

  • Welcome new members! you're going to absolutely LOVE this group :heart: I didn't weigh this morning, since I weighed yesterday, but I'm very happy about my 5 pounds :bigsmile: Also, for any of you who saw my chicken recipe I posted yesterday, you really should try it! I made it last night for dinner, and it was fantastic!…
  • Thanks Kristi and nitag, I really appreciate it! Losing weight is the best! :laugh: Yep Yep Kristi, my dad quit playing with Alison when I was little, so he could stay at home and help my mom raise my sisters and I. Now, we push him all the time to play music(which he does!). I'm very proud to say that my father is the…
  • Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well today. I'm just checking in, I had a little down time at work, so I thought I'd catch up on everyone! :happy: Went to my first water aerobics class last night, and it was so much fun!! I'm pretty excited, between the zumba and this class. With any luck, in no time that skinny "me" I…
  • Hey everyone! Dinner last night was FANTASTIC!! I found a recipe on allrecipes.com for a marinade, and then grilled some tuna. It turned out perfectly! I decided to steam some vegetables for a side, and did a mixture of broccoli, asparagus, carrots, and yellow squash. MMMMM, it was super duper good! Also, I went to my…
  • lulu, if you send me an email with your mailing address, I'll get Tom T to autograph something for you(if you want!) I'm thinking about grilling some tuna steaks tonight, but I'm not sure what goes well as a side dish with this. Any ideas???
  • Thanks Anita...I didn't even know you could buy them frozen, until today! LOL
  • I'm from Nashville, TN Hope everyone's having a great day! It's beautiful here today, sunny and mid-70s...then bring on the rain!:sad:
  • Sheila-zumba is some sort of dance exercise class. I'm going to try it tonight, so I'll let you know how it turns out! I figure it's the one class I'm least likely to make a fool of myself, but I could be completely wrong(I'm not exactly coordinated!LOL) Stillkristi- Bluegrass IS THE BEST!!! Seriously, I could probably…
  • Has anyone taken Zuma classes before? My gym offers several group classes, ranging from spinning to yoga, but most of them seem like I'd have a hard time with my knee issues. I was thinking that this Zuma class might be my only option, but I'm not sure. Just curious if anyone has tried! On a side note, and absolutely…
  • Thanks everyone for your advice, I'll definitely start doing some upper body weights. It's really bad, but I must admit that I've been paying for a gym membership monthly, and haven't been in 6 months. Until last week that is! I've enrolled in some water aerobics classes on M, W, F nights, and plan to do some cardio on…
  • I know I just joined this website on Friday, the 20th...but I started my weight loss plan on Monday, and I'm pretty excited because I've lost 3 lbs this week! I've been walking every day, and Sheila suggested water aerobics for me as well. I've got some issues with deteriorating cartilage below my knee caps, so eliptical…
  • Hey everyone! Swignal invited me to join, and I'm really excited about it...so I hope it's ok if I do! Congratulations to everyone who's already lost some weight, I can't wait until I'm one of you!:bigsmile:
  • Also, can someone tell me how to put that weight loss ticker at the bottom? I starte one, and copied it...just not sure where I'm supposed to put it!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Dara, and have a lot of work to do. I'm hoping this site will be the motivation and support I've been looking for. I'm needing to lose 80-100 lbs, so here goes nothing!