I bought a Sportline S7 HRM. I walked for 30 minutes today and it gave me 70 more calories burned then MFP. THEN, I did 30 minutes on my Wii Free Step, and HRM gave me 70 LESS than Wii. Which one do I use? They wash each other out but I do not always do both.

TIA for you input!


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I have a Polar HRM and I always go by what it says, not what MFP says. In most cases my HRM says much higher than MFP, but in some, it says lower. I still go by it though.
  • calthine
    calthine Posts: 18 Member
    How many calories you burn has a lot to do with your weight. I don't know if the MFP numbers for walking and such are considering your weight or not. Or whether the things you're using do.

    I like this site for a third-party reference.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I always use my HRM numbers