JessicaPiche89 Member


  • Thank you. I'll try adding more veggies and maybe some more peanut butter or almonds for more calories, too.
  • That was actually similar to what I was thinking of trying. My gym has a trainer that will help that I used Wednesday night and he mentioned something similar. Thanks!
  • So eating more is supposed to help? I've got the link up now and will read through it in a few minutes. Thank you for your input :)
  • Thank you so much :) Sometimes it is so hard to look at how far I have already came (Literal couch potato stuffing my face 24/7 to healthier eating and exercising) when things don't change as fast as I would like them to. I know I didn't get fat over night and I know it isn't going to go away over night. I forgot to…
  • I go in the settings every now and then(I did right after the loss from being sick) and readjust for the different weight. I haven't manually changed anything except the % of carbs/fat/protein that I should shoot for. I am still so new to this whole weight loss journey, so sometimes I am kind of clueless..but I am trying :)
  • I've been losing since February. I was doing stuff at home from the beginning and just joined the gym. I just changed it to where my diary is open. The main thing I am new with is going to the gym. I was doing different DVD's and walking/running for the months before that. Thank you for the link, Hendrix. I'll look it over…
  • Hello :) 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) I have 2 little boys, almost 3 and 11 months . 2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? I am pretty certain I do not want any more kids. 2 little boys are a handful enough! 3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? My…
  • To me it is very 'worth it'. I have 2 young boys and with the path that I was on, I wouldn't have lived the life I want to with them. I want to see them grow up. So yes, very worth it.
  • I just did day 2 this morning :) Feel free to add me if you like.
  • I did level 1 this morning. I hadn't really thought of really keeping on through the 30 days and was just going to do it here and there..but I need a new challenge. Why not :)
  • This is awesome, especially since I am the 'fat girl' trying to run.
  • Congrats on completing your first 5k! That is awesome! I've told a few people about it and so far no one seems to believe I can/will do it. It's really upsetting me. They all look at me like I am crazy. The only person who seems to 100% believe I can is my husband, and I'm thankful to have him to stand by me.
  • Hey, that is awesome! Great job! Hopefully I'll be there soon! I haven't really set a definite goal weight yet, but my first is to be under 200. I haven't been under 200 since being an adult that I can remember, and I want to make that goal.
  • I'm doing a modified sort of it this week before I start the actual c25k. I'm not sure I am up to 60-90 seconds yet ( I know, sad) 2.5 months ago I just sat on my butt and ate food all the time, so I have made a lot of changes with myself. I am really proud of how far I have come so far! Good job making it the 1:30! That…
  • Oh wow, thank you for all of that! I called my sister in law (who is overweight also) and she said she would like to do it with me! I had planned on signing up soon, it's called the Caraway Warrior, and is on hiking type trails, so I think my neighborhood is a decent place to train some since it is rough. I'm able to…
  • I've never been a runner, but I needed to set some sort of goal for myself. I'm in a wedding September 15th, so I want to look decent in my dress. As of right now, I can run maybe 30-45 seconds at a time. I'm VERY much a beginner. I've been working out and tracking for a couple months now which is how I am down right now.…
  • I've been doing level 1 and 2 for about a month. I know I should move on but I'm scared of level 3 ;) Anyway. I've lost over 7lbs and 7 inches doing the shred and tracking foods :-D
  • Yes, it has the chest strap with it. Also, it asked me for weight, what zone I wanted to be in and max HR, so I'm not sure if that is enough information for it to be accurate?
  • Wait, I just looked through. I didn't change my max HR in the monitor. It was on 165 and not 198 like it should be, I am sure that is something that affected it, I'm going to try again tomorrow and see what it does :)
  • It had me enter weight, MHR and the zone I want to stay in. I got this one-- I should also add that I went from not working out like ever and sitting on my butt eating to working out almost daily, eating better and just over all a better me just in the…
  • I'm 5'1 Short and round, lol
  • So, I just got my HRM in has a chest strap with it, so it should be fairly accurate, right? Well, I did the 30ds level 2 (I've been doing level 1 and 2 for a month back and forth. I think I want to try 3 sometimes soon. Anyways, I wore my HRM for the first time and burned 698 calories today. I'm 22, weigh 241…
  • I've been doing the shred through February, and for the month of February, I lost 5.8lbs and 7.5 inches doing the shred 4-5x a week!
  • Hiii :) My name is Jessica. I am 22 and I have 2 little boys (2.5 and 6 months) I've always been a big girl, but I really need to get serious about losing some weight. I've been doing the 30ds about 5x a week for a couple weeks now and I really enjoy it. I'm still on level 2. Right now stats-5'2, 243.4lbs. I do weekly…