Costco Bran Muffin w/ Raisins!!!! Big NONO!

Hey guys, I was running late for work, and couldn't make my own breakfast. I'm so used to eating breakfast now, and got something from our cafeteria. I couldn't really decide what to get. Most of the breakfast option sounded not healthy. Then I saw a bran muffin. I thought hmmm...that looks healthy, so I bought and it was really good. I logged my food in for tonight, since I just got back from school and OH NO!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea 1 muffin is about 400+ calories :( Now, I"m sad. I was really hoping I can eat a late night kinda bad snack, but I'm waaaay over my limit of calories :(

I really wish I had a threadmill at home to work that muffin off, but with school ugh! I have no time for gym.


  • cmsimps27
    I understand about not having time for the gym...running in place for 10 minutes will burn you 120-140 cals...Thats what I do :-)
  • FabulousT
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Reward yourself for losing 25lbs. Tomorrow is a brand new day!
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    Does running in place really work? I can't tell without a threadmill how much I burn, but I will try to run in place, so I don't feel so bad. Thanks :)
  • cmsimps27
    Honestly I have only done it 3 days in a row so I am not sure if I will get the results, but it gets yur heart rate up and it is in the exercises for this site so it can't hurt. Also, I have a phone with android technology and in the market place there is an app called cardio trainer I believe, it has a setting thats a treadmill run and it tells u how fast you are going and how many calories you burn at the pace you are going...Hope that helps :-) And don't feel bad, everyone has slip ups
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think the tiny mini muffins are a portion size. They sell those jumbo tron ones and ppl eat them thinking they are one muffin, like bagels, one bagel is actually equal to 4. Yikes.

    Bran is good for us just not in baked good then it becomes evil somehow:laugh: :devil: :huh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    For anyone who is a muffin lover but who doesn't want to blow their calorie allotment to have one, I suggest checking out the Fiber One muffins, available in the freezer case.

    They come 4 in a pack,(individually wrapped) one muffin is less than 200 calories, and they have fiber as well as some protein. That and a (Greek) yogurt, and you have a quick filling and reasonably healthy breakfast. The muffins come in banana nut and blueberry. The blueberry tastes better to me than the banana, which to me doesn't really taste much like banana.

    Since they are wrapped, you can pop one in your bag and eat it later and they are just fine. I have kept them in the fridge for a couple of weeks, (rather than in the freezer) and they were just fine.
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    Ooooh I've never heard of fiber one muffins. I'll have to look for that. Is it available in Safeway?

    Also thanks for the tip on the android app. I'll be upgrading my phone soon, and was actually debating whether to get an android.
  • Kadeee
    Kadeee Posts: 5
    Wow ! I know it hurts but today I had a serving of chips and salsa from the TeePee restaurant and it was a whopping 540 calories!!! can you believe it?! I thought I was safe because I had 284 calories left to eat. I went over too! so I am so grateful that this is teaching me what to eat and how much I can get away with aren't you?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't shop at Safeway, so I don't know. I get them at a regional store in my area called Winco. Fiber One also makes muffin baking mix. If you can't find the frozen muffins where you are, or the baking mix, google fiber one and find the official website. I just went on there to see if there was a store locator -no- and saw that they have online ordering with free shipping, and the pricing looked fairly reasonable.

    My only regret is that I am low carbing right now, so I can't HAVE one of their muffins. In fact, to save myself from temptation, I sent the ones I still had home with a friend who was here earlier in the week:sad: :sad:
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    OMG! You must really have strong will power. My diet problem is I'll be good, and then I'll be bad for like a month.

    I have a Winco nearby as well. I don't really go there much because it's farther than Safeway, but I will make sure to come check it the next time I shop.

    Btw I :heart: you doggie avatar. Is your's a lhasa apso? I have one, and he looks similar to your dog except mine has longer legs.