THE Team ~ Week 7~ March 20th - 26th



  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    You guys are so great - I love reading your posts - it's like meeting up with a bunch of friends for a (light) beer after work and getting all caught up.:drinker:

    CM - your posts are thoughtful and thought provoking and I just can't tell you how much I appreciate them.

    Kristi - Pretty soon after I logged on I stepped in some horse hockey, and I'm thinkin' I have to blame that on you - and then a stinkin' tumble weed blew in and stuck to my hair. I was using a lot of hairspray today so really, there was just no budging it but then - strangest thing! A moose comes along and kicks it out!!! :noway: I'm sorry you had a rough week, I hope the time with your mom and sister restored you to some degree. How nice that you live close enough to have lunch together. Give yourself some TLC ~ you deserve it!

    Chantybear - Saturday school? Ick! Well, good to see you making the best of it!

    Sheila - You rock beyond rockage friend!! You are setting such a beautiful example. I'm glad the first part of biopsy went well, keep us posted and I'll keep you in my prayers.

    Anita, adopt4, Kristi ~ anybody got tremors from scale withdrawal yet?

    Zano - way to stick with your goals! You are doing great!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Tremors - I love that movie.

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Oh yeah, and the scoop from last night is this:

    My son's band "Learn to Love It" was sooooooooo great!!!! There was a super turn out including a ton of his friends from high school - and even a bunch of parents of friends. We had so MUCH fun!!! My son was in HEAVEN and the stage was pressed with fans screaming and reaching up toward him and jumping up and down and waving their arms about ~ people were dancing and smiling and joyful and my own smile hurt my face and I could barely see for the tears in my eyes because I was so proud of him and his beauty and talent and graciousness ~ it was amazing! And okay, I'll stop.

    I thought of a reference for his type of music though, it you're at all interested - think Jack Johnson or Jason Mraz with a heavier funk sound or base beat and there you have it (ish).

    So, last night in a club until 2:00 a.m. listening to my son, then tonight in a church all night listening to my husband ~ he is the lead singer in a Southern gospel group (we met 25 years ago this month when he sang at my church and we married 3 months later:bigsmile: and no, I wasn't pregnant! and I can't believe how many people actually ask me that:ohwell: )

    Anyway, instead of bar-hopping this weekend, I went club-churching. I'd say that makes me pretty well balanced.:glasses:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: - kristi, if that's your scale outside the door, it will be really easy for me or cmr to snatch it!!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I love Jack Johnson! Darn scale, can't seem to find it anywhere...:huh:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Kristi - I saw the word Jack and then my eye skipped to the capital D ~ and my dyslexic brain read "Jack Daniels" so therefore, I thought you had written "I love Jack Daniels", and I was thinking: "hmmmmm, I'm not sure a substance abuse counselor should post that":huh: , but then I realized I had just misread ~ silly me.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    gotta go doe doe (Cajun for night night, but spelled phonetically):yawn: :yawn:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Lulu, church-clubbing sounds well rounded indeed. No Jack Daniels, thank you very much. 32 years of sobriety. Come to think of it, that's about when I started to gain weight. Interesting. Trading one addiction for another!

    Sounds like you had a GREAT night being a proud mom. I would love to hear some of his stuff. Any youtube moments, or do I need to wait for the wedsite?

    Well, good morning to everyone else. I am off to go church-churching. Catch ya later!

  • prayerfulmom


  • prayerfulmom
    OK, read through the post for my morning gigle. Have to post quick and get to church.

    Yesterday I got in a 15 mile run. Hubby was suppose to lead a bike ride after church but has to work. Pray for me 'cause my legs are sore today. I've got to pull off about a 25-35 mile ride today. I was secretly praying for the rain. But its as clear as could be. :sad:

    Gave up diet soda. Decided to move away from the chemical sweetners. My drinks now are only water, coffee, and tea. Made me think of it while reading through the thread and reading dr. pepper. Oh what a fan of DP I am.:cry:

    Love to hear everyone who's setting the scales aside. Makes it easier on my decision and helps me not succumb to my addiction.

    Have a blessed day ladies and gent.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    OK, read through the post for my morning gigle. Have to post quick and get to church.

    Yesterday I got in a 15 mile run. Hubby was suppose to lead a bike ride after church but has to work. Pray for me 'cause my legs are sore today. I've got to pull off about a 25-35 mile ride today. I was secretly praying for the rain. But its as clear as could be. :sad:

    Gave up diet soda. Decided to move away from the chemical sweetners. My drinks now are only water, coffee, and tea. Made me think of it while reading through the thread and reading dr. pepper. Oh what a fan of DP I am.:cry:

    Love to hear everyone who's setting the scales aside. Makes it easier on my decision and helps me not succumb to my addiction.

    Have a blessed day ladies and gent.


    Ok, I am having serious scale withdrawls... Its ok, I know the shakes will pass and lets not mention the night sweats... Kidding.. Actually I am doing ok without it.. Last night when I got up and my pants fell down the Evil Scale Snatcher (husband) said you need a belt.. I said no I need smaller pants... :laugh: we both laughed and he told me how proud of me he is but he still isn't giving me the scale back till Friday morning... I think it's a wise decision. He is right as well as CM, we become to focused on the number and not what were doing and oh boy am I so focused on that number...

