thatklutzychick Member


  • I'm not a 50+ lady, but I want to share my aunt's story with you. My Aunt Gigi is 52 and completed her first sprint-distance triathlon with me and my two cousins in October. Naturally, she's built the biggest of her sisters -- she's never been considered "skinny" or much of an athlete. But in 2010, she made some drastic…
  • I cried after I finished my first tri in October. The previous December, I vowed to lose 45 pounds. Once I hit that goal in July, I wanted to pick a new goal and settled on the sprint triathlon. I can't tell you how many times I felt like the fat, uncoordinated kid in school. I can't recall exactly how many times I was…
  • I've done this before and they sometimes do. I prefer to take my knife and make a ridiculously obvious cut halfway down whatever I'm eating (including sides). If I have something like mixed veggies, I separate the single serving into two even groups slightly spaced out. Granted, this method also can get you weird looks,…
  • My dog used to be a pain too, but then I trained her to sit on her bed and stay while I work out. She gets massive amounts of her favorite treats when I'm done. Now, when she sees me putting on my workout clothes she makes a dash to her bed with her tail wagging.
  • Both AnaNotBanana and jrich1 have it right. I have knee issues when I run, but since getting fitted for a pair of running shoes, I haven't had any pain. If you go to a running store, they don't charge you any extra for a fitting and they'll truly do their best to put you in the shoe that's right for you. Even though it…
  • Find a friend (or a couple of friends) to go with you on specific days and times. I hate working out in the mornings, but it's the only time I have to go. I have one friend I work out with on Tuesdays and Thursdays and another one who goes with me on Wednesdays and the occasional Friday. It's like making plans to grab some…
  • A year should have you good to go. I'm training for my first half marathon using an 8 week program and half way in, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not shooting to have an insane time, but I feel confident I won't have to walk any portion of it. I want to do my first marathon almost exactly a year from now, but I'm leading up…
  • CONGRATULATIONS! I know that feeling really well -- I ran my first mile in July and am now training for my first half marathon in January. Your next goal should be to finish a 5k without walking. It's a little over three miles, but it's totally doable! AND if you sign up for a "race" you get a free t-shirt and get to feel…
  • I'm with ashlee954 on this. Weight ain't nothin' but a number. I've got a pretty slight frame, am 5'4" and weigh 122 to 124 depending on the day. The thing is though I'm not necessarily looking to be that weight any more, but that's what my body is toned for so I can run in half marathons and compete in triathlons. I…
  • Personally, if I were you, I'd shoot for 1lb per week because it is easier to maintain at the beginning and turn the changes you make to your diet and lifestyle into habits. To lose 2 lbs a week, most people have to make significant changes to their eating and exercising habits, which can be challenging to sustain. As they…
  • I have definitely increased my calorie intake and lost weight, but the key was maintaining my workout schedule. My friend, who's a personal trainer and in much better shape than I am in told me the following advice: Every now and then it's good to increase the amount of calories your body is consuming whether through…
  • What helped me get started with training was to set daily goals and have someone keep me accountable for them. I'd tell Sean that I was going to work out for a half hour at a certain time and though I suspect he didn't really care whether or not I worked out, just knowing that if I didn't go I'd be lying to someone gave me…
  • Homemade Rice Krispy treats are a go-to for me when I want something sweet. You just have to be careful about how big you make your slices! I use the standard recipe on Kellog's website but use margarine instead of butter and make sure I get 24 servings out of it. Each serving is 78 calories.