

  • Ahh i didn't even think to look at that! thanks...and congrats on reaching your goal!!
  • Thanks so much! that was very helpful!!
  • My best friend wears them to work and she swears by them. I hate the feeling of ANYTHING between my toes and the thought of trying them on makes me cringe lol
  • Over estimate your calories and under estimate your work outs :-)
  • Honestly I have only done it 3 days in a row so I am not sure if I will get the results, but it gets yur heart rate up and it is in the exercises for this site so it can't hurt. Also, I have a phone with android technology and in the market place there is an app called cardio trainer I believe, it has a setting thats a…
  • I understand about not having time for the gym...running in place for 10 minutes will burn you 120-140 cals...Thats what I do :-)
  • Maybe talk to a physical therapist instead of a personal trainer? I was hit by a car when I was in 7th grade, about 10 years ago and my knee is still messed up. I had to go to a physical therapist and they taught me exercises to keep my knee pain free. Just a thought...Hope you find the answers you need :-)
  • First off, I have heard from all ends of the spectrum that night eating is bad. I do not disagree, however I am a server and I work during times I am supposed to be eating. I don't get off work till 9 or 10 some nights and I am i eat. I dieted in the spring and lost 20 pounds in a little over two months with…
  • Thanks, yea my protein has been coming from boneless skinless chicken breasts and soups that are chicken broth based. My boyfriend is in the Marines and he told me to listen to my body. Whatever i am craving is what I need. I have just been like a pregnant woman with a craving for chicken lately lol. p.s. I do have spell…
  • --CAFFEINE!! That is an old school remedy. --at the very first sign boil like a cup of water and a tablespoon or two of thyme...that didn't work for me but she swears by it. --Maxalt is the prescription my doc prescribed, i get the side effect of burning in my chest but it is way better than a migraine! --chug a couple…
  • Tomorrow is a new day! Great outlook. As far as the fasting goes, be careful. When no calories are being consumed you body can go into starvation mode and then you won't lose weight. Be healthy and you'll get your belly back!!
  • To answer how often to weigh yourselfNo more than once a week is what I have heard but I am by no means a pro lol
  • This won't be a failed attempt if you can keep up the motivation. NUMBER ONE thing in my opinion...there will be days when you go over your calories and you will feel disheartened....DONT! SPIT HAPPENS. Just track it and then let the next day be a new day. Keep your motivation and you can do anything....especially if your…
  • Way to go! Keep up the good work!
  • You can do it! I am only 23 and I have been battling with weight since high school. Once you get into the mind set its "easy" lol Things that have worked for movies with girls working hard and getting pumped. G.I. Jane is one of my favorites. Also, Keep pictures of yourself from a thinner time around the house.…