    Yesterday was my day off from exercise and you know I always feel so guilty... I hope that passes.. Today I will rock that treadmill "smile"....

    Prayerfulmom, I have also given up soda.. I only drink water with lemon, plain water, Ice water, room temp water, bottled water, minden tap water and coffee.. I don't even do tea anymore... But I sure have a lot of choices in water...

    OMG I bought strawberries the other day and last night since I had that stupid JITB breakfast burrito I decided to eat light and I sliced those up and they were so good. First time I've had strawberries in a long long time... Today I am going to be good.. I don't want CM to get me with that *kitten* ever again...

    CM I am going to get that new pic taken today.... I will post it tonight or tomorrow....

    Kristi I need your posts.. They seriously make me laugh...

    LI4G, Adopt4, Chanty, Get Fit. Sheila, Zano, Lulu and the rest of ya... hello and I hope you've had a great weekend so far...

    I am off to start my day....

    Talk to ya all later...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Oh yeah, and the scoop from last night is this:

    My son's band "Learn to Love It" was sooooooooo great!!!! There was a super turn out including a ton of his friends from high school - and even a bunch of parents of friends. We had so MUCH fun!!! My son was in HEAVEN and the stage was pressed with fans screaming and reaching up toward him and jumping up and down and waving their arms about ~ people were dancing and smiling and joyful and my own smile hurt my face and I could barely see for the tears in my eyes because I was so proud of him and his beauty and talent and graciousness ~ it was amazing! And okay, I'll stop.

    I thought of a reference for his type of music though, it you're at all interested - think Jack Johnson or Jason Mraz with a heavier funk sound or base beat and there you have it (ish).

    So, last night in a club until 2:00 a.m. listening to my son, then tonight in a church all night listening to my husband ~ he is the lead singer in a Southern gospel group (we met 25 years ago this month when he sang at my church and we married 3 months later:bigsmile: and no, I wasn't pregnant! and I can't believe how many people actually ask me that:ohwell: )

    Anyway, instead of bar-hopping this weekend, I went club-churching. I'd say that makes me pretty well balanced.:glasses:

    That is funny I met my husband on Vacation In jamaica he was my waiter and I worked for the airlines at the time so I could go when ever I wanted.. me and my friend went Feb 9th 2000, I met him feb 10th 2000..When I left the first time I went back 3 weeks later and we decided we didnt want to be apart anymore and we planed our wedding for May 20th 2000... We are now going on our 9th wedding aniversary and still maddly in Love... he has been by myside with all my sickness and my gaining of my wieght and my mood swings.. I swear God sent him to me from up above.. cuz I love his family just as much as him.. They all treat me and my children wonderful when we go back.. I still cant believe it will be 9 years it really seems like yesterday we met.. We said when we reach 10 years we would renew our vow's I really want to do it in Jamaica on the beach this time... and that is one reason I need to be so determind to loose weight so I can look good in that dress on the beach!!!! and strut myself on the beach LOL.. We did meet in Feb and I got pregnant in March married in May and had our daughter together in November... but she is a blessing...# 4 for Me...

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Prayerful ~ good for you for giving up soda! You make me proud. I gave up DP the day I start MFP on Jan. 7. I was a heavy drinker - 4 to 6 cans a day! I very rarely now have a diet 7up, like once every week or two ~ but really, stick to the array of water beverages Anita mentioned as well as green tea. I love fruit in my water: lemon, lime, orange, mango.... mmmmmm.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    My son's band "Learn to Love It" was sooooooooo great!!!!

    Been wondering about it. So happy it went well. But you've got to give us the link to their website, when they've got it up and running. You just have to! :tongue:

    So this is how a happy and proud mum looks like, huh? :wink: I sure hope I'll able to make my mum at least half that happy. :flowerforyou:

    Sheila, so happy about your news too - glad it all went well at the doctor's. And, hey, having him say "WOW" at your weight progress is... WOW!!! :happy: . :drinker:
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    I know I just joined this website on Friday, the 20th...but I started my weight loss plan on Monday, and I'm pretty excited because I've lost 3 lbs this week! I've been walking every day, and Sheila suggested water aerobics for me as well. I've got some issues with deteriorating cartilage below my knee caps, so eliptical and running are out of the question for me! Any other suggestions? Thanks everyone, you guys are great!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey all!

