THE Team ~ Week 7~ March 20th - 26th



  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Top of the morning to you all!

    Lovely week ahead of me work:grumble: Darn finals, papers, and assignments:frown:
    Oh well, got to get at them...!

    Hope you guys have a good day. Keep fit and have fun!:tongue:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Thanks everyone for your advice, I'll definitely start doing some upper body weights. It's really bad, but I must admit that I've been paying for a gym membership monthly, and haven't been in 6 months. Until last week that is! I've enrolled in some water aerobics classes on M, W, F nights, and plan to do some cardio on those mornings. Also, think I will use Tuesday and Thursday to do some upper body that a good plan? I'm all about plans, and if someone tells me that's a good one, then I'll do it!:happy:

    That is a great plan.. That is about what I do

    On Mon Wed Fri I do cardio on the machines or walk then I do the water areobics at 4:30 mon and wed and on friday it is at 5:30 then on Tues and Thurs I do the cardio on the machines and Toning and saturday and sunday I only do cardio... so that is a pretty good good luck with the plan I am sure it will work... make sure you logging what you eat as well.. you will see the change in no time...:flowerforyou: :drinker:

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Morning Team...

    Well I am up moving around... About to head to the gym around 2pm so I can do my workout on the machines before I do the water areobics... so I need to get my breakfast going at 11 am omg I cant believe it is this late... LOL the kids all went to school and didnt even wake me up... thank God my mother was here to make sure my 8 yr old matched LOL...Talk to you guys this afternoon


    LOL my 12 year old still has her days she doesnt match up. I think she does it just to annoy me and her sister. I dunno whats worst tho...trying to make her match or having to tell her to brush her hair before she runs out the door.:huh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Top of the morning to you all!

    Lovely week ahead of me work:grumble: Darn finals, papers, and assignments:frown:
    Oh well, got to get at them...!

    Hope you guys have a good day. Keep fit and have fun!:tongue:

    Chanty... I'll trade ya!! I'll come take yer finals and do yer school work if you clean out my garage. LOL Oh wait... I better ask what your studying first.. wouldnt want ya to flunk! :laugh: :laugh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning, gang! Actually - its not all that early anymore. So, I am excited about a new week, even if it is snowing here! :grumble:

    You will remember I mentioned that last week I had a sort of crappy week, and a plateau, followed by a cheat day. I almost did not keep my food journal that day. But no, I decided - I promised myself I would keep a food journal and I am going to do so! Well, at the end of that day, when I pushed the button that gives you the news, "If every day were like today, you wold weigh xxx.xx in 5 weeks." it told me that if I kept on the way I ate that day, in five weeks, I would be right back where I started on February 17th, my first day here at MFP! Now, that was a reality check! Its pretty sobering to realize how easy it is to blow it, and how easy it is to justify a "cheat day" and make yourself feel like you deserve it, or it won't hurt, or what ever, blah, blah, blah.....! :noway: So, like I said, new week, re-dedication to THE plan.

    Chanty, hang in there, soon, it will all be a memory... Really, it will!

    Li4g, you are very perky this morning! Your butt must have had coffee?

    Dewdrop, glad you like the dancer, I am thinking of counting her calories! Seriously, I read this article the other day about people who fidgit (sp) burning as many as 300 calories a day that way. Many of my clients can not sit still, while I never fidgit, jerk, twitch, or vellicate. (New word for me, ya gotta love the Thesaurus.!)

    So, where is Anita and the rest of the AM crowd? And, CM, don't think I am not on to your cat hiding in that bag! Remember, he may be scruffy, but my cat has a gun, and he knows how to use it! We will protect our scale until the cows come home!

    Though, as I said, I'm not sure why! :tongue:

    Take care everyone.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Oh, hey, I had a question - Sheila, how many days do you do strength training? Is that Toning?
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Oh, hey, I had a question - Sheila, how many days do you do strength training? Is that Toning?

    yes the toning / strength training I usually only do it on the days I dont do water areobics and non on the weekend only cardio on the weekend... so just tues and thursday.. unless I feel like it on another day..
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    by the way Kristi ,

    I have really been watching that calorie counter but I added fiber and calcium in mine.. so I really watch everything and I dont cheat.. unless I have the few extra calories to spare like yesterday i totally didnt eat enough and my hubby brought some left over wedding cake from work it was that white cake with the rasberry filling and a cool whip frosting.. I yelled at him and said what the heck are you bringing cake home when you know I am on a diet... LOL and he got this sereous look on his face.. and he said I am sorry I wasnt thinking hunny.. I said I am just kiding.. he was like oh.. well needless to say I had one tiny square and when I put it in the computer it was 382 calories for one peice.. so I reached my 1800 calories for yesterday thanks to that cake... although I have given up my soda/pop ( MT. Dew) about 1 month now I dont drink anything but water or the water protien mixes..and no alchohol either.. and I havent ate any red meat and I think I am going to eat me a steak this weekend... LOL I have only been eating fish and chicken breast lots of fruits and veggies!!!

