why am i hungry?

Ok so ive had my usual meals today
Oats for breakfast
Chicken and salad for lunch and chicken and veg for dinner
I even added a banana today which isn't usual for me
So calories are at 1354 with 256 remaining
Gym workout calories were added
So ive eaten more than usual and im sitting here hungry!!!
Is it because i know its friday? Lol
Why am i hungry when ive eaten more today?


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Did you do an extra tough workout yesterday? That does it for me. And, sometimes just hormones will cause me to be hungrier than usual. Just remember that hunger is not an emergency! Don't panic! :)
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    There isn't much fat in those meals. Lots of lean protein and carbs. Perhaps if you added some fat in, within your calorie count of course, it would help you feel more satisfied. Maybe some oil on your salad? Butter in your oats? A slice of cheese?

    I found that if I don't have at least a few grams of fat at each meal that I get hungry again quickly.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You are 250 calories under your goal. Could be one reason you are hungry. Congrats, have a snack!
  • Drink more water that helps. Ive just recently had this hunger issue.
  • tressie99
    tressie99 Posts: 16 Member
    I had the exact same issue yesterday. I usually stick to to around the same things daily since I meal prep on the weekends. I was starving just a few hours after breakfast so I ate some dried cranberries. I ate my normal lunch which left me very satisfied but just a few hours I was starving again so I had to eat a cheese stick and a few almonds. Normally I am able to go between meals with out snacking.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Eat some fat and drink some water. Cottage cheese or pb.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Got peanut butter?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Your ticker doesn't show any loss yet. How long have you been eating at 1350 and under?

    If you've been eating at this level for 3-7 days, CONGRATULATIONS for making it this far! But after the first couple days, AFTER all the excess food is out of your system and AFTER your glycogen stores have diminished, many people get hungrier than they did the first couple days. This is typically when they start binging because they've been restricting too much for the past 7 days or so.

    But you're too smart to binge, right? If 1350 is too low for you to maintain long-term, I don't know all your stats or anything, but if you've selected "lose 2 lbs per week" as you rate of loss, perhaps bump it up. And remember that under eating for a few days in a row can lead to the predicament you're in right now. Eat your allotment every day.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    I agree you need some fat. I eat 1390 calories a day when not using fit bit and I stay satisfied but I eat LCHFD. I eat a lot of healthy fats and I stay satisfied. It is worth a try. I have lost 14lbs so far and I believe the extra fat in my diet is the key. Before I tried to eat similar to you lots of veggies lots of protein and minimal fat. I was starving all the time which led to cheating and frustration causing me to give up. It is so much better this time. :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    there are days like that for me, that i could eat a horse in one sitting. I eat to my limit and sometimes at maintenance on those days. and then back to the deficit the next day
  • MrsEGreen
    MrsEGreen Posts: 53 Member
    I started this logging stuff on the 27th july
    Have been basically eating the same thing every day
    I have lost 6 kgs since the end of june
    But am only weighing in monthly

    Ive logged the mfp settings at 0.5kg per week
    Which gives me 1410 daily which i can never get to
    I havent been hungry until yesterday
    This weeks shop ill be adding healthy snacks :)
  • MrsEGreen
    MrsEGreen Posts: 53 Member
    Heathly fat snack recommendations are welcome lol
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Where are you in your menstrual cycle? My appetite goes up right before my period starts and I switch to maintenance calories for a few days.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    MrsEGreen wrote: »
    Heathly fat snack recommendations are welcome lol

    Hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, peanut butter, avocado....,
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    MrsEGreen wrote: »
    Heathly fat snack recommendations are welcome lol

    Nuts. (Don't go crazy - they are surprisingly high in calories. For example 1 serving of peanut butter (2 T / 32 grams) has 200 calories.

  • Bhlinebee
    Bhlinebee Posts: 71 Member
    Reasons that I get hungry...

    Because it's there

    Rarely is it because I'm hungry. I do also eat good fats, I think that does help. In moderation and within my calorie limits.
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    MrsEGreen wrote: »
    Heathly fat snack recommendations are welcome lol

    Good recommendations above. I like adding walnuts to things. Switching from 0% Greek yogurt to 2% or 4% was another one of the changes I made.
  • MrsEGreen
    MrsEGreen Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks heaps
    Hormones due to being near that time of the month and i didnt even realise haha
    I didnt give in fri or sat night :)

    When you say peanut butter so you mean off a spoon? Or on something?
  • I prefer my peanut butter with some baby carrots. Just raw carrots to scoop up some peanut butter.
  • MrsEGreen
    MrsEGreen Posts: 53 Member
    Id prefer it on celery :)
    Thanks heaps