
So i am prescribed it by a doctor bc i am ADD/ADHD .. this is not a debate over the over-diagnosis of the disease bc TRUST ME I AM.. and i have been taking it correctly.. i also have changed my eating habits (i hate the word diet) and have been working out everyday.. i still eat about the same but my metabolism is SOOOO FAST!!! is this going to make me lose weight faster than if i wasnt taking it just based on how it speeds up my metabolism? just curious ...


  • calthine
    calthine Posts: 18 Member
    It may. How much weight are you losing a week? If it's more than a couple of pounds, you might talk to your doctor at your next med check. I'm pretty sure that Adderall is an amphetamine, and therefore an appetite suppressant, which should be making your eating habit changes easier, lol.

    I'd be sure to mention it to your doctor if you're losing REALLY fast, just in case it's a dangerous side effect.
  • derdeb
    derdeb Posts: 1 Member
    how much have youlost on adder4847908.png
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