
It used to be such a hot topic, but I think most people are into the JM workouts and P90, insanity and such. Can you only do zumba through classes or can you purchase it somewhere? I can't do the impact of some of the other exercise programs but my understanding of zumba is that it is basically dance which I can definitely do. Would like to hear of some opinions/successes please.:flowerforyou:


  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I have done and still do Zumba a lot.

    I have DVD's at home and I also go to a class.

    A great workout in a short period of time. I am certain that I look aweful doing it (meaning that I don't look anything like the instructors as far as my ability to "shake my booty", but I don't care, when I am done, I am hot, sweaty and tired.

    I have lost quite a bit of weight duing Zumba along with other things. I wish you luck! Zumba has a website that you can order the DVDs
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    I love Zumba. I went to classes but you can buy it for the Wii, there are also DVD's.

    You should really check it out.

  • TikishaM
    TikishaM Posts: 4
    :I love ZUMBA! It's fun, high energy, and who doesn't love to dance??!! You can purchase the DVD's and you can also check out Red Box to rent it if you have a Wii (try before you buy)

    Good luck! :happy:
  • Hey Hanna...

    I def recommend Zumba!! I have bought both dvds set they have come out with and i love them!! They have a 10-day workout that will guarantee you lose a pant/dress size! I can say..i have lost many inches and toned up alot!

    So I say...get on the computer..check the website out...and get it! Its so worth it! the music is great!

    add me if you would like!! :happy:
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I do zumba at home on the wii and go to classes. I lost 35lbs in 4 months going to 4-5 zumba classes a week. I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Of course I dieted as well.
  • dry61ed
    dry61ed Posts: 34 Member
    Zumba videos are available for purchase at the store and I see them on commercials on TV. I was doing zumba at the YMCA, but my neck and knee started hurting. It is very active with a lot of jumping as in step.
  • fitzonegirl
    fitzonegirl Posts: 26 Member
    I have done zumba and its a good workout ,but I have went to a class. I have found with exercise videos for at home that if you have carpet zumba would be hard for me to do at home with all the foot action...but thats me, other than that I believe its a great workout:smile:
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    I have found some zumba videos on Youtube with quite a variety of songs... so much fun!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I like Zumba, but Love Jazzercise. They are better trained for modifications and have more variety in both routines and music. Just my opinion.
  • I just started doing Zumba on the xbox kinect, it is A-MAZING! im hoping to see results soon cuz it is very intense but very very fun! def. recommend it if you love to dance! im a dancer and its very fun and easy!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I go to a Zumba class at my gym at least a couple times a week, I was going 5 days a week! It's so fun. I've cut back becasue I've starting to do some classes that incorporate strength training as well. I MUCH prefer to do Zumba though. Love it!!!!!
  • channel11
    channel11 Posts: 38 Member
    Zumba is a great workout, really gets the heart rate up and turns the heat on. It's a lot of fun and you can work to your own ability and push more on days when you're really into it. After 6 classed I lost 3 lbs, also watching my calories of course! Oh and the Wii version of Zumba is great too. Good luck and happy dancing!!:bigsmile:
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    I love my Zumba 2 for the Wii. Heck no I cannot do all the steps...But doing it in my living room,,,nobody knows....Its a great fun workoout and gets the blood pumping and calories burning...It tells you how many calories you burned so its easy to enter into your MFP. This morning I did a 22 minute class and burned 358 calories...now if you are lighter you may not burn as much. I am working on getting lighter. LOL...I do not jump (YET) but you can even practice the steps before you do the classes. Its fun...I try to do it in the morning and I find myself humming some of the songs and busting out some Zumba steps at any time of the day,,,,
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I am a zumba addict, no two ways about it.

    I started going to zumba some 18 months ago - just once a week at first to what was quite a slow-paced class, then that instructor was replaced by an absolutely insane woman who was fast, furious, and has become one of my best friends. I then started following her classes, and as she became more popular I was doing 5 - 6 classes a week.

    The long and the short of it? Throw in some sensible eating, some strength training and those 5 - 6 zumba sessions a week and I'm 5.5 stone (77lb) lighter, with a whole new circle of zumba friends (I've just returned from holiday with some of them; to think I didn't know them this time last year!), and the aim to qualify as a zumba instructor.