    now my sister she was going to the gym for about a month but she wasnt logging her food she ate and she wasnt seeing any results.. so she go discuraged and she has given up.. I tryed to get her to use this site and she refuses becasue she said she has no time.. I said you have to make time if you really want it.. and she is the one who started me going to the gym... go figure.. she doesnt like herself and the way she looks but she is un-willing to make changes... and it really bothers me.. I have even tryed to change my schedule to get her to the gym.. but she always comes up with excuses...

    anyway... sorry for venting for a few.. I really wish she would log her food and exersice and she will see results in no time... did I mention she was in the army a long time ago and she was a size 3 and I looked up to her and she was what I wanted to be when i grew up... well I would like to be her when she was in the army but now... I dont think so.. I like myself better LOL

    have a great afternoon I am heading to the gym now its 2pm and I will be back after 6pm .. i might even get in an 8 minute tan.. LOL

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning all, almost afternoon... I had a late start this morning.. The stupid cat brought a live bird into the house at 5:30 am and the bird and I collided in the hallway.. UGG, I hate that.. Needless to say the husband wanted to shoot it (bird) with a beebee gun and I said no, thats why I hid in the bathroom i didn't want to see the cat kill it, I said kill the cat, I am sick of mice, rodents, birds what ever she decides to bring in.. So we opted to get brooms and open all doors and chase it out.. Stupid cat was flipping and I mean flipping trying so hard to catch that bird.. We finally got it out and then I had a mess of feathers to clean up and then I locked that stupid cat in the garage.. I hate that cat... Then cuz I locked the dog door up one of the dogs crapped in the house so I had to clean that up.. Did I mention I just hate my animals this morning...

    I did get in 41 mins of cardio this morning and thats all.. Tonight I will have to do 100 crunches, my arms and squats... STUPID CAT!!!!!

    CM I got a picture, now I have to put it from the camera to the computer but once again i didn't have time this morning.. STUPID CAT!!!!!

    Hope you all had a better morning than me.....

    Oh and I read through the posts, thats some funny stuff you all.. I was cracking up....
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    Has anyone taken Zuma classes before? My gym offers several group classes, ranging from spinning to yoga, but most of them seem like I'd have a hard time with my knee issues. I was thinking that this Zuma class might be my only option, but I'm not sure. Just curious if anyone has tried!

    On a side note, and absolutely unrelated(but I feel I need to vent!)LOL
    I work for a bluegrass record label, and studio and for the past week we've had people in the studio recording. I have to say that, hands down, it has been the most difficult time to make the decision to be healthy. It's so hard being the only one trying to eat healthy, and there are sweets everywhere. Meanwhile, in my office, I'm enjoying a nice salad and some brussel sprouts :tongue:

    Hope everyone's doing well. I'm so much more motivated on a daily basis just from this group!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    hehehe yeah, my butt DID have coffee this morning kristi. I actually MADE a pot of coffee for the first time in 4 days. Decided I was too poor to stop at starbucks again this morning and I was up at 6:30 this morning cuz the cramps are finally gone and I slept so good last night for the first time in days. :laugh: I dont think I woke up once and I went to bed at around 10ish.

    I watched adopt4's little guys for a little bit so she could go to the chiro and get xrays. Shes gotta go back but he told her it was ok for her to walk at the gym and do the elliptical so once she was done with that we both hit the gym. I burned off 693 cals doing some arm weights and a 1/2 hour on the elliptical. I am totally in love with this HRM because now I know exactly how many I burned. I minus the number of calories I normally burn in a in an hour just sittin on my butt at home and whatever is left is what I count for exercise cals during the day. Seems to be working great! Ive noticed I have alot more energy now too since Im eating more and didnt realize until a couple days ago that I had small headaches that I thought were due to allergies, but were more likely to be because I wasnt eating enough to cover what I was burning off.

