greaseswabber Member


  • Diet Moscow mule 1.5 oz vodka, juice from one lime (~3/4 oz), 3oz diet ginger beer. Pour over ice. Gently stir.
  • I’m 22 days in to my third attempt at this. I’m not bad at losing weight when I put in the necessary effort. I lost 40lbs, gained back 30, lost it again, the gained it back. The trouble is maintaining. My goal this year is to be MUCH better at tracking and hitting my calorie goals while traveling. I travel a lot for work.…
  • I agree on the option of getting a flight. Like most have said, drink if you want to, but you have to count it. A flight lets you try a variety, while keeping the total to 30 oz or less usually.
  • I'm in the same boat. It's been a slow, steady increase. Every time i hit some new high, I thought 'this time I'll get back to MFP. This time I'll fix it.' 35 lbs later I'm actually back to logging and mostly achieving my calorie goals. No gym yet, but maybe this week.
  • One should weigh oneself as often as needed to get sufficient feedback, without causing unnecessary anxiety. I've seen people report weighing themselves as often as 2 or 3 times a day and as little as never. Weekly, daily, and monthly are common answers. I weigh myself daily. More frequent feedback is better for me.
  • All good advice above. Pre logging, higher fat and protein snacks (nuts, deli meat slices, peanut butter on celery are all things I eat), and being ok with going a little over your goal sometimes. You are set to lose 1 lb a week. That means you have a 500 calorie per day deficit. Think of your "weight loss journey" as an…
  • Good recommendations above. I like adding walnuts to things. Switching from 0% Greek yogurt to 2% or 4% was another one of the changes I made.
  • There isn't much fat in those meals. Lots of lean protein and carbs. Perhaps if you added some fat in, within your calorie count of course, it would help you feel more satisfied. Maybe some oil on your salad? Butter in your oats? A slice of cheese? I found that if I don't have at least a few grams of fat at each meal that…
  • I use either cooked or raw weights, depending on what and how I'm cooking. Eggs, pasta, veggies : usually raw. Meats: cooked weight if it is separate, raw if it's mixed. After you tare your scale with the bowl, keeping taring between each ingredient to reset to zero. Also, you can get a more accurate count of some foods by…
  • I have clothes that are still too tight, which I use as a measure of progress. But if clothes are too tight I don't wear them around. They make me uncomfortable and it would distract me from everything else to the point of frustration. So they stay in the closet.
  • The last two weeks happened. You can't change it. You can start again today by logging and getting back in to the right mindset. A small consolation, but both the big initial loss, and the big gain were probably both mostly water weight. So you are still where you started, not any worse off. When I'm not feeling any self…
  • Onions, mushroom, steak and cheese. And I've never been disappointed with LL Cool J's egg recommendation
  • Here in the US they come in a tub. I tried one and didn't like the consistency. It's too watery for me.
  • 5' 9" , 200 lb, size 36 to 38 pants depending on brand. Shirt size large, but that is pretty recent development.
  • Yes. It's still going in so it still counts. I have days that are at my TDEE. And sometimes way over. That's ok, because I can accept the lost progress toward weight loss in exchange for some brief relief from a deficit. But logging honestly is important for me.
  • Dunkin donuts in the morning and McDonald's at lunch. In order to have room for hot dogs, tater tots, and beer tonight.
  • I've never tried it, but I just read a little. It looks like a portion control plan that recommends mostly nutrient dense food with some treats thrown in. You get a "fat loss" plate that helps to guide the portion size, so you don't have weigh or count calories. I did not read enough to find out how the plate sizes differ…
  • The only thing that matters for weight loss is Calories in<Calories out. That deficit can be made entirely by controlling intake. The types of food don't matter. There is no need to cut out anything you enjoy. Just moderate consumption of high calorie foods. Exercise has lots of benefits. And while it does increase…
  • I am on my second go 'round also. It took me nearly a month of infrequent weigh-ins and partially logged days to get back into the routine. I've just reached my previous low weight after six months. Once I got started this time I found the process to be easier. You can do do this!
  • A couple of things from your diary that I noticed: Cheese - The cheese entries are exactly 1 oz. Are they single serving portions? Cheese, especially grated cheese, can be easy to underestimate. Cereal - Most Honey Cheerio entries are 35g. That would be a small amount, less than 1 cup. (0.75 cups ~ 28g; 35g ~ 0.94 cups).…
  • The difference that a food scale makes can't be overstated. If you can find a way to put aside $5 per week for a month, you won't be disappointed.
  • You won't find much support for set point theory here, as there isn't much science to it. But there is no problem with taking a break from dieting and going to maintenance. You can even increase your calories, but stay at a small deficit. Eat more and still lose weight. If you always lose weight faster than the estimate,…
  • One thing I usually bring to work trips is fruit. Catered meals are often lacking the variety and type of fruits I want to eat. I have eaten enough honeydew, cantaloupe, and pineapple fruit bowls to last for the rest of my life. Oranges, apples, peaches, bananas, berries if I'll have access to a refrigerator. Eta: grammar
  • I've lost 35 lbs in 6 months with no regular exercise. The only routine I have is walking my dog everyday. I average between 4000 and 5000 steps a day. I will occasionally do a set or two of body weight exercises. I hate pretty much all cardio. As long as I choose the right foods, I'm not hungry. I don't think this will be…
  • Excellent job so far. Keep up the the great work!
  • Found the link. That looks good. Thanks
  • Why does weight training negate the point of weighing yourself? A 500 calorie deficit per day should result in about 1 lb per week loss, if you are being accurate. You have a cheat day thrown in, so you'll need to log that as well to know for sure what to expect. For 6 weeks, you can expect to have lost 6 lbs, given what…
  • 1. My diet is very intentional and I think it about quite often as I plan out my day and week. Not thinking about my food intake is how I got fat to begin with. 2. Estimate as best you can. I don't bring a scale everywhere. But I think I've improved my ability to estimate portion sizes over time. 3. Going to bed hungry…