b/a of 50 plus female please for encouragement

I want to see what I have to look forward to. I have a ways to go and sure could use some encouragement from those 50 plus ladies who have met their goal.


  • thatklutzychick
    thatklutzychick Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not a 50+ lady, but I want to share my aunt's story with you. My Aunt Gigi is 52 and completed her first sprint-distance triathlon with me and my two cousins in October. Naturally, she's built the biggest of her sisters -- she's never been considered "skinny" or much of an athlete.

    But in 2010, she made some drastic changes. She' started eating a lot healthier and working out almost every day. Now she looks incredible. She's still what some might consider "chubby," but she's easily in better shape than most skinny people. Right now, she's preparing for an Olympic-distance triathlon, which is something that I'm nervous about trying despite being half her age. Heck, I might be able to beat her in a running race, but the lady can bike and swim circles around me because of the hard work she's put into her training.

    She doesn't have kids, but she works full-time as a pharmacist, takes in animals who are at-risk of being put down and volunteers at an animal shelter on the weekends. She's a busy gal, but she was willing to make the commitment to losing weight and getting in shape. She's really become an inspiration to me.

    If Gigi can do it, you can too. You've got a whole community on My Fitness Pal rooting for you.
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