    I absolutely swear by it - you can make it as easy or as hard as you want, and I for one am always a sweaty, exhausted mess by the end of it but absolutely zinging with energy, and with a huge smile on my face.

    I'm biased, of course, but when it comes to brass tacks zumba made me fall in love with exercise :)
  • lilsaph
    lilsaph Posts: 63 Member
    I like Zumba, but Love Jazzercise. They are better trained for modifications and have more variety in both routines and music. Just my opinion.

    I too am a Jazzercise convert! Zumba is good cardio but with Jazzercise you have a resistance/ weights section which I have found has a big impact on my shape overall. If your looking for weight loss and muscle tone Jazzercise is pretty unbeatable!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Oooh, while I remember - zumbatone (zumba with weights, basically!) is great for shaping and sculpting. The routines are slowed down, obviously, but I ache suitably afterwards :)
    NELSAL Posts: 60 Member
    I like Zumba, but Love Jazzercise. They are better trained for modifications and have more variety in both routines and music. Just my opinion.
    I loved Jazzercise but when I found Zumba that was it! I loved it so much I became an instructor and have gone on to get my certification in Zumba Toning!
    Want variation in training Zumba Toning can give you that. I use weights, have regular zumba dances and a couple of songs where all you do is squats and lunges. If you can find this variation you should try it.
  • dariadoll
    dariadoll Posts: 18
    Is there an option to add zumba to your exercise diary? I can't find it! :(
    NELSAL Posts: 60 Member
    Yes you can add it under cardio. Trust me I use up over 700 calories an hour doing my Zumba Toning.
  • dariadoll
    dariadoll Posts: 18
    Thanks! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I love, love, love Zumba. It's how I lost most of my weight. I don't do it as much when it's warm because I like to get outside and hike or run, but when the weather is bad Zumba is my go to calorie burner. It is such fun!!

    There are several sets of Zumba DVDs available. On their website (www.zumba.com) they only sell the most recent. I don't know why they don't sell the older ones, but all are available on Amazon and you can probably find them used (cheaper) on sites like Ebay or Craigslist.
  • Does anyone know why Zumba isn't listed in the excercise? I go to Zumba twice a week and can't list it in my excercise. Thanks in advance!

    Nevermind I just read some posts about it. Sorry, I don't know how to delete my post now so I just had to edit it!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Does anyone know why Zumba isn't listed in the excercise? I go to Zumba twice a week and can't list it in my excercise. Thanks in advance!

    Nevermind I just read some posts about it. Sorry, I don't know how to delete my post now so I just had to edit it!

    I put it in as high impact aerobics.
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I love Zumba too. It's the only exercise that I don't mind sweating buckets over. I was going to get the Wii Zumba but was told after a while it gets really boring. I think most of the local YMCAs have classes. I'm attending classes at 2 different places 2 times a week and will add on a third day when a new class starts at the end of the month.

    Logging calories is very difficult. I found a great web site that will determine calorie expenditure based on your weight and intensity.

  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I went to my first class last week and liked it. I am not a dancer or will ever claim to be but I got a nice burn and it was a nice change of pace. I plan to go back.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Does anyone know why Zumba isn't listed in the excercise? I go to Zumba twice a week and can't list it in my excercise. Thanks in advance!

    Nevermind I just read some posts about it. Sorry, I don't know how to delete my post now so I just had to edit it!

    I put it in as high impact aerobics.

    That's what I log it as also.
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    Thank you so much ladies! I have checked the web site, a little steep for me, but kijiji has a few. Nothing here locally, St. Albert, AB, but I'll keep looking. Some of you mentioned jumping and some impact but from the sounds of it I will be fine if I don't do that. Woo Hoo! Grandma's gonna zumba!:bigsmile:
  • Cass184
    Cass184 Posts: 8 Member
    I love love love Zumba! I go to a class 3 times a week, and then I also have it for the Kinect. I can't get enough of Zumba!
  • mpeugh28
    mpeugh28 Posts: 14
    I love going to Zumba classes. Best part of my day. :) At first I was scared of not being able to move or keep up with the instructor, but she told me as long as I keep moving. After a month of going 5 days a week. I feel a difference in my energy level. I no longer feel sluggish, it is such a great feeling and to think it is just dancing.
  • I absolutely LOVE Zumba! I have it for Wii and have been doing it since January of this year. I've lost 48 lbs doing Zumba and running/walking.