MorissaW Member


  • I eat back at least half of my calories that I burn and I lose about 1lb per week. I burn around 1,000-1,200 in a 90 minute zumba session.
  • I try to make enough dinner to take some for lunch the next day. Sometimes I repurpose what we have. So if we have fajitas or tacos, I will make it into a salad the next day. That way it doesn't feel like I am eating the same thing over again. I have 4 children and a husband. We both work full time and lead pretty busy…
  • Popcorn popped with coconut oil is my favorite!
  • For a general idea you could log it as circut training here on MFP. It won't be 100% accurate though. The only real way to know is to get a HRM.
  • I just had mine out a few months ago. I had been having attacks and was sent in for emergency surgery. I was very ill prior to the surgery so to me, it was the best thing that could have happened. Within 2 days I was back at work again. The scars are not THAT small. I will never wear a bikini again because of my stretch…
  • I like having Kashi bars at work. I also have a stash of edamame and wasbi peas.
  • I am not sure if you consider Panera "fast food" but they have a few salads that are decent in calories. I love the Thai Chopped Chicken salad, I think it is 460 calories for the whole salad (they also sell a half version). I personally like their food over most "fast food" because their chicken is hormone free :)
  • In a decent 60 minute Zumba session I can burn around 600 calories. In a tougher class I can burn closer to 700 calories. I go to a 90 minute class and burn around 1,000 each time. I have hit 1,100 in that class before. This is all according to my HRM that I am pretty sure is accurate. I tend to subtract 100 calories. I am…
  • I use it when I go on bike rides. I really like it.
    in Endomondo? Comment by MorissaW May 2013
  • I don't think that weight is all that matters with the size of your pants. Of course some but it is not all determined by the scale. When I was at my highest weight of 195 I wore a size 14. I am at 165 now and wear an 8. I have worn a size 8 for the last 10-15 lbs. My body has changed shape more than I have lost weight.
  • We spend around $150 a week. Sometimes it is a little more and sometimes a little less. We shop Aldi's for most of our packages goods (yogurt, milk, cheese, noodles, etc). We go to the farmers market for all of our fruits, veggies, meat, eggs and butter. The $150 includes diapers for my 2 year old and any toiletries. We…
  • I am 5'6 SW: 202 CW: 165 GW; 145
  • Great job! I just started 30DS, for the 3rd time, lol. I have not gotten past L2D4. I am going to finish it this time dang it.
  • GREAT JOB! You look fantastic!
  • I am 5'6, 31 years old and weigh 162. I go hard at Zumba and burn between 500-700 calories in an hour. I wear a Polor FT40.
    in Zumba Comment by MorissaW September 2012
  • I did not read all the replies but we make black bean and corn quesadillas. YUM! Just chicken, black beans, corn, cheese a little ranch and make it into a quesadilla. I make the mix and keep in the fridge for lunches :)
  • I love Weber Marinade mixes. My favorite is the White Wine and Herb. The directions call for marinating it with EVOO and water. I just sprinkle it onto my chicken and throw it on the grill. YUM!
  • I am 31, 5'6 and 165. I wear a HRM and burn anywhere from 550-750 in a 60 minute class. I add it myself.
    in Zumba Comment by MorissaW September 2012
  • I agree, use the number on your HRM, if you have it set to your specs. I was also shocked when I got my FT7 and realized how many calories I was actually burning.
  • You look great. You have great definition in your face and you look so happy!
  • I do this and my husband and kids have no idea :)
  • I also use a HRM. I usually burn between 280-300. I usually do more cardio afterwards to get my burn to around 500-650.
  • I also did this for about 13 days, back in the spring. I am starting it again today!!! I hope to power through and make it 30 days though. I hae a wedding to go to in September and I want to look good! I figure if I power through it I will do insanity afterwards.
  • I have my cals set to 1500. I am 5'6 and weigh 160. I started at 199 and have been doing this same thing to lose. I work out about 4-6 times a week. I usually eat back around half of my cals. That is what works for MY BODY. I had to play around with it a little to see what worked for me.
  • I am a Polar FT7 fan. It is easy to program and one you do there is nothing else to do really. It keeps track of your workouts in a log, which I love. Sometimes I forget to log my workouts right away and I can go back and look at them. I found mine on Craigslist for $50.
  • I do zumba at home on the wii and go to classes. I lost 35lbs in 4 months going to 4-5 zumba classes a week. I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Of course I dieted as well.
    in Zumba? Comment by MorissaW April 2012
  • get a heart rate monitor. I have a polar ft7 and it tells me exactly how many calories I burn. I THINK that mfp ovr estimates on a lot of stuff. That being said- I think that mfp take into accoutn your height, weight and age when calculating cals burned, whereas the machine would not do that unless you put that info in.
  • It works however you want it to. A lot of people do 30 days straight and a lot of people only do it 5 days a week, making it last a little more than 30 days. The idea is to spend 10 days on each level. The first 2-3 days of each level is killer then you get stronger in the moves and can handle more. I love the 30DS! It did…
  • and that is why I hate planks! I have a bad shoulder and it irritates the injury. I try to power through them in my JM Day Shred though. Keep pulling those abs in and I bet the stronger your core gets, the less your arms will hurt. At least that is what I keep telling myself. lol
    in Planks Comment by MorissaW April 2012