    Nita- you poor girl. I wonder how many calories you burned chasing that bird around the house trying to shoo it outside....:laugh: Sorry, but I know exactly how that is!! We live next to a county wetland area and my cat, Charlie, used to bring all kinds of critters in the house. After we got rid of the dogs, I finally took the dog door out when he brought in a wild rabbit! Talk about a fun time! I never thought Id be afraid of a little bunny foo foo, but I was terrified that It would try to bite or kick the crap out of me if I picked it up since it was a BIG rabbit and was scared and obviously tramatized. I ended up opening all the doors and kickin the cats to the garage and it eventually made its own way outside... poor thing.

    Anyway.. Im off to shower (cuz i stinky!) and then head down to the inlaws to visit. My MIL has been calling me bugging me to come see her since hubby left and I finally caved this morning and agreed to go visit for a little bit. Shes super sweet, but also drives me a bit crazy. :frown: Shes one of those old school german mother in laws that always tries to stuff your face anytime you are around her. Good thing I already ate lunch!!! :bigsmile:

    Talk to ya all later!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Anita, good to see you! Sorry about the bird episode. My cats do the same thing! I totally think you should count those calories! Good one Li4g. Swignal, sorry about your sis! You can't do it for her - just ask MY sis, who has given me every diet book on the market for Christmas for the past ten years! A couple of years ago, she even offered to train me (personal trainer style that is) for free. You know how that kind of help goes!


    Well, now, I am finally using her help. I guess your sis has to do it in her own time and her own way, just like you and I. :ohwell:

    Dwray, sorry about your knees! And your non helpful co-workers! Luckily, mine are extremely supportive. Hey, bluegrass! What a great job! I am waiting for you to introduce me to Alison Krraus! :wink:

    Well, everyone - catch ya later! :bigsmile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, gang, tweber posted this in another thread. Its well worth reading:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

    Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

    Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

    A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.

    Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,106 Member
    ..and it is in my "links" thread below my ticker.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Kristi and CM, thanks a lot for pointing this out. I need to find a way to overcome fatigue, dark chocolate seems rather like an excuse to snack on something :ohwell: . Did anyone else notice that on the days when they binge (to any degree) they drink less water? I did!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Well good evening Team..

    I got home from the gym and hubby had dinner ready for me to eat.. He made chicken and shrimp fajita's along with spanish rice and steamed cabbage.. It was a soo yummy.. I just want to give hubby some props for sticking by me and my healthy eating and cooking the way I can eat it... He is just wonderfull..

    i must say when I went back to college a few years ago he would complain when I was at class all day and he hated when I had my night classes.. but He dont say anything about me going to the gym and being gone for hours at the gym... hmmm not sure why but I think I am going to ask him that question this evening ...

    I had a good day at the gym I did 1 hour on the eliptical I did 25 minutes on the weight loss program and 25 on the cross trainer and 10 on the high elivated whooo then i went in the pool for my 1 hour of water areobics.. there was some new girls that joined our water areobics class and they had me cracking up... cuz we do like 100 crunches at a time in the water and she was like we arent going to 100 are we... LOL she was trying to give up several times and I was like you can do it you just got to get use to it.. she ended up staying for the hole class and after she gave me a hug and said thank you for helping her... I said no problem it gets easier as the days go by.. she said she was coming back on wed.. Well I will tell you wed if she comes back LOL...

    anyway have a good rest of the night Team.. Hope your day were all good..
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Has anyone taken Zuma classes before? My gym offers several group classes, ranging from spinning to yoga, but most of them seem like I'd have a hard time with my knee issues. I was thinking that this Zuma class might be my only option, but I'm not sure. Just curious if anyone has tried!

    On a side note, and absolutely unrelated(but I feel I need to vent!)LOL
    I work for a bluegrass record label, and studio and for the past week we've had people in the studio recording. I have to say that, hands down, it has been the most difficult time to make the decision to be healthy. It's so hard being the only one trying to eat healthy, and there are sweets everywhere. Meanwhile, in my office, I'm enjoying a nice salad and some brussel sprouts :tongue:

    Hope everyone's doing well. I'm so much more motivated on a daily basis just from this group!

    I have never heard of Zuma could you tell me what that is I just might have to look it up and try it...

  • healthymom2009
    Sheila - way to go on the exercise!!

    Anita - As a child, I watched our dog on the farm catch birds. That was enough for me!

    I had a good gym day too: sit ups, push ups and 45 minutes of running intervals on the track. I actually have 300 calories left over after supper. :noway: Hmmm...have to eat those exercise calories.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Check out Zumba on youtube:

    It looks like sooooo much fun!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    I just wanted to share one more thing... my hubby was sitting in the recliner and looked over at me and said hunny you look beautiful today.. awww he just makes me feel good.. I asked him if he was saying that cuz he wanted something.. LOL he said no I just think your beautiful.. what a sweetheart..
