krismonaco Member


  • Whatever you do, do not go so extreme that you hurt yourself and are unable to do the test. Just keep running and doing your best. The extra weighted backpack or vest might put extra strain on your body and you may injure yourself. You definitely don't want to do that with this great opportunity coming up.
  • I drank chocolate milk as a recovery drink after I did my Insanity workout and it worked perfectly fine. I am one week from being done!
  • Everything! The worst was probably an entire comforter (and everything else that was on top of it) that he pulled into his cage. Or when my other dog ate an entire bottle of midol with seriously no ill effects...she has a stomach made of steel
  • I get up at 4:45 am to do my Insanity workout. I set out all of my clothes the night before, grab a bottle of water and go. I am also trying to do the nutrition guide so I'm kind of hungry but I've been eating yogurt at night when I get home from work (around 11:30pm) and this has been okay. Hope this helps
  • Yes! You MUST watch the Princess Bride!
  • Do it--even if you know you're going to be bad log it and move on--admiting it makes it better than denying it =)
  • My face and my fingers--seriously? Not the actual problem areas like my stomach or love handles. =(
  • Jackson- part Lab part stupid Jett- part Lab part Great Dane, so smart she's stupid =)
  • Count calories and try to be healthy--don't get overly concerned with all the other stuff, as long as you stay under your calories for the day you're good.
    in advice Comment by krismonaco June 2012
  • Stop it! The worst thing you can do is feel guilty! Just log what you ate, if it wasn't that great, learn from your mistake and try to do better next time. I sometimes eat stuff I'm that's not that good for me, but as long as I stay under (or even close to my calorie limit) and exercise, it's fine. If you feel guilty and…
  • I am about the same size--I use Reebok size medium and it works well for me. I do a lot of running for my exercise. Another suggestion--wear 2 sports bras...this has worked well for a couple of my friends!
  • Ground turkey is good because its not as greasy and has a lot of good flavor. Add some chopped up jalepenos and dress it up with good condiments and it will be wonderful!
  • I'm in! I'm running right now, so I'm not sure I can do the jumping stuff but want to do the exercise and abs stuff! (I also need to do something productive rather than eating when I get home from work) I'll do what I can--go team! How do we make a group thingy?
  • Cause I'm fat. Duh...
  • People who spend 45 minutes on a treadmill in slippers or clogs and not work out clothes going 1.5 mph and hogging the machines just cause they have to be there for a class. Seriously?!? Go walk around the track and let the people who actually WANT to work out use the machines!
  • I would leave it at sedentary since you sit for most of the day, but then log your walking under exercise so you can see how much you burn. This works for me because it gives me the motivation to exercise and I don't overeat on days when I don't. Hope this helps!