 25 years ago.
  • We need a "like" button!
  • As long as I lose a pound a week I pretty much ignore the daily fluctuations.
  • First, if you're nursing check with your pediatrician on any dietary requirements you should be getting while nursing. Folic Acid is especially important. When I started MFP it promptly cut me down to 1300 calories and I panicked. Here's a couple things that saved me: Weigh and measure EVERYTHING. I'm convinced that half…
  • We actually hunt out own meat when possible. You're a bit more thankful when you've butchered it yourself.
  • In a way both numbers are right! Stick with me here... The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. MFP estimates how active you are and to lose one pound a week lops 500 calories off your daily intake, that's all. Remember that you can eat every extra calorie you burn because your target is net…
  • This is why you measure as well as weigh :)
  • What can I say besides YOU GO GIRL!!
  • It may. How much weight are you losing a week? If it's more than a couple of pounds, you might talk to your doctor at your next med check. I'm pretty sure that Adderall is an amphetamine, and therefore an appetite suppressant, which should be making your eating habit changes easier, lol. I'd be sure to mention it to your…
  • How many calories you burn has a lot to do with your weight. I don't know if the MFP numbers for walking and such are considering your weight or not. Or whether the things you're using do. I like this site for a third-party reference.
    in HRM Comment by calthine October 2010
  • Orowheat Sandwhich Thins and Thomas Bagel Thins. I'd be lost without 'em!
  • I looked up protein because I too constantly go over. Protein-heavy foods are the only thing keeping me on-plan at 1260 calories a day. While you should of course consult a doctor, unless you have certain problems (kidneys are the one I remember) it's very very hard to overdose on protein. For my plan, Fat, carbs, calories…
    in protein Comment by calthine October 2010