    Well... yesterday my daughter had her 1st track meet for the year. Her team did great in the 4x relay and took 5th out of 12 teams racing. She ran her mile in 5 minutes, 30 seconds which is just 20 seconds shy of the school record. Im so proud of her! She didnt do so good running the 800 tho. She hurt her back at some point during her warm up and finished 8th. Not her best and she was disappointed she didnt do better since that was the big event she was waiting for all day. Anyway, her back is killin her and her coach thinks its her hip flexor muscle. Poor child has to have my genes.. :grumble:

    My youngest daughter went to a sleepover last night and the oldest went out with her friends to eat dinner after the track meet, so I decided to take my son out for dinner. We went for mexican food at a restraunt within walking distance of the house and I got some steak fajitas (and brought home at least 2/3 of my order to have today for lunch) and drank 1/2 a carafe of sangria. I havent had alcohol in a long time, and they make thiers themself so it was reallllly good and definitely a good thing we walked!! I was a bit happy by the time we left..:laugh:

    I slept good last night. The neighbors behind me were having a party and being loud so It was hard to get to sleep. I didnt complain tho cuz god knows we have some loud ones during our summer bbq's and these are the nice neighbors.. lol! Anyway.. I woke up about 5:30 this morning and forced myself back to sleep. Woke up around 9am and by 10ish I was talking myself out the door to go to the gym. I did weights for 1/2 hour and then spent 1/2 hour on the treadmill and my hrm said I burned a whopping 1019 calories total. WHOA! How on earth Im gonna eat all those today is beyond me!

    The rest of the day is a lazy day. Im babysitting till 9 tonight and my daughter is recuperating and being lazy with movies and a ice pack. I stopped at starbucks for a skinny mocha with no whip on my way home. Just too lazy to make coffee today and it sounded good. I have some cleaning to do later, but for the moment, Im lounging and being lazy myself with motrin and the heating pack trying to ward off aunt flo's cramp curse. :sick:

    DW... congrats on the 3lb loss!! That is GREAT!! As for working out with the knee issues...slow and steady wins the race. Do whatever doesnt cause you pain. Water aerobics are great for you since it is low impact. I love them since its not a sweaty workout but I do really feel it once Im done. Its great that you are walking every day too!! The elliptical is hard at first, but actually less impact than the treadmill, so when your ready for a change in routine you might try that out too, but again.. do whatever doesnt hurt you.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Wow, LosingIt, you sure THE! :laugh: (Try Hard Everyday, I mean :flowerforyou: ) Tell our daughter peeps on MFP are proud of her and WOW, isn't she great! :flowerforyou: As for hurting her back, poor thing :cry: - I'd say she left place for improvement :wink: and next time she'll just do better! Bottom line, well done! and you're a terrific mom!

    DW, well done on the 3lbs! This is great! :flowerforyou: Are you going to the gym? I'd think weights for the upper body should be fine, right? I know cardio and sweating is what we all want to do to melt those pounds, but what you want after all is to be fit, right? Maybe ask a trainer at the gym? They should know.

    I went jogging. Running is GOOD (though I sometimes find it boring, but sometimes just challenging to keep on running when you feel like stopping). However!, running on an empty stomach is not the best thing ever :angry: So it doesn't feel as great as it should afterwards, but still... I am happy to have done it :).

    Have a nice Sunday, everyone, and keep THE! :happy: (Trying Hard Everyday :glasses: ).
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Awwww.. dewdrop... thanks! I love being a mom... my kids are good kids and make it fun :happy: I will definitely pass the message on to Shelby (my daughter). She likes to know people are cheering her on! Im gonna sign her up on MFP so we can make sure she is meeting her food goals. She definitely doesnt need to lose any weight but It would be a good tool for her to use to make sure she is getting the nutrition she needs since she is running alot.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK, read through the post for my morning gigle. Have to post quick and get to church.

    Yesterday I got in a 15 mile run. Hubby was suppose to lead a bike ride after church but has to work. Pray for me 'cause my legs are sore today. I've got to pull off about a 25-35 mile ride today. I was secretly praying for the rain. But its as clear as could be. :sad:

    Gave up diet soda. Decided to move away from the chemical sweetners. My drinks now are only water, coffee, and tea. Made me think of it while reading through the thread and reading dr. pepper. Oh what a fan of DP I am.:cry:

    Love to hear everyone who's setting the scales aside. Makes it easier on my decision and helps me not succumb to my addiction.

    Have a blessed day ladies and gent.

    Good for you mom giving up the soda!! Im not much of a soda drinker myself and never was a diet soda drinker. Now I only drink diet dp every great once in a 1 every couple weeks. Im with you on the water & tea. I barely drink coffee anymore since hubby is gone. Even when hes here I only drink 1 a day but Im finding it easy not to drink any... mainly cuz Im too lazy to make it :laugh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, gang - I have discovered something many of us have in common! Dr.jpg

    Prayerful, sorry about the lack of rain, we had it here, and I would have prefered to send it your way. We are susposed to have snow tomorrow, though yesterday, it was about 75 degrees. Welcome to SLC weather!

    Anita, cracking me up!! You have more kinds of water than Forrest Gump has shrimp.! How are the scale withdrawals going? scales-2.jpg Ride the crave, it will get better. However, I've got some bad news for you....... The night sweats are hear to stay, girlfriend! Let me introduce you to some friends of mine......... dwarfs.jpg Yeah, good luck with that!

    Swignal, I love your love story! Its nice to hear a happy story once in a while! Actually, from what I gather, all you married types are pretty content in your relationships. Thats very nice!

    Dwray - smiley_aakq.gif

    Everyone else, time to check in and tell us what you are up to !!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Almost forgot, li4g, congrats to our running girl! Sorry about the visit from aunt flo. Though, the alternative is my seven aforementioned friends.......